UCSP (2nd Grading) Flashcards
A social institution that refers to relations between members of society
Origin of person in terms of family or nationality
4 Principles of Descent
˚Unilineal descent
˚Patrilineal descent
˚matrilineal descent
˚ bilateral descent
Traced through a single line of ancestors
Unilineal descent
Group of relatives through his/her father.
Patrilineal descent
Group of relatives through his/her mother
Matrilineal descent
Basic and general form of relations
Consanguineal kinship or kinship based on blood
Group of relatives through his/her parents. (Two lines)
Bilateral descent
Relation developed when marriage occurs
Kinship based on marriage or Affinal kinship
Within their own clan or ethnic group
Endogamy or Compulsory marriage
Outside their own clan or ethnic
Exogamy or out-marriage
Marriage where an individual has only one spouse at a time
Marriage of having more than one spouse at a time
Man having multiple wives
Woman having multiple husbands
Married couple stays with or near the husband’s
kin or relatives
Patrilocal Residence
Married couple stays with or near the wife’s kin or relative
Matrilocal Residence
Married couple stays with or near the husband’s or wife’s kin alternately
Biological Residence
Couple builds a home independently from husband’s or wife’s kin
Neolocal Residence
Couple resides or near the maternal uncle of the group
(also builds own houses)
Avunculocal Residence
Translated to “godparents”. They become the spiritual parents
family that is made up of a married couple and their biological or adopted children
Nuclear Family
Two or more nuclear families in a household. ( Great grandparents, Children of other relatives, the parents and grandparents)
Extended family
defined aS
group of
individuals who often act with each other on the premise of shared expectations regarding behavior and who share a common identity.
Social group
typical small social group whose
members share
close, personal,
intimate, and face to face association
and cooperation and have strong emotional ties.
group can be small or large who do not interact much; mostly impersonal; interactions among members are casual and usually short-term; typically found at work and school.
Secondary group
They serve as model of standards; we use them as patterns to guide behaviors and attitudes.
social group to which an individual identifies and which give him/her a sense of belongingness, solidarity, camaraderie, the feeling of togetherness, and protective attitude toward the other members.
social group that an individual does not identify with; viewed as outsiders of the in-group. Any member of the in-group has a feeling of strangeness, avoidance, antagonism,
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