This class was created by Brainscape user SailorCosmos 💖. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (111)

Unit 1 Lesson 1: Welcome! (vocab)
study the vocab of the lesson
27  cards
Unit 1 Lesson 1: Welcome!
study the informative parts
13  cards
Unit 1 Lesson 2: Mis Clases (vocab)
El boligrafo 1,
La carpeta 2,
El estudiante la estudiante 3
31  cards
Unit 1 Lesson 2: Mis Clases
What is the geography of spain li...,
Where is spain located 2,
What is a popular mean of transpo...
19  cards
Unit 1 Lesson 3: Let's count! (vocab)
Que hora es 1,
Es la una 2,
Son las y menos 3
105  cards
Unit 1 Lesson 3: Lets Count
When referring to time up to the ...,
Southern vs northern hemispheres 2,
What are cognates 3
4  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 1 Mis actividades (vocab)
Correr 1,
Dibujar 2,
Escribir cuentos 3
18  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 1: Mis actividades
In spanish there are several diff...,
What does the verb gustar really ...,
What is las casas de cultura 3
7  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 2: Mis amigos (vocab)
Bailar 1,
Montar en bicicleta 2,
Leer revistas 2
28  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 2: Mis amigos
Where is flamenco from 1,
Where is the flamenco music inspi...,
What are charaterisitics of flame...
19  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 3 : ¡Me gusta!
How do you regonzise spanish verbs 1,
The majority of the verbs are in ...,
Geography of central spain 3
21  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 4: ¿Me gusta o no me gusta? Vocab
Ni ni 1,
Pues 2,
A mi tampoco 2
6  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 4: ¿Me gusta o no me gusta?
Look at the examples here look at...,
How to make spanish words negative 1,
How to make a sentence negative 2
24  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 1: ¿Cómo soy? (vocab)
Bueno buena 1,
Deportista 2,
Estudioso estudiosa 3
23  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 1: ¿Cómo soy?
What adjectives do not change in ...,
Describe the importance of family...,
Importnace of religon in thespans...
14  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Como eres (vocab)
Como eres 1,
Como es 2,
Como se llama 3
18  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Como eres
What elements of other dnace does...,
Why is salsa called salsa 2,
Who are some famous spanish salsa...
14  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 3: Adjetivos y artículos (vocab)
A veces 1,
Muy 2,
Pero 2
11  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 3: Adjetivos y artículos
Why are defintie articles used 1,
What are the pan american games 2,
What year did the pan american ga...
15  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 4: Para usar los adjetivos (vocab and grammar)
Remember that sometimes the adjec...,
When does muy come in a setence 2,
Bueno buena 3
26  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 5: Review of ¿Cómo somos? Quiz
Remember that in english and span...,
When using the verb gustar where ...,
We can also talk about what diffe...
9  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 1: Mi dia (vocab)
El almuerzo 1,
Arte 2,
Ciencias naturales 3
23  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 1: Mi dia
Simalirties of age requiment in p...,
What age mush people go to school...,
Blank 3
3  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 2: Las clases (vocab)
El horario 1,
En la hora 2,
Primero primera primer 3
26  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 2: Las clases
Popular after school activites in...,
Popular after school activites in...,
Are school buses common in purto ...
5  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Pronouns (vocab)
El 1,
Ellas 2,
Ella 2
19  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Prnouns
What is one of the oldest high sc...,
Why is the architeture of miami h...,
What percent of people that go to...
8  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 4: En la clase (vocab)
How to conjucate verb that ends w...,
Conjucation of verb hablar 2
2  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 4: En la clase
What was jamie escalnete s early ...,
What was gardeild hgh school in l...,
Tell me about how escalnete class...
9  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 5: Repaso de Mis Clases
How do graudation cermoinones in ...,
Here are some aspects of the grad...,
What do majoirty of students in h...
9  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 1: Aquí estudio (vocab)
La bandera 1,
La mesa 2,
El cartel 2
15  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 1: Aquí estudio
What months do childeren in costa...,
In costa rica who is free public ...,
In costa rica school in the morin...
15  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 2 ¿Dónde está? (vocab)
Al lado de la del 1,
Alli 2,
Aqui 3
15  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 2 ¿Dónde está?
Describe the usage of donde 1,
What do all interrogative or ques...,
Usage of del and de la 3
32  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 3: El verbo estar (vocab)
Estar 1,
Estoy 2,
Estas 3
11  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 3: El verbo estar
Estar vs ser 1,
What is the main purpose of the v...,
Where is the amazon rainforest 3
15  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 4: El plural (vocab)
Los las 1,
Unos unas 2,
The singular 3
18  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 4: El plural
Does the word hay change 1,
What was the first territy to rsi...,
Who s miguel hidalgo 3
41  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 5: Repaso de A estudiar (vocab)
La bandera 1,
El cartel 2,
La computadora 3
23  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 5: Repaso de A estudiar
Traditionally many spanish speaki...,
Education latin america vs los es...,
What was juan ramon jimenez best ...
