Chapter 65 and Peloponnesian War Flashcards
Hellenic League
An area in Greece including Sparta and Athens
Supreme commander of the Hellenic League, victor at the Plataea, Ionians claimed he was a tyrant and was working for Xerxes (which he was), nephew of Leonides
Xerxes’ son in law who was defeated at Plataea
Native general and commander of Athenian forces (lead then up the Bosphorus Strait to besiege Byzantium), took supreme control of Ionia when Pausanias was convicted. He then refused to let it go.
Son of Xanthippius, elected to military commander
Told to avenge his father by Artabanos who killed him; left as heir; later kills Artabanos
Became wife of Xerxes after he became very indulgent
Peace of Nicias
Peace that lasted 6 years; negotiated by Athenian leader named Nicias
Extravagant man with a lisp
War on Sicily
Egesta called for help against two other cities. It was a disastrous attack with few survivors. Nicias was also killed.
Pericles Funeral Oration
A speech that honored the Athenians who died in the 1st battle (the Battle of Sybota) and lists the superiorities of Athenian civilization (ie. freedom, education, democracy, etc.)
Why did Sparta want to abandon the Ionian colonies? What changed their minds?
They didn’t want to stand guard over Ionia forever. Athens convinced Sparta because they didn’t want Athens to become the leader of the Hellenic League.
What action by the Athenians in the Greek homeland provoked the Spartans toward war?
The rebuilding of Athens because Sparta wanted to be the leader of Greece
What role did Themistocles play in resolving this issue?
He traveled to Sparta as slowly as possible so the walls could be rebuilt to minimum height to avoid an attack from Sparta.
What happened to Themistocles?
He rebuilt Athens and enhanced its security by burning ships of other cities and demanding/gathering money from islands: he said the people owed him for saving Athens. He was then ostracized. He was then accused of having Persian ties as well, so an assassin was sent. He eluded him until he reached the Persian court where he told them he would be an advisor on Greek affairs in return for paying the price on his head. He never told any secrets except about their culture and died at the age of 65 from illness or poison.
What happened to the Spartan hero, Pausanias?
He was put on trial after rumors in Ionia said he was working with Xerxes (which he was). He was then acquitted and realized he was at risk to be re-arrested and put back on trail. He took sanctuary in a temple where he was locked up and starved to death by the soldiers waiting for him.
What were the Long Walls?
They were ordered by Pericles. The walls from Athens down to the port of Pireus so they could still get water without a fear of getting attacked. They stretched 8 miles long.
Battles of Thermopylae and Salamis
Battle of Plataea- Mardonis defeated, Pausanias victorious
later… 479
Battle of Mycale: Greece navy chased Persian navy until they went ashore at Mycale where the Ionians pretended to be loyal but then lead them to the Greeks where they were defeated
Delian League founded with Athens at its head; Peloponnesian League with Sparta at its head
Themistocles is ostracized
Delian League pratically becomes an Athenian Empire
treasury moved from Delos to Athens
five years truce between Athens and Sparta
Pericles in Athens
Thirty Years Peace which only lasted for 14 years
war begins over Cocyra in Corinth Battle of Sybota (opening shot of Peloponnesian War)
Plague in Athens
Pericles dies
Peace of Nicias
Alcibiades’ charade
Disaster at Syracuse
Athens’ allies begin to revolt
naval battle between Delian and Peloponnesian League; Persia is allies with Sparta
Athens surrenders; rule of the Thirty
What happened with Alcibiades?
convinces Athens to answer Egesta to conquer Syracuse, betrays Athens to Sparta when things look bad: 8 years of war, betrays Spartan king Agis by adultery, runs to Persia, betrays Persia by running off to Athens with gold, betrays Athens and goes to Phrygia, finally killed under the orders from Spartan commander, Lysander