Medieval History SG - Ch. 82 and 83 Flashcards
What happened to young Henry lV and why?
The Germanic archbishop and two counts organized the kidnapping of Henry lV by showing him a ship during some festivities. They sailed away with him on board even after an attempted escape. They did this because they wanted to rule the kingdom through him.
What policies were added to the Peace and Truce of God?
No one was allowed to harm others from sunset on Wed. to sunrise of Mon. and on church holidays like Lent and Pentecost. This meant ¾ of the year was off-limits for fighting.
What tension reached a flashpoint in Henry lV?
his dispute with the Pope
Describe Pope Gregory Vll’s view of the nature of church/state relations, and his view of the Papacy.
Pope Gregory wanted no reliance on the state. He wanted to appoint his own officials (bishops), set his own church rules, and call his own church councils. He also wanted the state to bow to him.
What were the circumstances that caused Pope Gregory and King Henry to fall out?
Pope Gregory and King Henry lV fell out because both of them sought power over the other. They sent several threatening letters to each other which ultimately led to Gregory forbidding everyone to serve the king. This created another rebellion which would’ve led to cil war had Henry not repented.
What steps did each take to harm the other?
Gregory first sent a letter admonishing Henry for not bowing to him, but also sent a more threatening verbal message with his messengers. In retaliation, Gregory appointed excommunicated Germans to his council and elected bishops without the Pope’s consent. Finally, the Pope commanded everyone not to serve the king.
How did the Pope’s declaration put Henry in a position to choose between civil war and repentance? Explain how a civil war would have been inevitable had he not repented.
Because of the Pope’s final threat, many people rose in rebellion against the king. Previously, Henry had enough supporters to put out the rebellion, but not this time. Henry, seeing that he would lose the civil war without his usual number of supporters, chose to repent to Pope Gregory Vll.
How did the Normans of Italy and the Byzantine Romans come to fight a war?
Before Michael Vll abdicated, he had placed his son in a betrothal with the daughter of a Normal general named Robert Guiscard. This was to keep the Normans from attacking. However, when the Byzantine general claimed to be emperor, he disinherited the son (after marrying Michael’s wife) and broke the betrothal.
Who was leading the Normans against Byzantium and why?
Robert Guiscard led the attacks because when general Alexius came to help, he restored the child’s rights to the throne but did not restore the Norman betrothal.
What ally did the Byzantine king Alexius look for? Why was he in such a desperate situation?
He needed help from Henry lV of Germany because the stronger Norman army was attacking Byzantium. They were also surrounded by other enemy forces like the Turks.
Why did Pope Gregory decide to support Henry lV’s rival instead of Henry? What did the Pope do to discredit Henry?
Pope Gregory supported the anti-king, Rudolf, because he thought Rudolf would most likely allow the pope to have ultimate control over the church. To make this happen, he excommunicated Henry.
How did the other church leaders respond to Henry lV’s excommunication?
The German and Italian bishops could see this act was completely political, so they declared it unlawful even thought many of them had supported Gregory in his last campaign against Henry. They planned to remove him from the papacy and elect Wibert, the Italian archbishop, instead.
Why did Alexius want Henry to invade Italy, and what did he do to make sure that this happened quickly?
Alexius wanted Henry to invade Italy because Guiscard would have a reason to stop attacking Byzantium land defend his home. In return, Alexius prepared to pay him 360,000 gold pieces.
How was Henry lV finally crowned emperor? Who crowned him?
He finally was crowned emperor when Wibert replaced Gregory as pope after Henry defeated him and convinced the Roman people and priests to trust them.
Which Pope summoned the First Crusade? What was his argument?
Pope Urban ll ordered the First Crusade. HIs argument was that while they were aiding Byzantium in fighting against the Turks, they could also take Jerusalem back into Christian hands so as not to offend God when He comes back.
What did the Pope promised to any martyrs of the crusades?
The Pope promised “immediate remission of sins”.