Test 4: 68 nasal disease Flashcards
differentials for acute nasal discharge
- Nasal foreign body
- Trauma
- Viral infections in cats
- Following GA & regurgitation/vomiting
- Primary/secondary hemostatic disorders
- Hypertension
- Hyperviscosity
- Vasculitis
differentials for chronic nasal discharge in SA
- dental disease
- nasophayngeal stenosis
- infalmmatory
- infectious
- cancer
differential for unilateral nasal discharge
- Foreign body
- Oronasal fistulas
- Neoplasia
- L-P rhinitis in dogs
- Aspergillosis
diff for bilateral nasal discharge
- systemic disorders
- chronic L-P rhinitis in dogs
- feline rhino-sinusitis
- advanced Aspergillosis
- allergic rhinitis
- cancer
diff for serous nasal discharge
- Non-infectious
- Viral URT in cats
diff for mucopurulent nasal discharge
Any nasal dz causing inflammatory dz inflammation + secondary bacterial infections
diff for sanguineous nasal discharge
- Craniofacial trauma
- Fungal infection
- Neoplasia
- Systemic hypertension
- Hemostatic disorders
diff for food containing nasal discharge
- Cleft palate
- Oro-nasal fistula
- Dysphagia
- Regurgitation
some physical exam signs for nasal issues
- facial/nasal asymmetry?
- nasal pain?
- nasal depigmentation?
- presence of crusts/ulcers?
- patent air passages?
- resistance to ocular retropulsion?
- neurological signs?
primary bacterial infections are very —
Mrs B reported that Hartley started sneezing and having nasal discharge after going outside for a walk 7 days before presentation. He received an antibiotic and steroids with a partial improvement followed by a relapse when therapy was stopped. Mrs B also noticed a strong smell coming from the left nostril. Otherwise, Hartley is happy, active and eating with very good appetite.
what can we figure out?
acute- unilateral, muco-purulent
bad smell resolved with AB and steroid- possible 2ndary bacterial infection
no systemic issues
probably nasal foreign body
DSH 7yo
- 1 mth ago started with reverse sneezing, gagging and intermittent left nasal discharge * initially the nasal discharge was clear but recently has become purulent
- “loud breathing”
- two other cats in the house no showing any similar signs
- nasal swab culture: + Staphylococcus
- partial improvement with Cefovecin (Convenia®) and Meloxicam
- stertor and left purulent nasal discharge
what can we figure out
chronic unilateral purulent nasal discharge
chronic unilateral purulent nasal discharge
nasopharynal polyp
shih-tzu 3 years old
- “Snotty nose” + snoring since spayed
- Long course of antibiotic with transient improvement
- Chronic bilateral muco-purulent nasal discharge
bilateral mucopurulent (bacterial)
naso-pharyngeal gastric reflux from GA
ballon/stent to open stenosis
chronic bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge
presented as unilateral with pain on palpation and depigmentation, did not resolve with antibiotics