Topic 33 - The characteristics of the lung circulation, the perfusion of the lungs, gas diffusion in the lungs Flashcards
Words to include
- Inner respiration
- Blood → cell
- Outer respiration
- Blood → outside world
The characteristics of the lung circulation
- Arteries
- Dual blood supply
- A. pulmonales
- Right ventricle → alveolar capillaries
- Oxygen deficient blood (99%)
- Functional
- Aa. bronchiales
- Oxygen rich blood (1%)
- Nutritive
- Veins
- V. bronchalis (1%)
- Vv. pulmonalis (99%)
- Lungs → left atrium
- Oxygenated
- Vv. pulmonalis (99%)
- V. azygous
- Lungs → Right atrium
- Systemic circulation
- Vv. bronchiales
- Coronary veins
- V. bronchalis (1%)
- Oxygen deficiency
- Hypoxia
- Vasoconstriction
- Cardiac cycle
- ±800 msec
- O2 & CO2 diffusion
- 250 msec
Ratio of ventilation and perfusion
- Alveolar air
- Afferent capillary
- Efferent capillary
- Normal condition
- Blood gas balanced with alveolar air
- Arterialized
- Alveolus is plugged
- Blood flows away unchanged
- Blood flow stops (capillary plug)
- No blood flow
- Alveolar gas pressure = atmospheric
Influence of gravity on lung circulation
- Low pressure in lung circulation
- Gravitational forces
- Dorsal areas of lung
- Gravitional forces are low
- Perfusion is absent
- During systole and diastole: Palv > Pa > Pv
- Middle areas of lung
- Perfusion is sporadic
- Alveolar capillaries
- Open during systole
- Closed during diastole
- During systole: Pa > Pv > Palv
- During diastole: Pa > Palv > Pv
- Ventral areas of lung
- Contiuous perfusion
- Alveloar pressure can not compress capillaries in systole and diastole
- During systole and diastole: Pa > Pv > Palv
Regulation of perfusion
- Neural factors
- Parasympathetic
- N. vagus
- Acetylcholine
- Vasodilation
- N. vagus
- Sympathetic
- Noradrenic fibers
- α-receptor stimulation
- Vasoconstriction
- Adrenalin
- β-receptors
- Vasodilation
- α-receptors mainly
- Noradrenic fibers
- Adrenalin
- β-receptors
- Alveolar dilation
- Ventilation ↑
- Anaphylactic shock
- Adrenaline reduces reaction
- Parasympathetic
- Hypoxia
- Little oxygen
- Diameter of blood vesses opposite of in systemic circulation
- Local hypoxia → local stenosis (constriction)
- Blood pressure
- Blood pressure ↑ → Vascular tone ↓
- Minute volume
Diffusion of gasses in the lung
Determined by:
- Partial pressure relations of gases
- Gas permability of membranes
- Size of exchange surface
Maintainance of gas exchange:
- Continous and varying oxygen consumption
- CO2 production
- Partial gas pressure values of alveolar air
- pO2 = 100 mmHg
- pCO2 = 40 mmHg
- Total exchange
- During first 200 msec
Topics to include in the essay
- Definition of inner respiration and outer respiration
- The characteristics of the lung circulation
- Arteries
- Veins
- The perfusion of the lungs
- Ratio of ventilation and perfusion
- Normal condition
- Alveolus is plugged
- Blood flow stops (capillary plug)
- Influence of gracity on lung circulation
- Regulation of perfusion
- Neural factors
- Hypoxia
- Blood pressure
- Ratio of ventilation and perfusion
- Gas diffusion in the lungs
Give the imporance and division of respiration
Inner respiration: Blood → cell
- Energy generating
Outer respiration: Blood → outside world
- Gas exchange
Respiration is an essntial physological process participating in:
- Oxygen supply
- CO2 removal
- Control of hydrogen ion concentration in blood
The characteristics of the lung circulation
- In the functional areas of the lung, the walls of the blood-vesses are thinner than that of the corresponding systemic vessels
- Therefor, lung vessels can take up a larger quantities of blood at lower pressure values than systemic circulation
