Philo (2nd Grading) Flashcards
the duty to protect the environment from oneself on the other hand rests on a principle concerning the duty to do no harm which is a negative duty.
A non profit organization on sustainability leadership stated that the rising global population combined with economic growth in emerging markets will trigger a growing demand for potable water and food.
philosophy of experience
What is the other word for Solipsistic
reduction of experience and consciousness of the transcendental ego, or simply put to my experience, my consciousness
Husserl’s transcendental idealism
is the change of weather that can last for an extended period of time or may be permanent. It is when the normal, or average, weather for a certain country gives fauna and flora a hard time to adapt its to sudden change.
Climate change
means appears
having a body which links us to world appears to be a source of limitation because we can never directly and fully experience the world.
Body as Intemediary
Experience from the world
Adventitious Ideas
the study of relationships between people and their environment, often the interdependence of people, collectives and institutions
Social Ecology
stated that having a body implies ownership.
Gabriel Marcel
emphasizes immediacy of experience.
means alone
said that the realm of being morally considerable must be extended to higher forms of animals or intelligent animals like dogs, chimpanzees who are sentient and therefore, have the capacity to feel pain and thus suffering
Peter Singer
is that which we share with other animals.
Sensitive function
-it is a physical substance
-it is extension of three dimension
Who is the father of Solipsism
Rene Descartes
is a movement which simply promotes conservations strategies against pollution and the depletion of resources.
Shallow Ecology
-it is a philosophical movement that originated in the 20th century
Main point of Phenomenology
Two finite substance
- Mind
- Matter
an often unfair and untrue belief that many people have about all people or things with a particular characteristic
two kinds of foundations.
- Mental
- physical
-the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.
is the view that not only humans and animals but also plants should be morally considerable
Germanphilosopher calls human beings dasein, a german word which literally means being there.
Martin Heidegger
Four stages of phenomenological method. Steps in conducting phenomenological research
- Bracketing
- Intuiting
- Analyzing
- Describing
developed the phenomenological method to make possible.
Edmund Husserls
-is the philosophical idea that only one’s mind is sure to exist
-it holds that knowledge of anything outside one’s own mind is unsure, the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind
which not only separates us from all other beings, but also defines us as human beings.
Intellective function
A german word which literally means being there.
a person who believes their mind or self is sure to exist.
Solipsism person
who said the concept of a human being is
the soul’s division into three parts
he argues that there two kinds of foundations.
Dualism of Descartes.
French philosopher, widened the gap between the body and the soul even more as he sets out to prove that the only thing in this world cannot be doubted is the existence of the thinking self.
Rene Descartes
adopted an ontological dualism of two finite substances
Who divides the functions of
the soul into three?
Three dimension
A. Mind
B. Infinite Substance-no value
C. God
is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Sustainable development
Three ideas of Descartes
- Innate Ideas
- Adventitious Ideas
- Factitious Ideas
a non-profit organization on sustainability leadership stated that the rising global population combined with economic growth in emerging markets will trigger a growing demand for potable water and food.
inborn in the human
Innate Ideas
claims that a positive duty is a duty to protect the environment from any and every threat, or a duty to bring aid.
Peter Wenz
in his article entitled Environmental Problems and Future Generations
Bryan Norton
is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water usage within a region.
Water Scarcity
in his article entitled Ecology and Morality wrote about human obligations to ecosystems.
Peter Wenz
French existentialist, considers two ways of reflection, which he calls primary and secondary reflections.
Gabriel Marcel
unclear indistinct Illusion invented by imagination Other word for cartesian-dualism
Factitious Ideas
claims that a human centered anthropocentric perspective would have to support broad environmentalism for it to be viable
Barbara Mckinnon
it is the self conscious thinking -thought about oneself
mind( spirit or soul)
Plato’s concept of a human being is
the soul’s division into three parts:
reasoning, spiritedness and appetites
He is German philosopher 1876-1878 he studies astronomy in leipzig He also attended lectures in mathematics, physics and philosophy. He was influenced by cartesian dualism. He developed his own philosophical method known as phenomenology
Husserls Phenomonology
Aristotle also divides the functions of
the soul into three:
nutrition, sensation, and intellection.
French philosopher, widened the gap between the body and the soul even more as he sets out to prove that the only thing in this world cannot be doubted is the existence of the thinking self.
Rene Descartes
-mean self
-To describe things in themselves
-To permit what is before one to enter consciousness and be understood in its meaning and essence in light of intuition and self reflection
Challenges of Husserl’s study
it is the philosophical and scientific tradition derived from the writings of french philosopher- Rene Descartes
Who believe in Solipsism, (greek presocratic Sophist), ( 483-375 BC), He quoted that nothing exist, even is something exist, nothing can be known about it.
is the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human beings to and also the value and moral status of, the environment and its non-human contents.
Environmental Ethics
is best understood as an act of critical reflection on primary reflection, and as a process of recovery of the “mysteries of being.” cannot occur without involving the inquirer into his inquiry.
Secondary Reflection
proponent of animal rights who wrote an article entitled The Case for Animal Rights, proposed that animal rights should be accorded to higher forms of animals, especially mammals.
Tom Regan
is used in data analysis when data is collected across both space and time. It describes a phenomenon in a certain location and time — for example, shipping movements across a geographic area over time
Spatial Temporal Being
former united states vice president in an article entitled Global Marshall plan (1990) envisions the attainment of sustainable development by making wealthy nations with advanced economies help third world nations by bringing and sharing their advanced green technologies.
Albert Gore
occurs when we inquire about things in a distant and objective manner
Primary Reflection
is that which we share with plants.
The nutritive function
Husserls defined ___________as a science and the essence of consciousness it centered on thedefining trait of intentionality of the first person.
refers to the things in our lives that are already given. Example : family
an environmental movement and philosophy which regards human life as just one of many equal components of a global ecosystem.
Deep Ecology
are any kind of species that are at risk of becoming extinct.
Preservation of endangered species
Endangered species
French philosopher, widened the gap between the body and the soul even more as he sets out to prove that the only thing in this world cannot be doubted is the existence of the thinking self.
Rene Descartes
is the direct investigation and description of phenomena as consciousness experienced, without theories about their casual explanation and free for examined preconceptions and presuppositions.
Primary objective
believes that ecological problems could be traced to social problems, which he claims are the sources of the growing environmental crisis.