Topic 52 - Motoric activity and electrophysiology of the gastrointestinal tract Flashcards
Words to include in the motoric acitivty of the GI tract, motility types
- Motility types
- Passing movement
- Mixing movement
- Villi movement
- Stretch receptors
- Peristalsis
- Mingling bolus
Words to include in the motoric acitivty of the GI tract, motor movemnts of stomach
- Store
- Mixes
- Chyme
- Filling
- LaPlace Law
- Circular retraction
- Rolling-mixing contraction
- Circular contraction
- Peristalsis
- Duodenal inhibiting effects
- Neuronal reflexes
- Hormonal (secretin, GIP, VIP)
- Gastric facilitating effects
- Gastrine
Words to include in the motoric acitivty of the GI tract, motor movemnts of ileum
- Mingling movemnts
- Emulsification
- Segmental movemnet
- Villi movement
- Proceeding movements
- Slow peristalsis
- Ileocecal valve
- Ileocecal sphinter
- BER ( Basic Electrical Rhythm)
- Sow waves
- Nervous control
- N. splanchnicus
- N. vagus
- Sympathetic
- Parasympathetic
- Reflexes
- Intestinal reflexes
- BER ( Basic Electrical Rhythm)
Words to include in the motoric acitivty of the GI tract, motor movemnts of colon
- Microbial digestion
- Water and electrolyte reabsorption
- Retrograde flow (Ru)
- Peristalsis
- Antiperistalsis
- Microbial synthesis (Car)
Words to include in the motoric acitivty of the GI tract, motor movemnts of rectum
- Evacuation
- Defectation
- Hypothalamic and cortical control
- Reflex stretch receptors
- Afferent neurons (S1-S4)
- Efferentation
- Sphinters
Words to include in the electrophysiology of the GI-tract
- Smooth muscle cells
- Slow waves
- BER (Basic Electrical Rhythm)
- Na+/K+ pump
- Ca2+ channels
- Spike potentials
- Action potential
- Threshold potential (- 40 mV)
- Overshoot of shreshold
- Na2+ influx
- Calmodulin regulatory mechanism
- Resting potential
- Muscle excitabillity
- Depolarization
- Hyperpolarization
- Tonus contraction
Topics to include in the essay
- Motoric activity of the GI tract
- Motility types
- Motor movement of stomach
- Motor tasks of the stomach
- Motions of stomach
- Regulation
- Motor movement of ileum
- Movemt types of ileum
- Regulation
- Motor movement of colon
- Motor movement of rectum
- Electrical activity of the GI-tract
- Graph
- Compartments of the graph
Motility types of the GI tract
Passing movement
- Stretch receptors
- Circular muscle layer behind the bolus is inhibited
- Longitudinal layer is dilated
- Dilation pushes the bolus in the aboral direction
Mixing movement
- Mingling bolus
Villi movement
- By mucosal muscle layer
- Contact between epithelium and intestinal content
Motor movements of stomach
- Motor tasks of the stomach can be classified into three groups:
- Storage
- Mixes food with the secretion of the stomach and form chyme
- Chyme is passed to the ileum to secure optimal digestion and absorption
- No change in intragastric pressure (LaPlace law)
- Chyme: content of the stomach after mingling
- Motions of the stomach:
- Circular retraction which is a rolling-mixing contraction
- Circular contraction (in corpus)
- Peristalsis
- Chyme whirls back towards the oral part of the stomach
- Peristaltic contraction in the pre-pyloric region of antrum helps the emptying of chyme
- Regulation:
Duodenal inhibiting effect:
- Neuronal reflexes
- Secretin
Gastric facilitating effects:
- Volume of foodstuff
- Gastrine (facilitates pyloric pump)
Duodenal inhibiting effect:
Motor movements of ileum
- Movement types of the ileum:
Mingling movements
- Increases emulsification
- Segmental movement
- Villi movement
Proceeding movements
- Slow peristalsis
Mingling movements
- Ileocecal valve prevents regurgitation of colon content
- Ileocecal sphincter is light contracted, slowing down the passing
- Regulation:
- BER (Basic Electrical Rhythm)
- Nervous control
- Inhibition: N. slpanchnicus (sympathetic)
- Excitation: N. vagus (parasympathetic)
- Reflexes
- Intestinal reflexes
Motor movement of colon
- Intestinal content moves slower in colon than in the previous section of the intestines
Retrograde flow (ruminants)
- Ileum - colon -caecum -colon
- Retention
- Peristalsis + antiperistalsis → mixing in colon
- Carnivores:
- Small microbial synthesis
- Fast movement caused by an aboral-mass peristalsis
Motor movements of rectum
- Main role: evacuation (feces are stored in colon)
- Defecation is under hypothalamic and cortical control
- During feces evacuation reflex stretch receptors in the wall sends afferent neurons to S1-S4
- Efferentation: Pelvic nerves increase contraction and peristalsis, relaxes sphincters
Give the graph of electrical activity of gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells
Define the different compartments of the graph
Slow waves
- Changing of GI smooth muscle cell membrane potentials by 5-15mV around RMP (-55mV)
- The sum of electrical activity generated by slow waves
- Caused by changing acitivity of the Na+/K+ pumps and precence of Ca2+ channels
Spike potential
- Action potential of GI smooth muscle cells
- Stimulated if slow wave reaches threshold potential (-40mV)
- Higher overshoot of threshold → more frequent contractions
Resting potential
- Influences muscle excitability
Tonus contraction
- Continous
- Initiated by:
- Hormones /factors causing permanent membrane depolarization (ø spike potential)
- Permanent Ca2+ influx