Topic 7 - Red blood cells and the hemoglobin Flashcards
Words to include in red blood cells
- Mitochondria (ø)
- Life time:
- 120 days
- 60 days (cattle, swine)
- 30 days (bird)
- Hemoglobin concentration (35%)
- RBC synthesis
- Oxygen supply
- Kidney status
- Age
- RBC data
- Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
- Hb/Ht
- Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)
- Hb/RBC
- Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)
- Ht/RBC
- Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
- Hemolysis
- Osmotic
- Leakage / disruption
- Isotonic solution
- Hypotonic solution
- Burst
- Hypertonic solution
- Shrink
- Membrane hemolysis
- Physical effects
- Freezing
- Dissolving
- Shaking
- Shocking
- Freezing
- Chemical effects
- Acids
- Liposolvents
- Ether
- Chloroform
- Surface tension reducers
- Saponine
- Bile salts
- Toxin effect
- Bacterial toxins
- Snake toxins
- Plant toxins
- Physical effects
- Osmotic resistance
- Adapt to slight changes
- Slightly hyperosmotic environment
- Slightly hypoosmotic environment
- Minimal resistance
- Maximal resistance
- RBC membrane characteristics
- Spectrin protein
- Flexible
- Molecular springs
- Ankyrine
- Actin-bridge
- Attachment protein
- Spectrin protein
- Adapt to slight changes
Words to include in hemoglobin
- Pigment
- Role:
- Transport of blood gases
- Blood buffer capacity
- 4 subunits
- Hem
- Ferro-protoporhyrine
- Porphyrine base
- 4 coordination sites
- Imidazole ring
- Iron atom
- Oxynen
- Reversibly
- Methaemoblobin-reductase
- NADPH system
- Globin
- Oxygen binding characteristics
- Allosteric stimulation
- Sickle cell anemia
- Single amino acid change
- Glutamine (ø alanine)
- Drepancytaemia
- Malaria
- Single amino acid change
- Age effect
- Fetal hemoglobin (Hb-F)
- 2 α chains
- 2 β chanis
- Adult hemoglobin (Hb-A)
- 2 α chains
- 2 Ɣ chanis
- 2,3-DPG
- Amino acid eequence
- Oxygen affinity
- Fetal hemoglobin (Hb-F)
Transport of blood gases
- Oxygen
- Fe2+
- Reversible
- 1 hem binds to 1 O2
- Fe2+
- CO2
- Carbamin-haemoglobin
- Hb-NH2 + CO2 = Hb-N-COOH
- CO
- Reversibly
- OH and Cl radicals
- Irreversibely
- Affinity
- Desoxi-Hb
- Fe2+
- Oxygenated-Hb
- Fe2+O2
- CO-Hb
- Fe2+CO
- Hemiglobin
- Fe3+
- Hemin chloride
- Fe3+Cl
- Desoxi-Hb
- Buffer
- Buffer bases in blood
- Hb-anion
- Buffer action
- HHb/Hb-
- Deoxygenated Hb
- Proton acceptor
- Buffer bases in blood
Degradation of hemoglobin
- Phagocyte
- Hb
- Globin
- Amino acid
- Hem
- Fe
- Protoporfirin-IX
- Bilirubin
- Globin
- Hb
- Circulation
- Bilirubin I / indirect bilirubin
- Albumin
- Blood
- Hepatocyte
- Glucoronic acid (80%)
- Sulphate (20%)
- Billirubin I
- Billirubin II / direct bilirubin
- Bile
- Intestinal lumen
- Billirubin II
- Billirubin I
- Urobillinogen (UBG)
- Stercobillinogen
- Stercobilin
- Faeces
- Vena portae
- Systemic circulation
- Kidney
- Urin
- Urobillinogen (UBG)
Topics to include in the essay
- Red blood cells
- Average lifetime of RBC
- RBC data
- Hemolysis
- Osmotic resistance
- Hemoglobin
- Hem
- Globin
- Transport of blood gases
- Hemoglobin as buffer
- Degradation of hemoglobin
Red blood cells
Give the average lifetime of red blood cell in:
- Mammals
- Cattle, swine
- BIrds
- Mammals: 120 days
- Cattle, swine: 60 days
- Birds: 30 days
Red blood cells
Give the concentration of hemoglobin in 1 g RBC
35% hemoglobin
Red blood cells
RBC data
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
- Hb/Ht
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)
- Hb/RBC
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)
- Ht/RBC

