Thin Beef Cow Flashcards
What is a thin cow?
What points on the cow can you use to evaluate BCS?
Back, tail head, pins, hooks, ribs, brisket
Fat in tailhead >6
No fat in tailhead <5
Tuber coxae
Ishial tuebrosity
Why may a mamma cow be skinny? What if she isn’t but her baby is?
A good mom gives her all to the baby, if she is fat and the baby is thin then she isnt doing her job
How do you know if the thiness is a herd problem or individual problem?
Herd: All nutrition
Induvial: one age, lameness, chronic disease
Describe a spring cows BCS in relation to calving and breeding
Hard to have in good BCS at calving (poor cyclicity) and easy to have them gaining during breeding season (goof fertility)
Describe a fall cows BCS in relation to calving and breeding
Easy to have cow in good BCS for calving (cyclicity) and poor when breeding (fertility)
What’s the age of the cattle with the following incisors erupting:
1st pair:
2nd pair:
3rd pair:
4th pair:
1 - 1.5yr
2 - 2.5yr
3 - 3.5yr
4- 4.5yr
Neck showing 6yr and up
How do you know when to cull a thin cow that is health other wise?
She is thin and low BCS and has corn for teeth
What are 3 differentials for swelling in jaw region of cow?
Lumpy Jaw - actinomyces bovis
Abscess - truperella pyrogenes
Woody Tongue - actinobacillus linguesa
Bottle Jaw - heart disease (pitting edema)
What are the pathophysiologic causes of bottle jaw?
Right sided heart failure
Hardware disease
High Altitude Disease
Bacterial Endocarditis
What is a typical signalment and clinical presentation of johnes?
7 year old, thin BSC 2-3, bottle jaw, diarrhea
What is clinical presentation of lumpy jaw and how did they get it?
Big lump on the jaw, grass awn
What is another cause of diarrhea that you may mistake for Johnes?
Grass Scours
What are 2 main causes of right sided heart failure?
Endocarditis and Hardware Disease/Traumatic reticulpericarditis
What are 3 clinical signs of traumatic reticulopericarditis?
Distended Jugular, Jugular Pulse, Wash Machine Heart Sound
(hauncehd, wont go down to withers pinch test)
What is reticuloperitonitis?
Localized or generalized peritonitis, weight loss
Treatment: cull, withdraw antibiotics 7-10 days
What is one treatment or prevention for Traumatic reticulopericarditis?
Magnet, NSAID, Antibiotic
Treatment success depend on severity
What are signs of bacterial endocarditis?
Murmur, distended jugular, jug pulse, down on withers pinch test
Supportive care and antibiotics
What is Johnes disease?
Mycobacterium Peratuberculosis
-Chronic infection ileum and regional lymph nodes - cant absorb anymore
When and how does an infection of Johnes occur?
Young cow like 2, fecal oral rout, neonatal calf via milk or colostrum, water or feed
What causes the thin cow in johnes?
damage to small intestines that causes the loss of protein from blood into the lumen of the intestines (PLE)
What are signs of johnes disease?
Weight loss with good appetites, diarrhea, dull, lethargy, emaciatio, dehydration and bottle jaw
If you find one johnes cow in your herd what does that mean for the rest?
15-20 others also probably have it, its hard to diagnose
How do you test for johnes?
Blood, milk eliza, fecal culture, or PCR (screen purchased, clinical and herd)
What are the prevention methods of johnes?
Prevent newborn and young from ingesting it
Clean up farm environment (test cows before they enter herd)