ICT (2nd Grading) Flashcards
Is a software toolkit that is used to producemultiple documents with a given template, editing the basic information that is supplied by a structured dataset.
Steps in using Mail Merge (4 Steps)
- Create a dataset with title headings on a spreadsheet application.
- Create the template of the letter or document that will receive the dataset in a word processor.
- Insert the label of customized detail in the word processor and insert the label that corresponds to the spreadsheet.
- Select the option preview in the word processor to generate all of the pages with different information.
- Create a spreadsheet containing your information and make sure that the labels are written in the first row. Then save the file.
- Indicate the source of information in your word processor.
- Select the spreadsheet file you’ve created in step 1.
- Select which sheet in the file contains the information.
- Start writing or creating the template that you are going to use.
- Check the result of the label placement.
- Implement the Rules.
- Set up the rule.
- Print the finished product.
- Create a new document.
Is a reference to another file that is represented by a word, an image, or any document element on a document processor.
Usually these texts are colored blue when active and purple when activated for distinction and noticeability.
Is a term used to describe a document that contains hyperlinked elements.
Source code
It points to a portion of the same document. The contents are embedded in the same document but are located in some other location within the document.
Anchor link
The content is located in other or remote files. The link searches for the path of the document before displaying it.
Inline link
- Creating your file to be hyperlinked.
- Setting up the linked file.
- Checking the hyperlink.
- Editing the hyperlink.
- Linking with external Web Sites.
- Creating your file to be hyperlinked.
- Setting up the page.
- Editing the hyperlink.
A short term for information graphic, which refers to an image that combines information, storytelling, and perceptions that help the cause of an individual or an institution to communicate a message to viewers.
The most basic of all elements.
Can define the characteristics of infographic.
Can form shapes that can catch viewers’ attention and create different impressions.
Powerful and influential elements in an infographic.
Having a good command on color mixtures and combinations can catch the viewers’ attention
Defined by the enclosure created by the combination of multiple lines.
Expressed different psychological influences on the audience, especially when combined with colors.
Defines the message and ideas that the image depicts.
It describes the placement of elements, shapes, or lines throughout the image.
Objects are placed and distributed properly.
Informal distribution of elements.
same on one side as the other, a mirror image of itself, on both sides of a centerline.
two halves of the work of art are different, however, try to create balance.
The arrangements of elements in an image may be done by combining elements with different properties and characteristics.
It is when all of the elements seem to be a singular element in unison.
The correlation of all elements with one another. It ensure balance and unity.
Describes the product of having the elements placed in harmony with one another. Can be done using patterns and by repeating various elements.
Facilities or methods to store and organize digital images.
Image File Format
Referred as picture elements, are arranged and stored in a manner dictated by the format of the image.
This format applies a “lossy” compression method to image files, means, a huge number of pixels are lost or discarded in storing the image.
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
Less common file format supported by Web browsers. Can use the lossless or the lossy compression method.
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)
Popular file format for storing graphical images with fewer colors of 256 only. It uses lossless compression techniques.
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
The intention for the creation of this file format is to be free and open source substitute for GIF. Expected to be compatible with online applications.
Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
Refers to a program created by developers that can be modified or reprogrammed by outside users. It is a facility for programming or developing an application tailored to the user’s specifications.
Are online websites created created to aid users in creating their web content and cater to different kinds of information such as texts, images, and videos.
Online Platforms
A set of governing protocol or rules on how software elements communicate and interact with one another.
Application Programming Interface
Runs in a remote machine, server, or computer, and the application is accessed remotely by a guest user application to draw data and services.
Access API
Most of the time, is used in the user end. Generally, different developers crate different applications that can be integrated or “plugged in” to a core application.
Plug-in API
Platform for developing different applications, wherein programs or application codes are evaluated and compiled in the said APIs.
Runtime Environment
Website dedicated to hosting video clips. An API that enable developers to embed the _________ video player and play any _________ content on their website.
Caters to the hosting of images. An API to enable a website developer to embed or use images.
A social networking service that enables users to send and read short messages with 140 characters called tweets. Has an API to create and display messages.
A social networking site that requires users information, enable users to post, tag, comment, etc. Has an API to connect individuals wall to their audience.
The APIs enable the developers to display an accurate map depicting the satellite views or the actual appearance and layout of roads and buildings in a particular area.
Google Maps
Goal aimed to fulfill. Depends on the purpose it will serve the audience (e.g. information, entertainment, play games, socialize, transact business. Defining purpose is to determine the outcome.
The primary objective of visiting a website is to absorb as much valuable information as possible in the shortest amount of time. The arrangement of data should be organized in a manner that would entice readers.
Considered the most dominant and noticeable in terms of visuals. It deals with text format, text style, and text.
