Unit 5 AP Biology Review Flashcards
The study of the passing of traits from generation to generation
Only one copy of each type of chromosome
Haploid (n)
Two copies of each type of chromosome (full sets)
Humans have __ different chromosomes. Meaning there are ___ full sets of these __ chromosomes
23, two
Contains two cell divisions
Separation of the homologous pairs into separate cells
Meiosis I
Separation of the duplicated sister chromatids into chromosomes
Meiosis II
Meiosis produces ____ cells from a single cell
Each chromosome pairs with it’s homologous. The nuclear envelope breaks apart, and spindle apparatus begins to form
Prophase I
Chromosomes align along the equatorial plate matched with their homologous partner. This stage ends with the separation of the homologous pairs
Metaphase I
Separated homologous pairs move to opposite poles of the cell
Anaphase I
In Anaphase I of meiosis, the ______ __________ stay together. It is the __________ _____ that gets pulled apart. This means that the _____ chromosome moves to the pole
Sister Chromatids, Homologous Chromosomes, Whole
Nuclear membrane reforms the process of cytoplasmic division begins
Telophase I
After the daughter cells split, the two newly formed cells are haploid
Cytokinesis I
The nuclear envelope breaks apart, and spindle apparatus begins to form
Prophase II
Sister chromatids line up along the equator of the cell
Metaphase II
Sister chromatids split apart and are called chromosomes as they are pulled to the poles
Anaphase II
The nuclei and the nucleoli for the newly split cells return
Telophase II
Newly formed daughter cells physically divide
Cytokinesis II
Production of four haploid sperm
After Meiosis I in females, one cells receives ____ the genetic information and the majority of the _________ of the parent cell. The other cell, _____ ____, simply receives ____ of the genetic information and is cast away
half, cytoplasm, polar body, half
During Meiosis II in females, the remaining cell divides a second time, and forms a _____ ____ that is cast away, and a single haploid ____ that contains ____ the genetic information and nearly ___ the _________ of the original parent.
polar body, ovum, half, all, cytoplasm
Producing gametes that are haploid and consist of one copy of each type of chromosomes
Each copy will match up with another copy of each type of chromosomes to form the diploid zygote