test 4: 75 guttural pouch Flashcards
what is the guttural pouch
expansion of eustasian tube
goes over stylohyoid and runs close to internal and external carotid, CN 910,12
why examine guttural pouch
neuro disease
respiratory difficult/swelling
turns into one way valve- gutteral pouch fills with air
happens in foals
how to fix tympany
make small hole to allow air to come out
what is empyema
infection/pus in gutteral pouch
what are chondroids
chronic empyema/infection will clump together and form hardened balls
temporohyoid osteopathy
swelling of stylohyoid bone messes with facial nerve
temporohyoid osteopathy can cause
neuro signs
caused by swelling of stylohyoid bone pressing on facial nerve
how to treat temporohyoid osteopathy
break connection, stop movement of stylohoid and hopefully stop proliferation of bone
guttural pouch mycosis can cause
rupture of internal or external carotid → massive bleed
mycosis= fungal infection (aspergillious)
if mycosis effects nerves in gutteral pouch the horse can present with
difficulty eating/swallowing
food in nose
treatment for mycosis in guttural pouch
if bleeding need to block retrograde and normograde flow- ligation, intraluminal occlusion
salpingophyngeal fistula- make hole into pouch to mess up environement so fungi can’t grow