Quiz Questions - Ch. 70, 71, and 73 Flashcards
What inglorious end did Romanos Lecanpenus meet, and who dethroned him?
- sons, Stephen and Constantine
- placed on ship at 74, shipped to monastery
- 3 years later, died there
Describe the Rus as a people.
- uncivilized, disgusting
- wild, tattooed, lived in wooden shelter, believed in pagan gods
- 945, began to resemble civilization instead of tribes (capital, prince, government)
Describe the relationship between the Rus and the Byzantines.
- Igor, prince of Kiev of Rus, signed treaty similar to 911 one
- Byzantines supplied food for month if came and went peacefully
- Rus acted as paid mercenaries, fought their enemies
What event led to the Rus becoming Christian?
- battle at Arcadiopolis between Rus and Byzantines (Svyatoslav dies when Rus are crushed)
- Vladimir (prince heir) makes treaty with sons of John Tzimiskes who was emperor during the battle
- treaty: Rus stay at peace and fight for Byzantines, convert to Christianity, Vladimir marries emperors’ sister, Anna
Who was involved in the Battle of Lechfield and what was the outcome?
- Magyars (Lél and Bulcsu) vs. Germans (Otto I)
- Otto gathered heavy calvary and crushed them
- captured leaders and hanged them
What was the nature of the oath that Pope John XII made Otto take and what did Otto receive in return?
- Otto may not interfere w/ things under the jurisdiction of church or Romans without Pope’s consent, may not touch papal states, if obtained, give back immediately
- received title of Roman Emperor
How did Hugh Capet come to be king in Western Francia?
- dukes finally got tired of worthless family line from Charles the Great (last king = lazy and died after one year)
- instead of distant relative, crowned Hugh - beginning of Capetian dynasty
Give a few examples of how closely united the church and state are in this Medieval world.
- landowners and farmers built churches on properties and elected priests but priests just wanted power so they would buy the positions (simony)
- Otto gained title of “Holy Roman Emperor” because instead of the church picking the pope, he picked
- Frankish priests threatened those who caused turmoil excommunication
How did the Peace and the Truce of God movement attempt to set the boundaries of the church against the turmoil of the State? What Abbey was instrumental?
- gave church power cause had ability to open/close gates of heaven
- turmoil=excommunication
- Abbey of Cluny = place of refuge because no one dared to attack the church because otherwise they face excommunication
How stable is Byzantium under the rule of Basil II?
- trouble with Bulgarians (Samuel - 3 siblings, freedom fighters - uses Romanus II to rule empire)
- Phocas tries to take empire away, rebellion, does not succeed
- Skleros took up rebellion and used guerrilla tactics to harass emperor (pardoned and second place of authority at the end)
How did Basil decide to rule as emperor and what personal tactics is did he employ?
rebellion of Phocas and Skleros put him on edge - always suspicious and stern. own bodyguard (Varangian Guard). advice from S says that he should grow to be more stern, press army and governors so no room to rebel
What war did he have to fight to the west of Byzantium?
Bulgarian War
What threat from the south was also engaging his attentions?
- Fatimid caliphate spread borders through the east
- moved capital to Cairo in Egypt
- Egypt, Red Sea, Syria
Who ruled the Fatimid Caliphate in 1001? Did the treaty signed in this year place the city of Jerusalem in Muslim or in Christian hands?
- al-Hakim
- Muslim
What atrocities were committed against holy Christian sites?
- Al-Hakim = pious caliph but this hurt Christians
- burned church of St. Mark
- burned the tomb of Jesus
- implemented laws only applicable to Islam
How did the war against Bulgaria end and who came out victories?
- Basil strengthening his army and ignoring any distractions from his final invasion on the borders of Bulgaria
- paid off, demolished Bulgarians
- Basil sent 100 captives who are blinded to Samuel