Medieval History SG - Ch. 61, 63, 64, and 65 Flashcards
Divisions in the Islamic empire
Name all dates.
750, 771; December 25, 800; 850-900, 878, 911
Charlemagne becomes the king of the franks
December 25, 800
Charlemagne exonerates Pope Leo and is coronated by the pope
Vikings begin invasions across Europe
King Alfred the Great signs a treaty with the Vikings
Rollo forms Normandy
How did Charles the Landless become king of the Franks?
bribed Pope John the 8th
How was Charles the Fat able to gain such a large empire?
inherited Frankish kingdom when older bro, Carleman, died of stroke, and was already in charge of Italy, 3 other Frankish kings then died and entire empire was left to Charles
How did Charles the Fat lose his power and title as king?
continuous trouble with Vikings, led to siege of Paris, waited long time to pay them off as he was trying to fight them which was futile, people = angry, nephew came with army to remove Charles who then surrendered and died few months later
Who replaced him?
Guy of Spoleto because agreed to leave Papal States alone
What is trepanning?
using a corkscrew-like tool to drill a 2” hole in the skull; uses: insanity, headaches, relieved pressure, help blood flow in brain
In times of political turmoil and the succession of many kings, what does the Pope usually do? What is his best ‘weapon’ or tool in order to accomplish this?
He chooses new kings. Weapon = annointing. For example, Formosus, the pope around 895, did not want Lambert to succeed his father, Guy. He offered the empire to Arnulf who then drove out Lambert to Spoleto. However, he died before he could fully get rid of him.
What was the “Trial of the Cadaver”?
Since Formosus died, Lambert commanded his successor to reopen his casket: defrocked, cut 3 fingers off, thrown in Tiber
What are the Magyars? Where were they invading?
united people of the Finno-Ugrian, Venice then northern Italy
Why did Nicholas Mystikos object to the legitimacy of Constantine Vll Porphyrogenitus?
church doctrines said you could only remarry if your first wife died but Leo remarried twice already and now was looking to marry his fourth wife which was illegal. Any sons by his 4th wife were illegitimate heirs.
What was the reason Leo had his son born in the Purple chamber?
all empresses gave birth to royal heirs here, meant court admitted you to center
Who was fighting at the Battle of Anchialus?
Byzantines and Bulgarians
What was the fallout in Byzantium from the loss of this battle? Who became the new Byzantium king?
Romanos Lecapenus betrayed Zoe and Leo Phocas before he could get back and announce his defeat (2x), Phocas ran away, Zoe sent to convent, Romanos = new king
What argument did the Byzantine king offer at his meeting with the Bulgarian emperor?
Why were christians fighting christians? It is a sin; Simeon’s actions did not support his words; cease unjust slaughter; welcome peace
Relay the story of why Charles the Simple gave the Viking Rollo land to occupy.
received continuous attacks from the Vikings during early reign, gave land to Rollo because knew him when fighting in Western Francia, junior commander at siege of Paris, treaty to protect rest of kingdom
What were the terms of this agreement?
accept Christian baptism, be loyal to the king of the Western Franks, fight against any other Viking invaders who threatened his kingdom
Did Rollo rule as a vassal king to Charles the Simple?
in theory he did, but he really did whatever he wanted
Why was Louis the Child given this odd title?
crowned at age of six, weak reign because of council of regents and officials, allowed barbarian tribes to grow, attempted a huge battle with the Magyars and lost terribly
What strange custom did the Magyars practice with their children? What was their reputation? What prior historic people group does this remind you of?
mother’s cut boys faces with knife as soon as they’re born, before receive nourishment, must first learn to endure wounds, ferocity- burning and killing and destroying, Franks
Were the Eastern Franks successful against the Magyars? Were they able to defend themselves well?
Louis- no, Franks were easily fooled as in they ran after Magyars when it looked like they were retreating only to have them circle back and attack from the back, bodies littered everywhere
Henry- yes, won Battle of Riade, need to charge before second volley of arrows, planned to put Bohemia in between Magyars and Germany but did not succeed in that
Who’s rule ushered in a new Germanic kingdom?
Henry the Fowler, duke of Saxony
Was he a good king or a bad king?
good- organized 5 duchies so that they governed under him and respected him for not taking away their power, Battle of Riade- drove out Magyars
How was the duchy of Bohemia formed and who was its first Duke?
a father moved family to the west away from the Magyars, father established himself among people and became duke, named Spytihnev- baptized by missionary in Moravia (nobleman)
What family trial proved young king Wenceslaus’ faith?
Ludmila, grandmother, educated him in ways of a Christian king but his mother, Drahomira, believed in the ancient religions of Slavic ancestors. Mother ordered to have Ludmila killed. Tried to convince her own religion but W was fast in Christianity and exiled her when 18
How did king Wenceslaus die?
stabbed to death by brother, Boleslav, who did not agree that he should take the offer made by Henry to become duchy
Why did king Henry not avenge his death?
he was ill, and in 936, he died
Who ascended to the Germanic throne after king Henry?
his son, Otto