TB 32 Chain Saw Flashcards
TB 32 Chain Saw
The following safety equipment shall be used in conjunction with chain saw operations at all times:
- Gloves
- Goggles
- Helmet
- Turnout coat or brush jacket
If an electrical hazard is suspected or exists, gauntlet gloves shall be used. Bags for gauntlet gloves are generally sewn onto chain bar scabbards. Gauntlet gloves should accompany the chain saw to ail work areas.
TB 32 Chain Saw
When cutting, the operator should strive to be positioned to keep the chain out of line with the body.
TB 32 Chain Saw
There are two
ways that a chain brake is engaged: manual and automatic.
Members can manually engage a chain brake by pushing the hand guard forward with the left hand.
Automatic engagement most often occurs when the chain saw kicks back, causing the left hand to
strike the hand guard. This occurs very quickly and the brake engages within ___ of a second.
Some chain saws are equipped with an inertia operated chain brake that engages whenever a violent movement of the chain saw occurs.
TB 32 Chain Saw
Never use the chain brake hand guard as a carrying handle.
DO NOT operate a chain saw at speeds above idle when the chain brake is engaged or engine damage may result.
TB 32 Chain Saw
An effective way for the safety member to remain in contact with the operator is to use an UNDERHANDED grip on an axe scabbard belt, B/A frame/webbing, etc.
TB 32 Chain Saw
Refueling of chain saws shall be done in a well ventilated area. NEVER refuel chain saws indoors or in quarters.
TB 32 Chain Saw
Warm the chain saw prior to cutting by bringing RPM’s up to peak speed and then allowing them to drop off. Repeat this process several times.
Do not operate chain saws at continuous full RPM without a “load” on the chain.
Do not attempt to start chain saw with chain brake engaged.
TB 32 Chain Saw
Flooded cylinder - use following procedure:
a. Place on/off switch in “off” position
b. Push in choke - ensure that the choke is not engaged
c. Pull starter cord 4 to 5 times
d. Turn switch “on”. Use normal starting procedure.
TB 32 Chain Saw
When used to
locate structural members, the chain saw should be held in an upright position, perpendicular to the roof’s surface.
TB 32 Chain Saw
Once the structural members (rafters, joists, etc.) have been located, the chain saw may be lowered to approximately ____ to the cutting surface for continued cutting.
45 degrees
TB 32 Chain Saw
Safe depth of cut will depend on four factors:
- Type of construction
- Thickness of roof covering
- Thickness of decking
- Intended operations
TB 32 Chain Saw
Saws with
automatic oilers should be adjusted for maximum oiling. Manual oilers should be depressed a minimum of once every ___ seconds under light conditions. When used under extreme conditions (several layers of roofing material), manual oilers should be depressed more often.
TB 32 Chain Saw
If carbide tips become damaged, it will be necessary to replace the chain when:
- Missing/damaged tips on 3 or more cutters in a row.
- Missing /damaged tips on 6 or more cutters at random.
- Cracked/broken tie straps
- Dull chain
TB 32 Chain Saw
Tension is correct when the chain travels freely around the bar as it is pulled by hand and the bottoms of all tie straps and cutters touch the underside of the bar rails.
TB 32 Chain Saw
Daily Checks
- Check fuel level. Add mixed fuel if necessary.
- Check lubricating oil level. Add if necessary.
- Check chain condition, tension, and proper direction of travel.
- Check controls for proper starting position.
- Check carrying strap and hooks for condition.
- Check gauntlet gloves for proper location and condition.
- Make a visual check of tile chain saw for loose fasteners and/or covers.
TB 32 Chain Saw
Weekly Checks
- Perform daily checks.
- Start chain saw.
- Depress manual oiler several times if chain saw is so equipped.
- Run up RPM by alternately depressing and releasing throttle trigger. Run until warm.
Do not run chain saw at full RPM without load for more than a few seconds or engine damage may result,.
- Check to see if chain is oiling properly.
- Place chain saw on firm surface. At idle speed, engage chain brake. Improper chain brake operation shall be reported to the shops.
- Shut off chain saw and allow to cool.
- Check chain tension and readjust if necessary.
- Inspect starter cord for fraying and contamination. Inspect security of starter cord handle.
- Top off fuel and chain lubricating oil levels if necessary.
TB 32 Chain Saw
Monthly Checks
- Perform daily checks
- Remove spark plug. Check gap and condition. Clean, regap or replace if necessary.
- Inspect engine case for cracks and/or leaks.
- Inspect the fuel assembly for leaks, cracks or soft fuel lines. DO NOT operate chain saw if a fuel leak exists.
- If a tank of fuel has not been used in the previous 30 days, drain fuel and refill with fresh fuel mix.
- Remove air cleaner housing. Check air cleaner for tears and general condition.
- Inspect security of carburetor and all linkage.
TB 32 Chain Saw
- 4 cubic inch engine
- 3.5 kilowatt of power developed at 9,000 rpm
- 4.69 horsepower
- Idles between 2,400 rpm and 2,600 rpm
- Clutch engages at 3,000 rpm
- Latch throttle position develops 7,000 rpm
- Fully automatic chain lubrication
- Two stroke piston ported engine
- Dual chain brake feature - Manual Chain brake
- Automatic inertia chain brake
- Weight 19 lbs.
TB 32 Chain Saw
Chain lubrication is regulated by am oil quantity control bolt, Located on the bottom of the crankcase. The control should always be turned fully in the plus (+) maximum feed direction.
TB 32 Chain Saw
Decision on the cutting technique
type of construction
extent and extension of fire
desired effect
TB 32 Chain Saw
Pull starter cord JUST ENOUGH to engage starter pawls. Crank engine smartly with short pulls. Do not pull starter cord using long strokes as damage to cord may result. Maintain tension on cord as it rewinds. Do not let starter handle snap back to chain saw.
TB 32 Chain Saw
There are three important functions than must be performed prior to disassembling the chain saw.
First, if your truck company does not have a second chain saw, remember to place the wood cutting blade on the rotary saw and notify company personnel.
Next, note the position of the guide bar and invert it when reassembling.
Finally, place the ignition switch to “off” for the cleaning process.
TB 32 Chain Saw
AVOID soaking the chain brake cover with excessive solvent that night degrease internal bearings. Use a wiping rag to remove dirt build-up
The following is a list of recommended spare parts:
- Spark Plug
- Gaskets: Carburetor and Exhaust
- Carbide Chain
- Starter Cord
- Air Filter
- Five Screws: METRIC
TB 32 chain saw
To remove the chain sprocket, place a flat screwdriver in one of tire openings of tire retaining washer and gently lever it off the shaft. Now remove the thrust washer and chain sprocket and clean in solvent. Inspect chain sprocket for grooves exceeding ___” in depth. Notify shops if replacement is necessary.
TB 32 chain saw
The chain saw is an excellent tool when used for roof ventilation operations. Unlike other power tools, the chain saw can be used to “___ or ___” rafters or joists.
feel or read
TB 32 chain saw
Proper chain tension is extremely important to the life of the guide bar and chain. Tension must be checked -
after use.
During extended cutting operations, check chain tension every few minutes.
TB 32 chain saw
Safe depth of cut will depend on four factors:
- Type of construction
- Thickness of roof covering
- Thickness of decking
- Intended operations
TB 32 chain saw
Solvent may be used for cleaning. Water shall not be
Petroleum based solvents, including kerosene, used to clean tar from chain saw parts shall not be applied in atomized form.
Do not use gasoline as a cleaning solvent.