Quiz Questions - Ch. 79 and 80 Flashcards
How did al-Mansur become the power of Cordoba and what steps did he take to ensure his authority would be without rival?
- became vizier of caliph, Hisham 2
- organized a new palace to be built and moved the entire bureaucracy and kept Hisham at old palace without a way to communicate day to day
- became more power than Hisham
- accused officials of heresy and executed them
Was Al-Mansur successful in his wars against the northern Christians kingdoms?
Yes, added Berber soldiers from NA to Cordobian army, conquered Barcelona, Pamplona, Leon
What happened when Abd al-Rahman became the vizier that led to a civil war?
- forced Hisham to name him as next caliph but this would have ended the Umayyad rule over the caliphate
- Umayyads vs. Hisham and Rahman and Berbers
- Umayyads also fought against each other
Who is Sulayman
Umayyad caliph-claimant who fought against Hisham and Rahman in the civil war, won but was beheaded when the leader of the NA’s, al-Nasir, marched against Cordoba and claimed to be caliph
What happened in al-Andalus in the 30 years after these events? What happened to the Christian territories of the north once the Muslims ceased to be a threat? Why could the Christians of northern Spain not take advantage of the recently weakened Muslims to the south?
- turned against each other, civil war
- Sancho lll, king of Pamplona, set sights on Castille at same time as Alfonso V, king of Leon
- claimed by Pamplona b/c offered his younger bro-in-law to be count
- lured to Leon for marriage but assassinated
- war, Pamplona wins
- Sancho dies and 5 sons fight over land
- Emperor Ferdinand l = left, united again
- too caught up in their own war to notice the unorganized Muslim kingdoms
Who is El Cid?
nickname for Rodrigo Diaz who was appointed by Sancho the Strong, son of Ferdinand and king of Castille, to be the general of the army
How does El Cid go from celebrated general to Arab mercenary?
defended Granada and attacked Toledo, came back with riches, people = jealous of ability and wealth, spread rumors, gives Alfonso a reason to exile him, became a mercenary
What was Alfonso Vl’s ambition in the south?
wanted to conquer all kingdoms in Muslim Spain, beginning with Coria and Toledo
Why was El Cid recalled and asked to return to Christian Spain?
battle at Seville between NA’s and northern christians promoted Alfonso to invite Cid back after a terrible defeat
What did El Cid do to establish himself a kingdom?
laid siege to Valencia, eastern kingdom, and claimed it
What happened Valencia once El Cid died?
fell in a 7 month siege, invoked by Almoravids of NA
What kind of man was Constantine Vlll?
lazy, never governed, leisure, never let daughters get married because their husbands would pose a threat to the throne
Who became emperors in Constantinople after Constantine Vlll’s?
Romanos Argyros, a 60-year-old official, Constantine Monomachos, Michael lV
Why did the Byzantine Romans adopt the horrific act of castration on a large scale? What are some of the practical reason listed for doing so?
to protect the throne from being claimed by others with royal blood, eunuchs were castrated which gave them advantage in court because they couldn’t claim the throne
What prominent eunuch gained influence in the Byzantine courts and with Empress Zoe?
Michael the Paphlagonian
How did Constantine Monomachos become emperor?
- affair with empress Zoe
- Michael exiled him to Lesbos when found out
- Michael V then became emperor as lV’s adopted son
- tried to banish Zoe but people rebelled and blinded him
- Zoe ruled as empress and married Mono and he became emperor as well
What was the legacy of Empress Zoe?
began rule as empress with Argyros, went through two more husbands and still remained beautiful into her 60’s
Who is Togrul, what nationality is he, and what empire did he create?
a Turkish chief who settles an empire in Nishapur
How were the Turks able to conquer so far across the Euphrates and into Asia Minor?
Alp Arslan drove through the eastern boarders in 1070 and eventually pushed back the borders of Byzantium, surrounded the Byzantine army and conquered them in a final battle
Were the Turks successful in conquering Byzantine lands? What were the borders of their new empire?
yes, Constantinople and Asia Minor