RD1 (2nd Grading) Flashcards
The observation record is referred as _______
field notes
It is a systematic collection and evaluation of data to describe, explain and understand events that occurred in the past
Historical Research
considered in helping the researcher to understand a new concept or theory such as choosing a group of student leaders in assessing student leadership
Theoretical Sample
are given to make sure everything is covered up and nothing is missed in the discussion
Exit Questions
get the insights of the participant to the topic. Most of the questions here begin asking why and how.
Exploration Questions
is considered to be exceptional or unusual such as a group of high achievers despite physical abilities.
Critical Sample
section presents the important findingsof the researchFor clarity of presentation, the findings may be written according to the order of presentation of the specific research problems.The findings need not to be explained nor elaborated. They should be concise as possible.
The summary of findings
The researcher participates the subjects while carefully observing everything that he or she can about it
Participant Observation
considered if all members of the group do not fit with the general pattern or display extreme characteristics such as a group of high school students who achieve high grades despite a poor social environment
Extreme case sample
Studies the culture of one group by documenting the everyday experience of the people involved through in-depth interviews and continuous participant observation
Ethnographic Research
It is a free-flowing discussion with a small group of six to ten people in order to generated ideas and opinions on certain issues moderated by a skilled facilitator.
Focus Group Discussion
refers to the possibility that certain characteristics or ideas of the researcher may affect what they observe
Observer bias
the researcher does not participate in the activities of the group being observed. This means that the researcher is not directly involved in the situation he or she is observing.
Non Participant observation
This method is commonly used by the psychologists and other social scienceresearchers, requires that the researcher observes the subjects under their study in their natural setting
Naturalistic Observation
simple, detailed notes of the researcher while conducting observations in the field. This is the written account of what the researcher of what the researcher has seen, experienced, felt, or thought during the actual observation
Field notes
This section describes the specific research approach you will use in the study. This can be ethnography, case study, historical, phenomenological
Research Design
In this method, the researcher, simulates or recreates a situation, environment, or system and observes the subjects under study in thesimulated environment
is a type of participant observation wherein the participants are not aware of the identity of the researcher nor that they are being observed.
Covert participant observation
This includes significance, scope and delimitation and some terms that need to be defined in your study.
The Problem and its Setting
selected as the need arises during the conduct of research such as a group of school heads is needed because they were recommended during the interviews of school principals
Snowball Sample
External perspective of reality
Etic Prespective
This is a very useful tool in presenting and understanding the results in qualitative research.____________ can be done inthe form of maps, graphic organizers, organizational charts, matrices and flow charts
Visual Representations
is done to validate the information you have recorded in your observation.
you ask a small group of people what they think about certain topic or issue.
Focus group Discussion
pertain to the emotional responses of the participants on their experience(s)
Feeling Questions
These are specific and prominent events or phenomena that occurred in a certain group.
Key Events
What are the two roles in participant observation
Observer and Participant
In research, establishing the validity of the data collected using various techniques is essential.
Triangulation of Data
This section describes the setting or location of the study.
Research Locale
considered if all the member of the sample has a common characteristic or trait such as a group of singers.
Homogenous Sample
This is written after conclusions have been drawn. The number of recommendations usually depends on the number of drawn conclusions.You mayinclude in the recommendations other variables that you did not use in your study for future research.Other methods or approaches that you did not employ in your study may also be included in the recommendations
Writing the Recommendation
This section outlines the instruments you will use in the study such as interview questions, protocols, observation guide, survey form, focus group discussion.
Research Instruments
Components of Research Methodology
Research Design
Research Locale
Sample or the Respondents
Research Instruments
Data Collection Procedure
Data Analysis Procedure
a technique to study human behavior indirectly by analyzing documents.
Documentary Analysis
refer to quick notes on something the researcher would like to recall later
Field Jottings
refers to the schedule of your daily activities while conducting interview or observation in the actual field.
Field Log
This section describes the respondents of the study.
