Unit 4 Lesson 5: Affecting Carrying Capacity Flashcards
carrying capacity
he maximum number of individuals of a particular species that an ecosystem can support at a given time
all the organisms in a given area along with the nonliving things with which they interact
How often does carrying capcity change
Since the environment is always changing, the carrying capacity also changes regularly. However, most systems eventually reach a point where the amount of change is very slight, allowing populations to remain fairly stable.
There are many different factors, both biotic and abiotic, that can limit (or increase) the carrying capacity of an ecosystem. Some of those factors include:
- available food
- water supply
- air quality
- temperature
- available mates
- competition from other species
- space
Some factors have a larger effect than others, but just like the two islands, all of them work at a factor of scale. Whats a factor of scale
The size of the ecosystem will have an impact on how much the abiotic or biotic factor influences the carrying capacity. The smaller the ecosystem, the more dramatic a factor can influence the carrying capcity
The size of the ecosystem will serve as a multiplier of either the positive or negative effects. What does a multipler mean in biology
A factor that causes changes in many other related variables iwthin an ecosystem
In biology, a multiplier is a factor that, when it is changed, causes changes in many other related biological variables. What does that mean?
This means that as the size of the ecosystem increases or decreases, so will the positive or negative effects of other factors. . Increased space in the island ecosystem is likely to lead to an increased food supply, which can in turn support an even larger population.
What happens when biotic resources such as food are plentiful
When biotic resources such as food are plentiful, every individual has more than enough to eat. The environment can support many organisms.
What happens when food runs out
However, when the food runs out because there are too many individuals eating it, or some kind of environmental change happens (like a hurricane or drought), then the individuals will need to compete for the resource. This competition forces some individuals to either leave the area or die.
One other factor that may limit the carrying capacity of an ecosystem is the other members of the community. What does community mean
All members of all species in a given area
Example: All giraffes, elephants, shrubs, lions, trees, grasses, antelope, cheetahs, fish in the same place on the savanna
Impact of Environmental Change on Carrying Capacity: Large
All members of the same species in a given area make up a population. What population
Example: Several families of giraffes on the African savanna
Impact of Environmental Change on Carrying Capacity: Small–Medium
A single member of a species
Example: One giraffe
Impact of Environmental Change on Carrying Capacity: None
The carrying capacity affects more than an individual, or even a population. Why?
The carrying capacity affects more than an individual, or even a population. Because communities are related, the carrying capacity of one species directly affects the carrying capacity of another.
The carrying capacity affects more than an individual, or even a population. Because communities are related, the carrying capacity of one species directly affects the carrying capacity of another. Example
If a single giraffe dies it will not have a strong effect on the giraffe population or the community at large. If an entire population of giraffes die it will affect the trees they eat from, the animals they compete with, and the animals that eat the giraffes. The trees will have more leaves, allowing more food for elephants. But because the giraffes are gone there will be less food for the lions. Because the death of the entire population of giraffes affects the food source and carrying capacity of elephants and lions, it affects the environment.
What is an ecosystem’s carrying capacity?
The carrying capacity is the total number of individuals an ecosystem can support at any given gime.
Name at least four factors that can impact the carrying capacity of a coral reef ecosystem.
Temperature, water chemistry, predation, food availability, and space are all things that can change the carrying capacity of a coral reef.
A community includes all the living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem.
Is the statement true or false?
False. A community only includes the living parts of an ecosystem.
How does a population compare with a community?
A population is all members of the same species living in a given area at a given time. A community is all of the populations in that same area.
Why is space such a limiting factor to the carrying capacity of an ecosystem?
Living things need space to live. They need it to build shelters, to find food, and to find mates. Without a safe place to live, an organism cannot survive. If space is limited, then the total number of individuals the environment can support is going to be very small.