Unit 2 Lesson 3: Living Things and the Carbon Cycle Flashcards
Movement of carbon through one sphere often influences others. Give an example
. For example, if the hydrosphere has an abundance of carbon, then it affects the organisms in the biosphere.
One way carbon cycles from the atmosphere to the biosphere is through
The oceans cover about ?% of the planet’s surface.
What is the relationship between carbon and water
A vast amount of carbon is exchanged between the oceans and the atmosphere. Water absorbs carbon and it diffuses directly from the air into the water.
the oceans serve as a carbon sink. What is a carbon sink
an area where carbon is stored
At the same time, microscopic organisms called phytoplankton take in the carbon to perform
carbon source –
an area or a process that releases carbon
Why is the ocean a carbon source
At the same time, microscopic organisms called phytoplankton take in the carbon to perform photosynthesis. This makes the oceans a carbon source as well.
The plankton also incorporate carbon into their own bodies and pass it on when
The plankton also incorporate carbon into their own bodies and pass it on when they are eaten by larger animals
What do all living things in the ocean perfom
all living things in the oceans also perform cellular respiration
impact of celular respiration in oceans
This process releases carbon in the form of carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide may stay in the water or return to the atmosphere.
How is carbon exchanged in the geosphere?
In the geosphere, carbon is exchanged through the decomposition of dead organisms.
In the geosphere, carbon is exchanged through the decomposition of dead organisms. Eaboarte
When fish and other organisms in the water column die, they settle to the bottom of the sea. It is there that bacteria and other decomposers break down the tissues of the dead organisms. Their components are released back into the environment. The materials that made up the dead organism now serve as the basis for new life to form.
the solid Earth, including the crust and Earth’s interior
Which of the four areas affected by the carbon cycle contains the oceans?
The oceans are located within the hydrosphere.
​How does photosynthesis contribute to the carbon cycle?​
Photosynthesis takes in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, reducing the amount of carbon in the air. At the same time, photosynthesis also produces glucose, which is a carbon compound. This carbon gets transferred to other organisms when they eat the producers or when the producer itself performs cellular respiration to break down the glucose for energy.
What is the transfer of carbon that occurs between the environment and living things during decomposition?
Dead organisms are broken down during decomposition and their chemical parts are released back into the environment. These chemical parts are carbon-containing compounds. The compounds serve as the basis for the formation of new life.
​How does one animal eating another add to the carbon cycle?​
When one animal eats another, it consumes all of the carbon within the prey’s body. This carbon is incorporated into the animal’s own body (mostly through nutrients used for growth and metabolism). When the predator dies, its body is broken down by decomposers, releasing the carbon back into the environment.
What makes up the basis of an aquatic food chain?
Plankton (microscopic organisms that get eaten by other organisms) makes up the first step in an aquatic food chain.
What is the importance of the hydrosphere to the carbon cycle?
The hydrosphere is all of the water on the planet. Contained mostly in the oceans, the hydrosphere serves as both a carbon source and a carbon sink. The organisms living in the water perform cellular respiration, which produces carbon dioxide as a waste product. As a sink, the oceans store a lot of the carbon (both from the atmosphere and from the organisms living within it).
​How does carbon get transferred between a fish and the atmosphere?​
Fish are a living organism, which means they perform cellular respiration. This releases carbon dioxide into the water, which can eventually make its way into the atmosphere. Additionally, when the fish die, their bodies are decomposed and this releases carbon back into the environment. This carbon can also cycle back into the atmosphere.
Carbon cycle in the Desert
In fact, the desert is quite the center for carbon exchange between living things and the environment. There are a host of microorganisms living in the sand that assist with the decomposition of dead animals and plants. There are small shrubs and grasses that take in carbon for photosynthesis (not to mention the cacti).
How do the animals in the desert exchange carbon with the atmosphere?
Just like in the oceans, different living organisms such in the desert perform cellular respiration (which releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere).
​How would the carbon exchange between the desert and the atmosphere differ from that between the rainforest and the atmosphere?​
​The tropical rainforests have many more plants than the deserts. This means there is a lot more photosynthesis taking place, which takes in a lot more carbon dioxide. Also, the tropical rainforests have much more biodiversity performing cellular respiration so the amount of carbon dioxide given off is also larger.​