Sample or the Respondents
is chosen during the study to take advantage of new conditions or circumstances that have arisen
Opportunistic Sample
selected to represent wide perspectives or characteristics such as a group of players who possesses a wide variety of behavior on the new policy of sports competition
Maximal Variation Sample
are focused on what the participant is doing presently or in the past
Experience Questions
Ethnographic research requires three important things:
1.A detailed description of the group being studied
2.Analysis of the group in terms of themes and constructs
3.Interpretations of the researchers to the group as to meanings, symbols, and generalizations
This section describes the specific steps you will undergo in order to collect data for your study.
Data Collection Procedure
involves describing what the researcher has seen, heard, and observed in detail and including quotations directly from the participants in writinga final report.
Thick description
insider’s perspective of reality
Emic prespective
The researcher does not participate in the activities being observed but rather,he or she sits on the sidelines and watches the subject
NonParticipant Observation
commonly used in qualitative research
Purposive sampling
introduce the participants to the topic and set the tone for the discussion.
Engagement Questions
It is a plan of activities in the duration of your research.
refer to the participants’ factual information
Knowledge Questions
means that the act of observing will influence the phenomenon being observed.
Observer effect
what are the six types of question
Knowledge Questions
Experience Questions
Opinion Questions
Feeling Questions
Sensory Questions
are asked to elicit how the participant think on certain topics or issues.
Opinion Questions
It is done to determine how the participants act on certain situations.
The researcher prepares open-ended questions in which the participant are free to write their responses.
is a network of themes or constructs which show its interrelations among these themes
Conceptual Framework
Kinds of Interview
This is actually the utmost concern of a qualitative research
It is a qualitative research method that aims to get a holistic picture of a specific group, society, institution, or any situation.
Ethnographic Research
what are the Types of Purposive Sampling
Typical Sample
Critical Sample
Homogenous Sample
Theoretical Sample
Extreme Case Sample
Opportunistic Sample
Confirming Sample
Maximal Variation Sample
Snowball Sample
The use of numbers in a qualitative research is not the primary data that you can get. However, there are some responses or data in which statistics is needed such as percentage and frequency.
focus on what the respondent has seen, tasted, heard, touched, or smelled.
Sensory Questions
is a typical representative of that being studied such as a class of grade 9 students
Typical Sample
refers to the personal statement if the researcher’s thoughts and feelings or opinions on others whom he has close encounter with during the course of the study.
Field Diary
refer to the researcher’s thoughts on what he or she has observed during the observation period.
Reflective Field Notes
This section describes how will you analyze the data that you will gather.
Data Analysis Procedure
describe the actual setting of the study which may include the appearance of the people, their mannerisms and gestures during an event.
Descriptive Field Notes
What are the Data Analysis Techniques
*Key Events
*Visual Representations
What are the Types of Observation
Participant Observation
Overt andCovert
Non Participant Observation
Naturalistic Observation
are routine questions about the background of the participants.
Background Questions
It is done to determine is done to recall and reconstruct something that happened in the past
It involves an intensive interaction between the researcher and the subjects or participants. This means that as a participant observer, the researcher joins the group he or she is studying in their environment and participate in their activities
Participant oberservation
are inferences, deductions, abstractions, implications, interpretations, general statements, and/or generalizations based upon the findings.No conclusions should be made that are not based upon the findings.The conclusion should appropriately answer the specific questions raised at the beginning of investigation.
Drawing Conclusions
is a type of observation wherein the identity of the researcher is known to the group being studied.
Overt participant observation
This chapter discusses the literature and studies related to your present study which forms the theoretical and conceptual basis of your research
Review of Related Literature
is obtained to validateinitial findings such as a follow-up interview of a group of teachers to verify the frequent absenteeism of students.
Confirming Sample
*It is a documented study on a particular person, group, institution, or event.It is done to analyze constructs or themes.It can be used if you want to focus on one particular issue.
Case study
The researcher has a specific set of questions designed to elicit responses from the participants
This chapter presents the qualitative research approach that you will use, including the sample and the strategy for collecting and analyzing data.