Topic 91 - Hormonal changes during the estrus cycle Flashcards
Words to inculde
- Ovulation
- E2 level high
- GnRH → LH peak → ovulation
- LH peak
- Induces ovulation
- Luteinization process
- Corpus haemorragicum, luteinization
- E2 and FSH level ↓
- Luteninization due to previous LH peak
- PRL level ↑
- Early phase of corpus luteum
- P4 level ↑
- Flourishing corpus luteum
- P$ level ↑
Luteal phase
- Growing phase of corpus luteum
- P4 level ↑
- Due to ovulation and luteinization (ø ca)
- PRL level ↑
- Flourishing corpus luteum
- Plasma E2 low
- Due to negative effect of high P4 on CNS
- Plasma E2 low
Luteolysis (end of luteal phase)
- PGF2α production in uterus → lysis of corpus luteum → plasma P4 ↓
- PGF2α
- Endometrium → ovary
- Ru: v. endometrial → a. ovarica
- Eq: systemic circulation
- Endometrium → ovary
Follicular phase
- FSH level ↑
- Induces next ovarian cycle
- Inhibin produced
- High level of E2 and FSH → GnRH peak
Hypothalamus - pituitary - gonad axis
- GnRH secretion
- Tonic releasing center
- Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (location)
- Base levels of GnRH
- Normal E2 and P4 plasma concentration
- Negative feedback
- Pulsatile releasing surge center
- Preoptic area (location)
- Positive feedback
- Tonic releasing center
- The relevance of preovulatory estrogen peak
- Pre-ovulatory E2 levels ↑ → GnRH peak & LH peak → ovulation
- Negative-positive feedback change of the hypothalamic GnRH cells
- Role of elevated E2 levels
- Positive / negative feedback
- Diestrus, metestrus: low E2 level
- Proestrus: elevated E2 level
- Negative feedback → positive feedback → GnRH peak / surge
- Gonadotropic cells ↑
- Adenohypophysis
- GnRH ↑ → LH peak
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
- Peptide hormone
- Secretion regulation:
- GnRH
- Sexual steroids
- Positive: E2
- Negative: P4
- Surge center → GnRH ↑ → LH peak → ovulation, luteinization
- Induced ovulators: Copulation → neuroendocrine reflex arch → LH peak → ovulation, luteinization
- Supports theca cells
- Provides androgens & hormonal precursors for estradiol production
- FSH intiates follicular growth affecting granulosa cells
- E2 level ↑ → LH receptors expressed on maturing follicle → estradiol production ↑
- LH peak / surge
- Trigger ovulation
- Residual follicle → corpus luteum
- P4 production to prepare endometrium
Refractory period of corpus luteum
- PGF2α
- No effect on corpus luteum for 2-5 days after ovulation
Regulation of seasonality
- Length of diurnal periods (stimulator)
- “Rushing into cycle”
- Melatonin concentrations
- Fall:
- Length of dark period > 9.5 hours
- Sheep: cycle starts
- Eq: cycle inhibited
- Spring:
- Length of dark period < 9.5 hours
- Sheep: cycle inhibited
- Eq: cycle starts
- Sheep: estrus cycle in short-day periods
- Eq: estrus cycle in long-day periods
Topics to include in the essay
- Review of hormonal events
- Secretion of Gnrh
- Hypothalamus-hypohphysis-gonad axis
- Estrogen
- The relevance of preovulatory E2 peak
- Role of elevated E2 levels (+ /- feedback)
- Luteinizing hormone (LH)
- Refractory period of corpus luteum
- Regulation of seasonality
- Horse and sheep
Figure: a review of hormonal events in cow
- Chagens of plasma hormone leves during estrus cycle
Ovulation (18-0)
- High level of E2
GnRH then LH peak → ovulation
- LH peak incues the ovulation and luteinization process
- High level of H2
Corpus haemorragicum, luteinization (0-5)
- Dropping level of E2 and FSH
- Due to previous LH-peak, luteinization is in progress
- PRL levels ↑
Early phase of corpus luteum (5)
- P4 levels ↑
- A new generation of follicular cohort starts developing, but increasing P4 levels stops the process
Flourishirng corpus luteum (10-15)
- High level of P4
- Other hormones are on a baseline concentration
- A new generation of follicles starts beveloping, but these follicles soon udergo the stresia
Luteolysis, early follicular development (15-18)
- Non-pregnant animals
- PGF2α is produced by the uterus → lysis of corpus luteum
- P4 level ↓ → FSH level ↑
Follicular development and selection (17-21)
- Increasing FSH levels stimulate the follicular development
Inhibis is produced by the fastest developing follicle (dominant follicle)
- Inhibin blocks the other developing follicles
- Some species: Inhibin cause a sharp drop in plasma FSH levels (negative feedback)
- Due to constant high level of E2 and FSH, GnRH peak (followed by LH peak) develops and consequently next ovulation happens

