The endocrine system Flashcards
ducted glands, tubes that carry products secreted by glands. eg kidney
protein that carries chemical messages arounf the human body dissolved in blood
ductless glands,screte hormones into blood
feedback mechnism
when the conc of a horomone controls the secretion level of itself or another hormone in the blood
Postive feedback mechanism
production of one horomone increases the production of a second horomone by a gland
Negative feedback mechanism
the production of the second horomone (thyroxine) results in the decrease of the first hormone (tsh) by a gland
Explain negative feebnack loops
Hormone levels are controlled by negative feedback loops. the net effect of this control is that normals levels inhibit hormone productions and reduced leves stimulate horomone production
Explain an example of a feedback mechanism
high levels of TSH (thyroid-stimulating horomonr) increase production of thyroxide by a gland.High levels of Thyroxine now cause a decrease of TSH on the pitutary gland.
Describe the nervous system and why it is different to the endocine system
The nervous sustem is fast and uses electrochemical signals to send messages to specific parts of the body. Hormones have a slow response time and carry chemical messanges aroud the body to the target area
Which glands produce horones
endocrine glands
What are horomones
made of proteins, carry chemical massages,made by endocrine glands, transported around the human body in the blood to a target area, act in a another, slow response time,long lasting effect, similar to growth hormones in plants
What is the pituitary gland
main endocine gland
where is the pituitary gland
Name hormones produced by the pitutary gland
(FSH) follicle stimulating horomone - stimulate egg and sperm production
Luteinising hormone (LH)-ovulation
(THS) thyrois stimulating hormone- stimulates thyroid to produce thyroxide
(GH) Growth hormone
Name the gland, hormone and function of the hormone produced in the gland in the troat, on the trachea
The Thyroid gland produces thyroxine. It regulates metabolism and controls growth and development.
Name the gland, hormone and function of the hormone produced in the pancreas (endocrine)
Islets of langerhans, produce insulin which regulate sugar levels in cells in blood
Name the gland, hormone and function of the hormone produced in the top of kidneys
adrenal gland, produces adrealine, the stress hormone, flight or fight
Name the gland, hormone and function of the hormone produced in the gland behind sternum
Thymus produces thymosin which matures lymphocytes
Name the gland, hormone and function of the hormone produced in the thyroid
parathyroid produces parathormone which regulates blood and calcium levels
The pancreas acts as both an endocine gland and a exocrine gland, name the hormones produced by both and their functions
endocine- islets of langerhand (insulin)
exocrine pancreas- lipase (releases amylase into GI tract)
What does the hypothalamus do
The hypothalamus links nervous and the endocine system
Name the deficiency distorders to do with the thyroid
hypothyroidism (underactive)
tirdness, lack of energy, weight gain, cold
caused by not enough thyroxine produced
treated by thyroxine tablets
Hyperthyroidism (overactive)
weight loss, hunger, heat production and nervousness
caused by overproduction of thyroxine
treated by surgically removing part of thyroid and kill using radioactive iodine
Deficiency disorder caused by lack of insuline
excessive thirst, high blood sugar and tirdness
treated with insuline injections and controlled carbohydrate intake
Name artifical uses of horomone
insulin injections- controls severe diabeties
anabolic steroides - artificial male hormone testosterone used to increase mucle mass (long term effects include: kidney complications, bladness and shrinking testerone)
Treatment of hormone defciencies thyroxine tablets for hyprothyroidism