Red blood cells
Hemolysis - osmotic
- Hemolysis: Lekage or disruption of the blood cells (mainly RBC)
- Types of hemolysis
- RBC in isotonic solution
- Ø change
- RBC in hypotonic solution
- Water flows into cell, cell swells up → bursts
- RBC in hypertonic solution
- Water leaves cell and cell shrinks
- RBC in isotonic solution

Red blood cells
Membrane hemolysis
Physical effects
- Freezing, Dissolving
- Shaking, Shocking
Chemical effects
- Acids, Liposolvents (ether, chloroform)
- Surface tension reducers (saponine, bile salts)
Effects of toxins
- Bacterial toxins
- Snake toxins
- Plant toxins
Red blood cells
Osmotic resistance
Osmotic resistance: RBCs can adapt to slight changes easely, slight changes in the osmolality do not cause permanent damage, only change of the shape
- Slightly hyperosmotic environment
- Slightly hypoosmotic environment
- Minimal resistance: hemolysis just starts
- Maximal resistance: all the cells hemolyze
Osmotic resistance is due to the special characteristics of the RBC membrane
- The membrane is able to adapt to the changes of the osmotic environment due to the spectrin protein molecules
- On the internal side of the membrane, giving a flexible feature
- “Molecular springs” are fixed forming a net on the internal side of cell by ankyrine, actin and smaller connective molecules

Main role
- Transport of blood gases
- Forming of blood’s buffer capacity
What is hemoglobin composed of?
- Globin, a protein group
Four heme groups
- Each associated with an iron atom
- The hem is a ferro-protoporphyrine
- In the porphyrine base, iron has 4 coordination sites
- The two other valences involved are bound to the imidaxole ring of the protein
Iron binds to oxygen revesibly
- Oxygneation
- The oxygenated derivate is methaemoglobin
- This binds oxygen irreversibly and is produced under normal conditions too but it is reversed by the methaemoglobin-reductase – NADPH system
- The structure of globin determines the characteristics of oxygen binding
- The structrure allows allosteric stimulation and is able to bind new oxygen even stronger after accepting the former one
- Affinity for oxygen are increasing
Sickle cell anemia
- Single amino acid change:
- There is glutamine in the 6th position of the beta chain instead of alanine
- Drepancytaemia
- Resistance against malaria
Age effect
- Fetal hemoglobin has a lower affinity to the 2,3-DPG than the adult hemoglobin due to its amino acid sequence
- Important in long term storage of blood
- Adult animal:
- 2 α chanis
- 2 β chanis
- 2 α chanis
- 2 Ɣ chains
Transport of blood gases: which molecules are able to bind to hemoglobin?
- Binds to Fe2+ (reversible)
- 1 hem binds to 1 O2
- Carbamino-hemoglobin
- Responsible for 20% of the complete CO2 blood-transport
- Hb-NH2 + CO2 = Hb-N-COOH
- Bind reversibly with 200 times higher affinity than to oxygen
OH radicals
- Bind irreversibly
Cl radicals
- Bind irreversibly
- Desoxi-Hb: Fe2+
- Oxygenated-Hb: Fe2+O2
- CO-Hb: Fe2+CO
- Hemiglobin: Fe3+
- Hemin chloride: Fe3+Cl

Hemoglobin as a buffer
- Hb- anion is one of the two most important buffer bases in the blood
- Buffer action is ensured by:
- HHb/Hb-
- 35% of the buffer capacity of the blood is provided by hemoglobin. The deoxygenated Hb is a better proton acceptor than the oxygenated one
Degradation of hemoglobin