11  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 1: El desayuno y el almuerzo (vocab)
En el desayuno 1,
El desayuno 2,
El cereal 3
46  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 1: El desayuno y el almuerzo
How to distnigusih plantain and b...,
Is the word el agua femine or mas...,
What is common in every breakfeas...
14  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 2: ¡Me gusta! (vocab)
Nunca 1,
Siempre 2,
Todos los dias 3
19  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 2: ¡Me gusta!
If you want to say that something...,
What are empanadas 2,
Do empanadas vary from country to...
30  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 3: Comer y beber (vocab)
Como 1,
Comes 2,
Comemos 3
21  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 3: Comer y beber
What are the similarites between ...,
What do people eat in argentina f...,
The custom is similar throughout ...
20  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 4: ¡Me encanta! (vocab)
Me te encanta n ___ 1,
Me te gusta n ___ 2
2  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 4: ¡Me encanta!
Although many sentences in spanis...,
The six indirect object pronouns ...,
Sometimes it is not clear who is ...
30  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 5: Repaso de Mis comidas
What are paches and what country ...,
What are hallacas and what countr...,
What is asado what country is it ...
15  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 1: La comida y la salud (vocab)
La cena 1,
El bistec 2,
La carne 3
25  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 1: La comida y la salud
What are tapas 1,
A synonym of beber 2,
Other verbs related to food and t...
37  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 2: Comida y ejercicio (vocab)
Tengo sed 1,
Caminar 2,
Hacer ejercicio 3
38  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 2: Comida y ejercicio
Are smoothies common in spanish s...,
The places these delicious drinks...,
Is soda common in soanish speakin...
15  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 3: Para estar bien (vocab)
Sabroso sabrosa 1,
Sabrosos 2,
Sabrosas 3
24  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 3: Para estar bien
The basic rule for making nouns n...,
How to make a noun plural the end...,
How to make a noun plural that en...
35  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 4: El verbo ser (Vocab)
Ser 1,
Soy 2,
Es 3
35  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 4: El verbo ser
Ser is used to express 1,
What are the contents of asado an...,
What does asado refer to 3
12  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 5: Repaso de Comida y Salud
The nevado ojos del salado 1,
El parque nacional lauca 2,
Los torres del paine national park 3
5  cards
Unit 8 Lesson 1: ¿Me quedo en casa? (vocab)
No me digas 1,
El cafe 2,
El parque 3
9  cards
Unit 8 Lesson 1: ¿Me quedo en casa?
El parque central simon bolivar 1,
Celebrating el corpus cristi whic...,
What is a plaza 2
10  cards
Unit 8 Lesson 2: ¿Cuando? (Vocab)
El campo 1,
La iglesia 1,
Las montanas 2
13  cards
Unit 8 Lesson 2: ¿Cuando?
How are weekends in puerto rico t...,
What is the puerto rican family s...,
Compadre in cuba 3
10  cards
Unit 8 Lesson 3: ¿Adónde vas? (vocab)
A 1,
Adonde 2,
A la al 3
18  cards
Unit 8 Lesson 3: ¿Adónde vas?
How many contractions are in span...,
What do contractions involve 2,
Spanish a written contraction onl...
41  cards
Unit 8 Lesson 4: Preguntas (vocab)
Con quien 1,
De donde eres 2,
A casa 3
18  cards
Unit 8 Lesson 4: Preguntas
Here are two common characteristi...,
Accents in question words 2,
How is a question word pronounced 3
22  cards
Unit 8 Lesson 5: Repaso de mi tiempo libre
In what places is la jineteada ga...,
What does jineteada mean 2,
What does doma mean 3
14  cards
Unit 9 Lesson 1: Con mis amigos (vocab)
El baile 1,
La fiesta 2,
El concierto 2
36  cards
Unit 9 Lesson 1: Con mis amigos
In chile how are sports organzied 1,
What is the most popular sport in...,
Futbol may be king in most of lat...
23  cards
Unit 9 Lesson 2: ¿Te gustaría? (Vocab)
Ir 1,
Vas 2,
Voy 3
25  cards
Unit 9 Lesson 2: ¿Te gustaría?
In spanish there are two ways to ...,
How is the informal future formed 2,
Informal future forms 3
14  cards
Unit 9 Lesson 3: ¿Qué vas a hacer?
