European History SG - The Congress of Vienna Flashcards
When did it take place? What countries were involved? What was their goal?
1815, Quadruple Alliance (Britain, Russia, Austria, and Prussia) + France, re-establishing order by undoing French Revolution
Who was Klemens von Metternich?
leader of Congress of Vienna, Austrian foreign minister (most important figure in Europe), “Coachman of Europe”, “Age of Metternich”
How did the Conservatives seeks to create stability?
instigated tradition, institutions, and aristocracy, rejected liberal reform, popular gov’t, and nationalism
What changes did the Congress bring about?
France: restored to 1792 boundaries, Bourbons (aristocracy) restored
Russia: gained Polish territory
German Confederation: association of German states (replaced HRE) 300 - 39 states
What two ideas were behind new revolutions?
liberalism (increased rights/liberties) and nationalism (freedom from foreign rule)
Where were revolutions successful? Where did they fail?
Greece, Belgium, and France/Spain, Italy, Poland, Germany, and Austria
When did France experience its next two revolutions? What rulers were forced out of power and who was put in?
July 1830 and 1848, Charles X then Louis-Philippe then Napoleon III
What is Russification and who advocated it?
Czar Nicolas l, common culture for Polish and Russians that promoted nationalism
Explain how the Crimean War was an example of Europeans trying to maintain a balance of power in Europe.
-Russia wanted to expand its borders by taking Turkey (weak and corrupt gov’t) but Britain opposed this bc it disturbed the balance of power, Napoleon = boosted prestige, Italian kingdom of Sardinia = gaining support for Italian unity
Who was Florence Nightingale?
-modern nursing profession, led 38 nurses Crimean War, sacrificed her own health, 1st woman = British Order of Merit
Giuseppe Mazzini
created patriotic society called Young Italy (wanted Italian unification)
Count Camillo di Cavour
prime minister of the Kingdom of Sardinia, joined Crimean War, gains Lombardy w/ France
Guiseppe Garibaldi
Red Shirts - wanted Italian unification, invaded Naples and Sicily, discouraged to take Rome
When did Italy finally unite? Who was their first king? What two regions were the last to join, and in what year?
1861, Victor Emmanuel II, Venetia and Rome, 1870
Who was Otto von Bismarck, and what kind of a man was he? What important political change was he most interested in pursuing?
- crafty and opportunistic Prussian
- wanted German unification through “the politics of reality” (realpolitik), practical way to unity of Germany = blood and war
When did Germany unify?
Who was Wilhelm I?
first emperor of the German Reich (empire)
What event in his early life shaped Marx’s view of religion?
father converted to Lutheranism
Name Marx’s major writings. What are they about?
- the Communist Manifesto (difference in social classes should be leveled out, advocated communism)
- Das Kapital (larger, criticism of capitalism and argument for communism, outline for revolution)
What is Marx’s “Labor Theory of Value,” and how does it differ from the capitalist theory of value?
- worth of man-made object determined by amount of labor that went into its creation
- what people are wiling and able to pay for product
bourgeoise and proletariat
upper and lower/working class
According to Marx, how did the Industrial Revolution create alienation?
competition kept community from interacting and unifying
-rich get richer when the poor get poorer
How would the proletariat achieve equality?
- revolting - seize means of production
- things going they way they were would just bring about more oppression
What did Marx say about religion?
- view of religion determined by class
- makes you feel good (higher purpose and afterlife)
- okay for proletariat to suffer in return for heavenly reward, advantage of bourgeoise
5 communist countries
Cuba, Russia, North Korea, Eastern Germany, and China
Darwin’s major writings
- On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (natural selection is the mechanism by which new species arise)
- Descant of Man (human evolution - morality and religion evolve with them)
natural selection
- competition for survival in environment (survival of the fittest)
- those with advantageous traits live and reproduce while others die off
- pass in genetic traits to the next generation
how species change over long periods of time, developing new species through slow, continuous, and small changes (originating from common ancestor)
methodological naturalism, when is it ok?
-no supernatural intervention, explains things only by natural/material means, we only investigate things on the premise that God created, but we seek info to further acknowledge His power
difference between theistic evolution and creationism
TE: reconcile Darwin’s theory w/ Bible - first chapters of Genesis are figurative, God used evolution as tool
C: God created in 7 days each according to its own kind
problems did Darwinism raise about human dignity
-not made in God’s Image, accidental, why should we treat each other with respect? survival of the fittest morality = only set or rules that helps society
“nobles at play,” light-colored pastels, puttis
classical heroes, classical virtues of self-sacrifice and devotion to the state, Greek ideals of restraint, simplicity, and symmetry, contrast of light and dark
emotion (reject reason, stressed intuition), past (medieval period for heroes, events, and MYSTERIES) and nature
realistic, highlighting the common place, “naturalism,” the virtues and dignity of the working-class, earthy tones
Antoine Watteau
Francois Boucher
Jean-Honore Fragonard
Johan Michael Fischer
Jacques-Louis David
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
Jean-Antoine Houdon
Jacques-Germain Soufflot
John Constable
J.M.W. Turner
Theodore Gericault
Caspar David Friedrich
Jean-Francois Millet
Gustave Courbet
Honoré Daumier