Study Guide 1 Flashcards
Relationship between kairos and chronos
God appoints the correct time in chronological time (He plans everything)
6 Elements of Greek/Roman Information Superhighway of the Ancient World
- Universal language
- Vast and safe road network for travel and trade
- Pax Romana: peace for cultural pursuits and inquiry to flourish
- Roman citizenship to allies (Paul)
- Few hard national and cultural barriers
- Greek philosophy and mystery religions prepared mind for God’s move
The Greek question and Jesus’s answer
Why? You find the truth through Jesus.
The Roman Question and Jesus’s answer
How? You find the way through Jesus.
The Hebrew question and Jesus’s answer
Does it work or function? You find out how through life lived through Jesus.
What do CE and BCE mean? BC and AD? Their relationship?
- Common era and Before the common era
- Before Christ and After Christ (about)
- mean the same thing
- scholarship/ academic/ research standard
- creates common and neutral way of talking about the past
Why does Bauer use epics and stories in her writing instead of just physical evidence like pottery?
The historian has to answer why and how. Knowing a little about the persons personality helps with this. Things like pottery only give out facts.
What did the Semetic people teach the Sumerian people?
Civilization (settling down/ farming)
- beginning of cities
* not so much chaos
Reasons for the rise of kings
- Allocation of scarce resources
- protection
- people started gathering in groups (rise and growth of cities)
Relationship between city dwellers and farmers
Both thought the other was ridiculous and that their life was better. They both disliked each other.
Common elements of the flood
- single survivor or family
- new beginning
- boat or other vessel
Characteristics of cities and how they determined how people lived
- defense
- ability to tax
- countryside and city
- hierarchy (since they were arranged in importance, the higher classes could take things from the lower classes. In other words the gave more than they received.)
Describe the trading of the Mesoptamian cities
- needed resources from different areas (cities)
- For example, Sumer had no wood so they received it from the Zagros Mountains
- whoever controlled the trade routes was in absolute control
A class born to rule
How kingship became hereditary
People claimed the right to rule not by ability but by birthright
5 areas of belief
- What is the nature of God
- What is the nature of man
- What is the nature of the human condition
- How to solve the human condition
- The nature of truth.
What new leadership structure radically changed the way humans lived?
What is unusual about the Semetic language?
It isn’t related to any other language in the world.
With what is this term “Semetic” usually associated?
Jews/ Jewish
What did the Semetic people contribute to Sumeria?
Language and farming/domestic skills
What is the significance of the arrival of hereditary kings?
It created a new class of people.
What is a ruling class called?
An aristocracy