UCSP (1st grading) Flashcards
sociologists refer to a definable region- as small as a neighborhood
By “territory»
It is basic to communication and transmission of culture. It is known as the storehouse of culture.
Discipline in social science concerned primarily in the state, government, and politics .
Political Science
the study of what humans left behind, through excavation
These are norms that society holds so strongly that violating it results in extreme disgust.
is a shared set of spoken and written symbols.
These may be based on common sense, folk wisdom, religion, science, or combination of all of these.
verbal (words) nonverbal (acts, gestures, signs, and objects) that communicate meaning that people recognize.
This is known as HOLISM, or the various parts of a culture being interconnected or interlinked. All aspects of a culture are related one another and to truly understand a culture, one must learn about all of its part, not only a few.
Sociologists refer to the period during the 18th century when the production of goods in mechanized factories began of the Industrial Revolution.
Industrial societies
the study of human language
Linguistic Anthropology
These societies rely on the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and plants in order to survive.
Horticultural Societies
A branch of Social Science that deals with all
aspects of human beings including biological
evolution and social and cultural features that
definitely distinguish humans from other animal species.
Is a term used by anthropologists to refer to a group of people who share a culture and belief. Their members interact with one another and cooperate to achieve objectives collectively that they could not
achieve as individuals
describes a group of people who share a common territory and a culture.
People use technology, ideas and activities in order to survive and expand the human culture and society, this only depicts that culture is ____.
describes what is appropriate on inappropriate (good or bad, bad; desirable or undesirable; worthy or unworthy) in a given society or what ought to be.
Rely on products through the domestication and breeding of animals for transportation and food
Pastoral Societies
is the process by which a person adopts the behavior patterns of the culture he lives in.
the study of the human body
Physical or Biological Anthropology
A branch of Social Science that deals with the** study of society, groups, norms, and organizations.**
These are strict norms that control moral and ethical behavior. _____ are norms based on definitions of right and wrong
Focuses on mode of production They rely on the use of technology in order to cultivate cropy in large areas, including wheat, rice, and corn.
Agricultural societies
They are often forced to relocate when the resources of the land are depleted or when the water supplies decrease.
Horticultural Societies
Their economy is based on services and technology, not production.
Post-industrial societies
Another word for enculturation
What are the 4 key subdiscipline of Anthropology?
Cultural Anthropology
Physical or Biological Anthropology
Linguistic Anthropology
These are codified ethics, and formally agreed, written down and enforced by an official law enforcement agency.
Most societies interact with other societies, and lead to exchanges of material (e.g., tools and furniture) and nonmaterial (e.g., ideas and symbols) components of culture.
Dynamic, Flexible, and Adaptive
They use advanced sources of energy to run large machinery which led to industrialization.
Industrial Societies
Also known as customs, these are norms for everyday behavior that people follow for the sake of tradition or convenience.
Culture is _____ as it responds to the changing needs of time, alongside to the motion and actions within and around it. When one aspect changes within a system, culture easily responds to it.
These are the earliest forms a society.
Hunting and gathering societies
is the view of things in which one’s Own group is the center of everything and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it.
refers to “that complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and everything that a person learns and shares as a member of society”.
the characteristic features of everyday existence (such as diversions or a way of life) shared by people in a place or time.
are specific rules/standards to guide appropriate behavior.
the study of human cultures around the world
Cultural Anthropology