TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents Flashcards
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
•Single tank truck with two axles Capacities are _____
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
The trucks we all recognize as gasoline tankers are officially classified by the Federal Motor Carrier Standards as MC306 for trucks/tanks built from 1967-1993 and DOT406 for trucks/tanks built from 9/1/93 to present.
They are designed to carry flammable and combustible liquids, alcohol, Class B Poisons and liquid food products with vapor pressures less than 3 p.s.i.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Tank tractor with a semi-trailer connected together by a fifth-wheel. One tank approximately 40 feet long with a capacity of _____ gallons.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Tank truck pulling a two-axle trailer: Each truck and trailer tank is approximately 20 feet long. The capacity of the truck tank is ____ gallons and the trailer tank is _____ gallons for a total of 9000 gallons.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Most tanks are made of aluminum. The tank wall is thickest at the bottom ____ and gradually gets thinner as you progress toward the top of the tank.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
The void space between the bulkheads
contains a leak indicator hole designed to indicate a leak in one or both bulkheads. If the hole is illegally plugged, the void space could contain up to ____ gallons of product. NEVER REMOVE ANY PLUG.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Construction and design features allow for early tank failure at relatively low temperatures with pressure relief devices designed to maintain __ to __ psi. ( BLEVE should NOT be a consideration
3 to 5
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Tanks usually have two to four compartments, with single bulkheads separating the compartments.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Double bulkheads are required when carrying flammable products with different flash points in the same tank, e.g., diesel and gasoline within the same tank.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Aluminum tanks will melt at about ____°F
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Smaller single tank vehicles are designed to make small deliveries to multiple locations, e.g. aircraft fueling. These tanks are easily identifiable by their pumps, transfer hose reels and meters.
Larger tankers - single delivery
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
DO NOT USE PLAIN WATER UNLESS IT IS TO PERFORM A RESCUE • Make fire attack using foam lines.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Never direct cooling stream into flames or cargo tank, this will cause the burning fuel to overflow and spread the fire.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Gasoline fires - Use alcohol resistant aqueous film forming foam – AR AFFF.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Vacuum trucks can only hold approximately ___% of their rated capacity depending on product weight and required vapor space. So, a 5,000 gallon truck can off-load or clean up approximately 4,500 gallons.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Vacuum trucks are available in multiple sizes, but 2,500 and 5,000 gallon capacities are available from most hazardous materials waste haulers.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Weight of the product can make the truck weight ___ times heavier.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
California consumers use over 43 million gallons of gasoline and 8 million gallons of diesel fuel every day.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Tank trucks transport approximately ___% of all the fuels used by vehicles.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Baffles are installed in the compartments primarily for tank strength and do very little to reduce surge of the product.
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Aluminum tanks will melt at about 1,200°F and the exposed fuel will burn at the liquid level. Keep in mind, the rule of thumb is gasoline will burn at the rate of about one foot per hour, vertically, regardless of the surface area. For example, if the fuel that is burning is 4 feet deep in a tank you can expect it to burn for about 4 hours before it burns itself out
TB 4 - Gasoline Tank Truck Incidents
Aluminum tanks will melt at about ___°F
Tanks usually have ___ to ___ compartments, with single bulkheads separating the compartments. Double bulkheads are required when carrying flammable products with different flash points in the same tank, e.g., diesel and gasoline within the same tank.
two to four
Even when full, each compartment will have a vapor space above the product to allow for expansion.
Each compartment will have a vapor recovery/pressure vent and a combination spring-loaded fill cover with pressure-actuated vent on the top of the tank.
Determine amount of foam concentrate required for incident.
Use alcohol resistant aqueous film
forming foam – AR AFFF.
Plan for a ___-minute supply of concentrate for suppression operations
Plan for an extra ___-minute supply of concentrate for foam blanket maintenance.
Exhausting concentrated gasoline vapors that are three to four times heavier than air will create an explosion hazard. A hazardous materials response deploying air monitoring and water driven blowers would assist in controlling any flammability issue.
Vacuum Trucks are classified by three tank cleanliness standards:
Dirty – Tank is empty of product, but it has not been cleaned.
Clean – Tank is empty of product and has been washed with water, but there is a possible trace of water and product from the previous load.
Super Clean – Tank has been chemically cleaned and is free of product.
Request “clean” vacuum trucks to prevent any possibility of a reaction between a “dirty” tank and the off loaded or cleaned up material. “Super-clean” trucks are unnecessarily expensive.
It is imperative that the appropriate number of vacuum trucks is ordered early in an incident, because it is not uncommon to have a one- or two-hour wait between when the trucks are requested and when they arrive.
If there is no container available, you must use the exhaust hose method, i.e. dammed fuel. Vapors
are directed a minimum of ___ feet downwind and downhill from any ignition source.