The appropriate combination of the foreground color and background color can produce a better viewing experience not only in the images and pictures but also in the texts. It can introduce a mood or make the website lively and enticing viewers.
________ alone can deliver a complete message to communicate to the audience. The most common image are infographics._______ with proper balance, color, and contrast accompanied by texts can deliver great impact and information to the audience.
Refers to the facility that the audience can use to go through the Web site and its subpages.
Web Design Principles and Elements
- Purpose
- Communication
- Typefaces
- Colors
- Images
- Navigation
- Layouts
- Load Time
Platform Categories
- Access API
- Plug-In API
- Runtime Environment
Principle of Design
- Balance
- Contrast
- Emphasis
- Movement
- Rhythm
- Hierarchy
- White Space
- Unity
- Proportion
Image File Formats
Multiple reference points and curves
scalable without quality loss
convertible to raster
loses quality when scaled
not convertible to vector
several ways on how to create an effective and good navigation system on a Web site:
Hierarchical Organization
Search Bars
Buttons and Links
Refers to the physical arrangement of the content and elements on a Web site. There are various ways on how to do an effective ______, and typically, these ways are determined by the creator or developer.
Grid Layouts can be useful because they will enable the user to create sections or groups of related information. These will help in creating an eye-soothing arrangement of texts and photos.
Based on studies, human vision flows like the letter F. This means, humans tend to look heavily at the side of visual material more than the right side. Furthermore, humans tend to look at the upper portion than the lower portion of the visual material.
The display devices vary depending on the system an individual uses. A desktop computer’s display is usually bigger than mobile displays, and because of this, the content should be accessible for both devices.
The time that the Web site will load or appear onto the viewers’ display device. Nowadays, people demand information at very fast pace, else users will look or use another source.
Load Time
It is application that is used to create a website either online or offline. This application used the capability of directly handling the components of the Web site.
What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG)
An offline proprietary web development tool offered by Adobe Systems. This tool presents wide range of tools for drag-and-drop option.
Adobe Dreamweaver
An open source website development tool used to update documents directly on a running website. It also enables the collaborative development of a website.
A proprietary website development tool created by Microsoft. It has drag and drop features elements to create the layout and function of the website.
Caters to both experienced and inexperienced users, and to cretors of websites. Offers predesigned templates that will aid inexperienced users in creating their own website.
Offers its users to create their own website. The advantage of using this, that, it does not require knowledge of programming. It also offers wide range of templates.
It is a cloud-based application dedicated to help you create presentations. The primary flow of the presentation is zooming in or out in a display.
One of the earliest form of online presentation media. The primary function of this Web site is to provide a facility for uploading and sharing presentation files.
Online collaborative tool i which different individuals can share ideas in a common scratchpad-like workspace. The ideas are placed visually by different users to form a concept.
A service wherein files from users are stored online.
Cloud storage
This application accommodates not only storing but also, online editing and collaboration.
A file hosting and storage service. It offers a facility to synchronize and create folders for file organization.
Online note-taking and archiving application service. It offers a Web application similar to that of a word processor. The notes created can be archived or saved in the application’s storage.
-Leader of the group
-Synchronized and supervised the group
-Sets the goals and expectations for each individual involved
-Set realistic deadlines for each individual, keeping actual deadline
-Ensure constant communication with every individual
Project Manager
-Upon start of Development Plans the approach of method to be done.
-Plans every step that the team should do in phases or stages of development.
-Determined the goals set by project manager.
-Designed and planned carefully the structure and arrangements of website
Web Strategist
-An individual with expertise to write the content of the website.
-An experience writer and has knowledge on how to catch the attention of the readers.
Content Specialist
-In-charge of the visual representation of the website.
-The goal is to catch the attention of the target audience using attractive visual design and layout.
Web Designer
-takes into account of the outputs of the content specialist and web designer.
-Will make the website comes to life with the pointers given by the web designer and content specialist.
-if allowed to run, will execute the website as planned.
-Assures the program will run and perform the expected functions of each component.
-Responsible on how to make the website popular or successful on the audience.
-Uses different strategies such as blogs, social media, and advertisements to promote the website.
-Uses different strategies such as blogs, social media, and advertisements to promote the website.
Inbound Marketer
-Is the set of skills or abilities to complete an ICT project and produce an output.
Project Management
Part of Data Analytics
-Download of files
-Monetary and business transactions
-Chat and messaging systems
The process of collecting data or measuring the activity of the website, includes Web Traffic.
Web Analytics
Number of persons accessing and viewing the website.
Web Traffic
Joint Photographic Experts Group
Portable Network Graphics
Graphics Interchange Format
Tagged Image File Format