Secretion of GnRH
- GnRH: Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone
GnRH frequency is influenced by:
- Estrous phase (hormones)
- Season (melatonin)
- Energy balance
- Kisspeptin-containing neurons
Hypothalamus-hypophysis-gonad axis
- Feedback mechanism
- Two aspects of GnRH secretion:
Tonic releasing center
- Location: ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei
- Ensures base levels of GnRH secretion necessary for functioning of the gonads
- Normal E2 and P4 plasam concentration
- Negative feedback loop
Pulsatile releasing surge center
- Location: preoptic area
- Produces a peak above the base level in every cycle
- This center is stimulated by the high level of E2, a positive feedback loop
- P4 in high concentration inhibits this center
- The cyclic center affects functioning of the toic center
Tonic releasing center

- Estrogen = E2
The relevance of preovulatory estrogen peak
- Rising pre-ovulatory estrogen levels directly prepare the GnRH peak and LH peak and therefore the ovulation
- Pre-ovulatory estrogen level → GnRH peak and LH peak → ovulation
- Negative-positive feedback change of the hypothalamic GnRH cells
Role of elevated E2 levels (+/- feedback)
E2 levels shows strong fluctation:
Diestrus, metestrus: low level
- Inhibits the central GnRH secretion that keeps the noral baseling level of GnRH and LH in the circulation
Proestrus: elevates rapidly
- Constant high level of E2 changes the feedback state of the GnRH cell from negative feedback to positive feedback → GnRH peak
- Sensitivity of gonadotropic cells (FSH, LH) in the adenohypophysis icreases, and the elevated GnRH induces LH peak
- LH peak → ovulation of fully matured follicle
Diestrus, metestrus: low level
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
- Peptide hormone
- Secretion regulated by:
- GnRH
Sexual steroids
- Positive: E2
- Negative: P4
- Role:
- Surge center → GnRH ↑ → LH peak → ovulation, luteinization
- Induced ovulators: Copulation → neuroendocrine reflex arch → LH peak → ovulation, luteinization
LH supports theca cells in the ovaries that provides androgens and hormonal precursors for estradiol production
- FSH initiates follicular growth affecting granulosa cells → E2 increase → LH receptors expressed on the maturing follicle → estradiol production ↑
- GnRH in the hypothalamus stimulates the release of LH from the anterior pituitary → LH peak
LH surge / LH peak triggers ovulation resulting in:
- Releasing egg from follicle
- Initiating the conversion of the residual follicle → corpus luteum whic produces P4 for preparation of endometrium for possible implantation

Refractory period of corpus luteum
- PGF2α has no effect on the corpus luteum for 2-5 days after ovulation
Refractory period of corpus luteum, interspecies
- Ru: 4 days
- Sus: 5 days
- Eq: 13 days
Regulation of seasonality
- The most important stimulator in seasonality is the length of diurnal periods, that determines the “rushing into cycle” process
- Major role: Melatonin concentrations
- During fall:
- Length of dark period ↑, becomes more than 9.5 hours
- The “rushing into cycle” starts for those which are sensitive for short day
- Sheep: activated cycle
- Eq: inhibited cycle
- During spring:
- Length of the dark periods ↓, becomes less than 9.5 hours
- Cycle starts for those which are sensitive for long day light
- Sheep: inhibited cycle
- Eq: activated cycle