Dehorning and Castration Flashcards
What is AVMAs definition of castration?
Removing the testicles surgically, damaging them irreparably or causing them to atrophy by stricture of the blood supply
Why do we castrate?
Decrease fighting and injury
Taste of meat
Less quality grade carcass
Breeding not desired by client
What age do we castrate the following:
-Cattle: 1st day of birth to less than 120 days is best
-Sheep: at birth or sooner
-Goats: 6 months if pet
-Pigs: 2-5 days
What are the primary methods of castration?
Physical - banding, cutting, bloodless
Chemical - intratesticular injection toxic agent
Hormonal - immunocastration (Anti-GNRH)
When can you apply elastrator bands and what’s the procedure?
Birth to 3 weeks
-Pull both testicles through, prongs up, apply the band and milk off, then count and make sure 2 are still there
-Scrotum should fall off in 1-3 weeks
What are some possible complications with elastrator bands?
Miss one
Need to vaccinate for tetanus
Heat can dry rot the bands
NO teats!
What are some bloodless castration options for older calves that are >5 months?
Callicrate smart bander and pro, tri-band, EZE bander, XL bander
-Scrotum fall off or cut off in 3-4 days
-Vaccinate for tetanus
What is the smallest size cow that can be castrated with a calicrate bander?
How do Burdizzos work?
Scrotum is smushed and testicular circulation is disrupted and it atrophies over time -clamp at different levels, lots of swelling, tetanus vaccine needed
What are the steps to surgical castration?
- Meloxicam 1mg/kg or banamine for pain
- Local block (intratesticular or spermatic cord) - lidocaine 2-4mg/kg or 5-10ml per side for a 500lb calf
- Use hemostats to grab the bottom of the scrotum
- Use Newberry knife to split scrotum longitudinally (flaps) or scalpel blade (need good tail jack either way) - make sure open 1/3 if can
- Grab testicle and pull down, grab scrotum and strip up - free up spermatic cord, constant tension pulling down until cord breaks or can use Henderson or emasculator in bigger calves
- Clean up cord and apply fly spray
What is unique about the Newberry knife?
Harder to cut yourself
What is important to remember about older small ruminant castrations?
Full sedation needed
Pain meds and antibiotics
May ligate with miller knot or transfix
What so you do if blood is pouring out of the scrotum?
You broke at the pampiniform plexus or yanked too hard
-Wait 10 minutes apply pressure and pack with gauze (may need to find vessel and tie it off
-Only leave packed for hour or two
How do you perform a castration of young swint (few days)?
Restrain between legs, upside down
-Squeeze testicle into scrotum, use 12 blade to cut over testicles, pull straight out
If you pull testicles down in a baby pig what happens?
Stretches the inguinal ring and allows herniation
How far ahead of castration would you need to give meloxicam to baby pigs for it to help?
3 hours or in mom into milk
What drugs do you use for large pig castrations?
TKX - Telazol, ketamine and xylazine (1cc/50lb)
(Midazolam, dex or butrophanol for pets)
How do you castrate a larger pig?
Place lateral or dorsal recumbency
Prep the scrotum, cut over the testicles, remove bottom one 1st, break down ligament of testis, emasculate or ligate
What should you look for post castration?
-Swelling (can occur with surgical, shouldn’t with banding)
-Monitor sign lethargy, lameness or fly strike
-normal in a week
What is the definition of disbudding?
Removal or destruction of horn producing corium in young animals
-can be done in 1st 24 hours
What is dehorning?
Painful procedure with longer healing time, horn removed after horn-producing corium has attached to the skull
What kind of anesthesia is used for dehorning?
Sedate - 1ml xylasine per 100ml lidocaine
-Cornual nerve block (Trigenimal branch, zygomaticotemperal nerve)
-2-3ml lidocaine under zygomatic ridge
Which method of dehorning should be used for the following:
-Young animals:
-Mechanical method
-Very Large Animal
Barns Dehorners
Gigli wire or keystone dehorner
Surgical or cosmetic
What are some keys to remember about the hot iron?
Small buds, and test to make sure hot enough, dont hold on longer than 5 seconds in small ruminants, fine in large
What should you consider when using the barns dehorners?
Need to get bud but try to avoid going into the sinuses
-Push away from you hard and fast
What kind of incision should be performed for a cosmetic dehorning?
Elliptical incision around the horn, sharp dissection , gigly wire or dehorners to remove horn and pull visible arteries and close incision
What should you monitor for post-dehorning?
Fly control
Monitor hemorrhage
Open sinus - cover
*No eating from hay rack or round bale
-Check for drainage, head shaking, head tilt, nasal discharge, lethargy
Should you dehorn adult goats?
No, high risk of sinusitis