- The lungs has a dual blood supply:
A. pulmonalis:
- Transfers the used blood for gas exchange from right ventricle → alveolar capillaries
- 99% of the blood supply of oxygen deficeinet blood
- Functional circulation
Aa. bronchales
- Aorta → lung tissues
- 1% of the blood supply to the lungs have oxygen rich blood from aa. bronchales
- Nutritive circulation
A. pulmonalis:
- Two venous systems lead away blood from the lungs
V. bronchails
1% of the blood leaves the lungs via v. broncahils
- Part of the blood goes to vv. pulmonalis, thus mixing the local fresh blood with venous blood
1% of the blood leaves the lungs via v. broncahils
V. azygous
- Systemic circulation → right atrium
- Systemic circulation
Vv. pulmonales
- Lungs → left atrium
- 99% of the blood coming out of the lungs is oxygenated
- Venous blood contaminates the refreshed blood through two sources:
- V. bronchiales
- Coronares
The perfusion of the lungs
Ratio of ventilation and perfusion
Normal condition
Blood gaswill be balanced withalveolar air
- Blood flows away arterialized
Blood gaswill be balanced withalveolar air
Alveolus is plugged
- The arriving blood flows away unchanged (not refreshed)
Blood flow stops (capillary plug)
- Infinite, no blood flow
- Alveolar gas pressure = atmospheric

The perfusion of the lungs
Influence of gravity on lung circulation
- Because of the very low pressure in the lung circulation, the importance of the gravitational forces affecting the blood is much greater here than in the systemic circulation
Dorsal areas of the lung:
- Ø perfusion
- The gravitational forces are lower
- The pressure in the alveoli compresses the blood vessels
- During systole and diastole: Palv > Pa > Pv
Middle areas of the lung:
- Perfusion is sporadic
- The alveolar capillaries are:
- Open during systole
- Closed during diastole
- During systole: Pa > Pv > Palv
- During diastole: Pa > Palv > Pv
Ventral areas of the lung:
- Constant perfusion
- Gravitation increases the blood pressure
- The alveolar pressure can not compress capillaries either during systole or diastole
- During systole and diastole: Pa > Pv > Palv

The perfusion of the lungs
Regulation of perfusion
Neural factors
- Acetylcholine relase from n. vagus → vasodilation
Noradrenic fibers gives vasoconstriction
- α-receptor stimulation
Adrenalin gives vasodilation (relaxation of blood vessels)
- β-receptors
- Mostly α-receptors in these vessels
Noradrenic fibers gives vasoconstriction
Adrenalin (through β-receptors) creates alveolar dilation → increasing ventilation
- Crucial in anaphylatic shock, adreanlin reduces the reaction
- Little oxygen
- Affects the diameter of the blood vessels opposite of that in the systemic circulation
- Local hypoxia cause local stenosis (constriction), blood redistribution
Blood pressure
- Blood pressure ↑ → vascular tone ↓
- The lungs ability to achive an high minute volume in the case of increased physical activity without any change in the pressure conditions
Gas diffusion in the lungs
- Determined by:
- Partial pressure relations of the gases
- Gas permeability of the membranes
- Size of the exchange surface
- Maintenance of the gas exchange:
- Continuous and varying oxygen consumption
- CO2 production
Partial gas pressure values of the alveolar air are constant:
- pO2 = 100 mmHg
- pCO2 = 40 mmHg
- The result of gas exchange taking place in the alveoli differs from the result of the gas exchange of the total lung
- During the first 200 msec for both gases, a total exchange takes place, despite that pCO2 is smaller than pO2
- Reason: flow of gases is determined by:
- Pressure differences
- Permeability
- Reason: flow of gases is determined by: