Topic 66 - The heat balance, and the effect of the environmental temperature Flashcards
Words to include in heat balance
Forms of heat balance
- Depends on external temperature
- Transiently poikilothermic
- Hibernating animals
- CNS previous core temperature
- Hibernating animals
- Inactivated by higher environmental temperature
- Snakes
- Aestivation
- Summer inactivation period
- Independent of external temperature
- Poikilothermuc under certain conditions
- Transiently poikilothermic
- Hibernating animals
- Transiently poikilothermic
Independent of environmental temperature at all times
- Core temperature
- Domestic mammals
Independent of environmental temperature at all times
Importance of heat exchange
One way heat exchange
- Low efficiency
- Looping heat exchange
- Prevents heat loos through extrtimities
Counter-current heat exchange
- More efficient
- Heat in warm branch transferred to cold branch
- Exchange between deep arterial and venous system
- Domestic animals
Influence of age on body temperature
- Time of day
- Food intake / food quality
- Moltility
- Muscle activity
- Sexual cycle
- Gravidity
- Parturition
- Core temperature
- Peripheral temperature
- Higher metabolic rate in young animals
- Higher temperature gradient against the environment
- Higher speed of heat loos
- Thermoneutral zone
- Consume least O2
- Zone narrow with age
Heat balance equation
- Ht = Hm + Hc + Hr + He + Hs
- Ht: normal amount of heat of the body
- Produced heat:
- Hm: metabolically produced
- Hs: stored in chemical bonds
- Exchange heat:
- Hc: convection
- Hr: radiation
- He: evaporation
- Hypothalamic control
- Maintaining body temperature
- Central and peripheral cold and heat sensors
- Heating area
- Cooling area
Defense against cold
- First line of defenseHeat conservation
- Diminishing heat-loss
- Muscular activity ↑
- Tonic (isometric) or shivering ↑
- Chemical (non-shivering) thermogenesis
- Brown adipose tissue (compared to white adipose tissue)
- Foamy
- intensive blood supply
- Mitochindria
- Heat production in brown adipose:
- Cold
- Sympathetic activation (epinephrine, norepinephrine)
- Futile cycle
- cAMP production
- Lipase activity ↑
- FFA level ↑
- Transport to other organs
- Oxidation
- Oxidation in mitochondria
- Transport to other organs
Defense against heat
- Humid heat loos: evaporation
- Persipiratio sensibilis
- Sweating
- Location of sweat glands in different species
- Sweating
- Persipiratio insensibilis
- Diffusion from surface of alveoli, skin and oral mucous membranes
- Panting
- Diffusion from surface of alveoli, skin and oral mucous membranes
- Persipiratio sensibilis
- Panting:
- Evaporation (water loss)
- Advantage: Influence degree of heat loss
- Disadvantage: Alkalosis and consume energy
Words to include in the effect of the environmental temperature
- Below controllable range
- Metabolism ↓
- Heat / respiratory frequency ↓
- Circulatory failure
- Hypercapnia
- Too much CO2 in blood
- Hypoxia
- Too little dissolved CO2
- Hypercapnia
- Disorders of:
- Digestion
- Absorption
- Kidney functions
- Fainting
- Ventricular fibrillations
- Insufficient operation of heat dissipating mechanism
- Metabolism ↓
- Corruption of circulation → overheating shock
- Hypercapnia
- Hypervolemia
- Loss of salts and water
- Muscle seizure
- Fever
Morpho-functional changes
- In cold:
- Thickening of fur coat
- Subcutaneous adipose tissue ↑
- Calorigenic hormones
- Thyroid hormone ↑
- Glucocorticoids ↑
- Metabolic rate ↑
- Superficial vasoconstrictor mechanism of skin
- a/v shunt
- In heat:
- Thickness and density of insulation layers ↓
- Activation of sweat glands
- Aldosterone effects
- Respiratory musculature ↑
- Superficial vasodilation of skin
Topics to include in the essay
- The heat balance
- Forms of heat balance (in different species)
- Importance of heat exchange
- Influence of age on body temperature
- Equation
- Maintainance of constant body temperature
- Defense against cold
- Heat production in brown adipose
- Defense against heat
- Panting
- Defense against cold
- Effect of environmental temperature
- Hypothermia
- Hyperthermia
- Morpho-functional changes
The heat balance
Forms of heat balance
- Regarding their heat balance animals can be divided into three major groups:
- Body temperature depends on external temperature
Hibernating animals are transitiently polikilothermic
- CNS is the only one which has the previous core temperatrue
- Animals can be inactivated by higher environmental temperature (several snakes)
- Aestivation: summer inactivation period
- Body temperature independs on external temperatur
- May act poikilothers under certain conditions
- Transiently poikilothermic (hibernating animals)
Body temperature independent of environmental temperature at all times
- Posession of a core temperature
Core temperature is diagnostic parameter, its value is altered by:
- Time of day
- Feed intake
- Muscular activity
- Sex
- Age
- All domestic mammals
Body temperature independent of environmental temperature at all times
The heat balance
Importance of heat exchange
One way heat exchange
- Low efficiency
Looping heat exchange
- Prevents heat loss through extremities in contact with ground
Counter-current heat exchange
- More efficient than unidirectional heat exchange
- Heat is warm branch transfered to cold branch
- Indentical temperature in both branches
- Exchange between deep arterial and venous system
- Domestic animals
The heat balance
Influence of age on body temperature
- Alters mostly the core and peripheral temperature
- Younger animals: higher body temperature due to higher metabolic rate
- Higher temperature gradient against the environment
- Higher speed of heat loss
Thermoneutral zone:
- Value at which the animals consume least O2
- Zone narrows with age
Figure: oxygen consumption of chickens of different ages

The heat balance
Ht: normal amount of heat of the body
Produced heat:
- Hm: metabolically produced
- Hs: stored in chemical bonds
Exchanged heat:
- Hc: convection
- Hr: radiation
- He: evaporation
Produced heat:

The heat balance
Neural control
Hypothalamic control is the basis of maintaining body temperature:
- Central and peripheral cold and heat sensors accomplish the heat reception
- The center can be divided into heating and cooling areas
- Simultaneous activity of these two centers adjust the heat loss

The effects of environmental temperature
Defense against cold
Heat conservation: Diminishing the heat loss
- Animals living in groups cuddle up to each other diminishing the surface are of heat loss
Muscular activity ↑
- Increase tonicity (isomtric) or shivering
Chemical (non-shivering) thermogenesis
- If the two above-mentioned forms are not able to maintain the constant body temperature
Brown adipose tissue compared to white adipose tissue:
- Foamy
- Intensive blood supply
- Many mitochondria
- Body temperature decreases below the controllabele range
- Metabolism ↓
- Heart / respiratory frequency ↓
Circulation failute
- Hypercapina (too much CO2 in blood)
- Hypoxia (too little dissolved CO2)
- Disorders of:
- Digestion
- Absorption
- Kidney functions
- Fainting
- Ventricular fibrillations
Morpho-functional changes
- Thickening of fur coat and subcutaneous adipose tissue
Calorigenic hormones increases secretion:
- Thyroid hormones ↑
- Glucocorticoids ↑
- Metabolic rate ↑
- Superficial vasoconstrictor mechanism of sikn (a/v shunt)
Effects of the environmental temperature
Defense against heat
Humid heat-loss: evaporation:
Perspiratio insensibilis
- Panting by diffusion from the alveoli, skin and oral mucous membranes
Perspiratio sensibilis
- Sweating
Perspiratio insensibilis
- Advantage: animal can actively influence the degree of heat-loss
- Disadvantage: excessive panting can cause alkalosis and consumes energy
- Insufficient operantion of heat dissipating mechanisms:
- Metabolism ↓
- Corruption of circulation → overheating shock
- Hypercapnia
- Hypeovolemia
- Water and salt loss
- Muscle sizure
Morpho-functional changes:
- Thickness and density of isulation layers ↓
- Activation of sweat glands
- Aldosterone effect
- Respiratory muscles ↑
- Superficial vasodilation of skin