Unit 3 Lesson 2: Comparaciones Flashcards
What instruemnts are in Andean Bolivian music
Andean Bolivian music often includes instruments such as the zampoña, which a kind of flute made of reeds, or the quena, which is another kind of flute. There are often drums, brass instruments, and cymbals as well.
Where is the orgin of saya music
This music has its origins in the Afro-Bolivian community in the Yugas region.
Saya is a mix of what rhythms from what places
It is a mix of African and ancient Andean rhythms.
What is the role of men and music in saya
The men chant poems called coplas accompanied by drums and the flute.
Where does morenada come from
This musical style and dance comes from La Paz.
What is morenada known for
It is known for its drums and rattles.
Over time, other instruments have been added to morenada. What insturments have been added
. Over time, other instruments have been added, such as trumpets and cymbals.
Where does the morenada dance have orgins in
The dance has its roots in the Afro-Bolivian community
Where does the morenada music have orgins in
the music comes from the Lake Titicaca area near La Paz.
What music is from the tropical areas of Bolivia
From the tropical areas of Bolivia are the taquirari and the chovena
Where does the taquirari have its origins
The taquirari has its origins in a warrior dance.
What kind of insturements are part of taquirari
The taquirari has its origins in a warrior dance. Like other Bolivian music, wind and percussion instruments are part of the taquiari, but may also include violins or accordions.
What kind of music is in chovena
The chovena also may include drums, violins, and accordions, but this music is also known for the pifano de tacuara, which is small flute made of bamboo.
where does Chovena come from and when is it played
This music comes from the tribes that lived in the plains areas. This music is often played during Carnaval.
When does the Boliva is the Aymara Festival of Abundance, also called the Feria de Alasitas take place
This is an annual festival that takes place in La Paz. It lasts one month and usually starts in January.
What is the idea behind the festival
The idea behind the festival is to honor the god of abundance of the Aymara people, Ekeko.
Who are the Aymara
The Aymara are the indigenous people of the Andes and Altiplano areas of Bolivia, Peru, and Chile.
Where do the orgins of the festival come from
The origins of the festival come from an Aymara tradition of praying for crops and trading goods.
What would the people make for the gods
The people would make miniature replicas of what they wished for and presented them to the gods.
What is the festival like today
Now, the festival celebrates this tradition with a mix of Catholic elements. You can go to the festival and buy miniature cars, cameras, or houses from the multiple vendor stalls and then have them blessed by priests at the cathedral. Then you can present the miniatures to Ekeko with the hope that you will have the good fortune to receive them in the coming year.
During the festival, you can see Andean priests doing what
During the festival, you can see Andean priests chanting while incense burns around them
During the festival, you can see Andean priests chanting while incense burns around them. You can shop and eat in the plaza. What is chicha
You can order a fermented drink called chicha that is made from corn, quinoa, or nuts. This drink was used in ancient times as a way to communicate with the spirits.