What s un hincha 1,
How does un hincha present themes...,
How does a true hincha behave 3
18  cards
Unit 1 Lesson 1: Mi cumpleaños Vocab
Grandparents 1,
Grandfather 2,
Grandmother 3
51  cards
Unit 1 Lesson 1: Mi cumpleaños
Two different kinds of party favo...,
What do party goers receive 2,
Handmade pins as a party favor 3
18  cards
Unit 1 Lesson 2: El verbo tener vocab
To have 1,
To be warm 2,
To be cold 3
10  cards
Unit 1 Lesson 2: El verbo tener
How to use the verb tener 1,
Importance of celebrationsin the ...,
Faimly events that are celecrated 3
15  cards
Unit 1 Lesson 3: Los adjetivos posesivos (vocab)
My 1,
Your 2,
Your formal his her its their you...
7  cards
Unit 1 Lesson 3: Los adjetivos posesivos
Remember that adjectives in spani...,
What is el dia del santo or onoma...,
How are peopel greeted on el dia ...
12  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 1: En el restaurante (vocab)
Tall 1,
Short stature 2,
Short length 3
54  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 1: En el restaurante
When does mothers day take place ...,
Sonaush mothers day vs usa mother...,
Why is mother s day may 15th in p...
15  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 2: El Verbo venir (vocab)
To come 1,
I come 2,
You come 3
13  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 2: El Verbo venir
What is the capital city of parag...,
Where is san lorenzo 2,
What is the food of san lorenzo l...
18  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 3: Los verbos ser y estar (vocab)
To be temporary characteristics o...,
To be permanent characteristics o...,
Verbo ser i am 3
14  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 3: Los verbos ser y estar
When is the verb ser used 1,
When do we use the verb estar 2,
Where is nacunday national park l...
12  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 1: Me gusta mi dormitorio (vocab)
Rug 1,
Closet 2,
Bed 3
44  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 1: Me gusta mi dormitorio
What is the size of house in boli...,
In bolivia some homes boast a col...,
What do homes look like in the ci...
20  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Comparaciones (Vocab)
To the right of 1,
To the left of 2,
Better than 3
30  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Comparaciones
What instruemnts are in andean bo...,
Where is the orgin of saya music 2,
Saya is a mix of what rhythms fro...
22  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 1: En nuestra Casa (vocab)
Apartment 1,
Stairs stairway 2,
To help 3
41  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 1: En nuestra Casa
If someones says el casco viejo e...,
Why has el casco viejo en la ciud...,
What is el casco viejo surrounded...
17  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 2: Mis quehaceres (vocab)
To straighten up the room 1,
To cut the lawn 2,
To feed the dog 3
16  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 2: Mis quehaceres
Where is santa fe 1,
How do people describe santa fe 2,
What is the weather of santa fe l...
22  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 3: ¡Arregla tu cuarto! (vocab)
Here are three verbs their third ...,
Here are three verbs their third ...,
Here are three verbs their third ...
30  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 4: ¿Qué estás haciendo? (Vocab)
Washing 1,
Talking 2,
Reading 2
6  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 4: ¿Qué estás haciendo?
Verb estar 1,
Add iendo if it belongs to the er...,
Leer is an irregular verb so its ...
32  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 5: Repaso de “En nuestra casa” Quiz
Panama s official currency is cal...,
The us dollar is also legal curre...,
However balboa bills don t even e...
14  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 1: Compramos (vocab)
To look for 1,
To buy 2,
How can i help you 2
30  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 1: Compramos
How big is el salvador 1,
El salvador forests 2,
El salvador pacifc coast 2
23  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 2: El abrigo cuesta... (vocab)
To cost 1,
The price 1,
So much 2
12  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 2: El abrigo cuesta...
Maya had set up a very advanced c...,
Differnces from our number system...,
I said that the maya people could...
13  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 3: Quiero Comprar (Vocab)
To think to plan 1,
I think plan 2,
You think plan 2
21  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 3: Quiero Comprar
Honduras like most central americ...,
Because of its mountainous topogr...,
Honduras s topography also gives ...
27  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Este ropa (Vocab)
That 1,
Those 2,
This 3
9  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Este ropa
Honduran handicrafts jade how did...,
Honduran handicrafts jade today 2,
Lencan pottery 3
15  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 5: Repaso de en la tienda
Suchitoto 1,
The name suchitoto of nahuatl ori...,
The spaniards who founded the fir...
17  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 1: Comprar en Buenos Aires (Vocab)
Department store 1,
Online 2,
Bookstore 3
38  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 1: Comprar en Buenos Aires
What buenos aires largest shoppin...,
Hisotry of patio bullrich 2,
Alto palermo 2
17  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 2: La Semana pasada (vocab)
Last night 1,
Yesterday 2,
Last year 2
6  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 2: La Semana pasada
You can use the expression hace a...,
Did you know that argentina is kn...,
Every year in cordoba there is a ...
13  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 3: ¿Qué Compraron? (vocab)
To buy 1,
I bought 2,
He she you bought 3
9  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 3: ¿Qué Compraron?
Blank 1
1  cards

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