Quiz on Rome Flashcards
hobnailed sandals
leather sandals w/ iron studs on soles
Roman armor
like Greeks (hoplon)
What did Flavius Vegetius in De Re Militari say?
youth chosen for martial tasks, must be strong and brave rather than big
What did soldier have to swear?
loyalty and implicit obedience. If not, he must die even though it might be advantageous to army
Who founded Rome?
Alba Longa - Iulius
Romulus beats Remus - April 21, 753 BC
Who inserted themselves in the monarchy?
Who arose among the Etruscans?
Tarquin the Proud (absolute monarchy)
What happened under the rule of Tarquin?
He was a tyrant, so the romans overthrew monarchy and formed a Republic government.
What did the Romans develop?
class distinctions
What did the buildings of Rome say?
SPQR - senates populusque romani - to symbolize that the senate and people had power - only way for collective unity
had power, hereditary might
everyone else, lower class, could vote but not introduce laws
What was given to the plebians
Plebian Secession: Tribunes to make sure the Plebians got some power
Novos Homo
When men that did not come from hereditary nobility arose and got power due to military glory
the eroding of the laws governing terms. The rise of the triumvirate. The eventual slide to imperators/emperors through election, then through adoption then through bloodline.
Senators for life: no accountability, rampant corruption. Refusal to check monarchical power or acknowledge there was a problem.
first to lose power as monarchical grip tightened.
Who were part of the Triumvirate?
Triumvirate of Crassus, Pompey and Caesar:
Caesar as Pontifex Maximus
basis for Constantine’s action.
Octavian and Augustus
Now it’s First Citizen, because ruler is consecrated
What was the final destruction of the republic?
Domitians were holy in the eyes of Lord and God (a ruler that was consecrated - Augustus Caesar)
Law of Twelve Tables
internal stability gave opportunity to expand outward
Who was Rome’s key rival?
What is the definition of punic?
language and culture of Carthage
When was the First Punic War?
269-241 BC
Why did the 1st Punic War begin?
over sicily
Who was the Carthaginian General during the 1st Punic war?
Hamilcar Barca
How long was the 1st Punic War?
17 years
What was the result of the 1st punic war?
Sicily became Rome’s first foreign province
After the 1st Punic War, what did Rome and Carthage fight over and what was the result?
Scipio lands in North Africa, stalemate
So, where did Hamilcar Barca Regroup?
Iberian Peninsula in spain
What did Hamilcar Barca do?
He made up for the land losses to Rome, established the base from which to strike, and trained two sons to fight against Rome
When did Hamilcar die and how?
229 BC when besieging a Celtic stronghold
Where did the Carthaginians fall into the hands of after Hamilcar?
What did Hamilcar make Hannibal do and at what age?
At 9, Hannibal had to swear to never become a friend to the Romans (this was over a blood offering)
What happened in the second punic war?
Hannibal brings his many soldiers and cavalry along with 37 elephants to Italy (after much hardships). The Romans panicked but still, Hannibal had no fresh recruits and had to make peace with Rome
What happened during the Third Punic War?
Rome destroyed Carthage and took North Africa - 146 BC
What were the 6 conquests of Rome?
Spain, Greece, Macedonia, Egypt, Palestine, and North Africa
What happened to Rome culturally?
Hellenization deepens, several Latin tribes begin to speak Roman, increasing difference between the rich and poor/patricians and plebeians/ Senate and tribunes. Romans would get into the military, so slave labor became normal, though the returning soldiers had no more jobs later
Who influenced the end of the Republic?
Tiberius Gracchus
What did Tiberius Gracchus want?
HE wanted the soldiers, who were poor, to gain some advantages because they were the ones who helped the country yet they had no land.
What bill did Tiberius Gracchus propose?
It curbed the estate building of the patricians. Nobody liked it, but he used his personal popularity to incite civil disobedience to bring the bill to a vote. He was killed by fellow tribunes.
What happened after Tiberius’ death?
Romans regretted it, it ripped the Romans apart and the never came back together again