Final Exam Study Guide Flashcards
What is a Caliph?
religious and political leader (like a king), defender of the faith - preserving the purity of the religion
What is the Caliphate?
the governing body under the caliph
What city did the Abbasid’s make into their capitol?
What is icon veneration? How is this said to be different than the worship of icons? Why do many Christians agree?
icon veneration- showing respect to an individual who is no longer alive
worship- idolatry, praying to icons to talk to the person (saint) on behalf of them
too much similarity
How did Pepin become the king of the Franks? Who was the Pope at that time?
Pepin and Carleman originally elect Childeric, the last of the Merovingian line, to be king. Meanwhile, Carleman leaves to become a monk. Pepin becomes the only mayor then volunteers himself as king when he writes a letter to the Pope, asking, “Is it proper for an earthly king to have no power?” The Pope responds with a no. Pepin sends Childeric to monastery with head shaven. (kings usually have long, glorious hair but at monasteries, their heads are shaven so that no barrier may remain between your thoughts and God. Pope Zachary, Gregory the Third’s successor
How were the Papal States restored and expanded under the rule of Pepin?
The Lombards were taking land from the Byzantine Empire. Pope Stephen needed protection. Sent a forged document of the “Donation of Constantine” that was supposedly recovered by the church. It said Constantine dealt with leprosy and the pope cured him and gave him the kingship. The pope also helped Pepin become the king. In return, the pope asks for protection. Although Pepin knew it was a forgery, he protected the pope anyways by giving him land (the papal states)
What was the Papal argument regarding the exceptional nature of Papal authority as it related to matters of the church and state? How was the evidenced in the trial of Pope Leo during Charlemagne’s rule?
Pope always gets off because he’s in a high status - no one can touch him. Leo accused of sexual offenses, kidnapped because of this, beaten, flees to Charlemagne and asks for help, accusers follow him and take him back a few days later for the trial, Charlemagne goes with him to help. In the trial, an old doctrine is uncovered that says: the Pope can only be judged by God, not by man. Leo says that isn’t necessary because he did nothing wrong but he gets off anyway
What does the name Charlemagne mean?
Charles the Great
Why was Charlemagne thought of as a new Constantine?
anointed by the pope as king but emperors were the ones who were anointed usually. this and the fact that he promoted Christianity
viewed like Constantine, given name “Augustus”, Roman auror, trying to bring back old Roman customs but not succeeding
What event established him as a new “Augustus”?
coronation and anointing
Why did Charlemagne’s coronation not change anything regarding his authority and power as king?
- nothing was given to him for title that wouldn’t have already been given to him
- did not want public reception for coronation
How did Charlemagne define the relationship between himself and the Pope? What is the significance of Charlemagne not having his children anointed with chrism?
letter- his job to protect the church with sword and shield while it’s the pope’s job to pray for the empire. telling him to stay out of political affairs, does not need pope’s approval of heirs - not giving Pope any power
Summarize the Filioque controversy. How does the Filioque controversy lead to a significant - and still relevant - Western/Eastern church split?
Roman Catholic (West, Latin) vs. Eastern Orthodoxy (East, Greek), filioque - “and the Son”, from whom does the Spirit precede: RCC- Spirit precedes from Father and Son, Father and Son share love eternally and the bond of love is the Spirit; EO- Spirit precedes only from the Father, Father sends Spirit to the Son but does not disrupt unity of Trinity, also attributed to jurisdictional issues (language and background) and liturgical practices (RCC: transubstantiation; EO: intiction)
How is this evident in the myths of the Vikings?
- magic if seen in Odin and Freya- his feminine characteristic, witch
- chaos in giants who will win at Ragnarak
- deception in Loki
What is Valhalla?
Hall of the fall - underground but open-aired building, Odin houses dead here (escorted by warriors of Valkyrie - female demigods) until Ragnarak where giants will defeat them
- wake up, train, possibly killed but regenerate before dinner, celebration in mead hall
- only for soldiers chosen by Odin and fought in battle
Who is Odin? Satanic characteristics?
- one-eyed - given for wisdom
- wanderer
- chief of Aesir gods and Asgard
- bearded warrior
- feminine=magic*
- creating strife in 9 different worlds*
- violent and encourages death*
- preparing for final battle which he will lose*
- crafty and sinister*
What were the moral considerations of the Vikings?
None. Blood eagle.
What were some of the superficial reasons why the Vikings were so ready adopt Christianity? Altruistic reasons?
Saw how wealthy and prosperous they were, powerful alliances, lost battle at Ragnarak
What British king was eventually successful in defending his people, and what agreement did he come to with the Viking invaders? How did the English map look in the years after the Viking invasion? Were the Vikings expelled from Britain?
King of mercia asks for help from King Ethelred wit Vikings - yes and paid them off. King mercia thanks him by giving Alfred daughter and future kingship
871- defeat E and A at Reading in sussex and few weeks later they take London, E dies at 30, Alfred becomes king and forced into peace treaty with Vikings
878- A forced into hiding, A-S sail away to find refuge, Odda wins against Vs finally, A comes out of hiding and defeats Vs
Treaty of Wedmore- Guthrum and Vs convert to christianity, southwest: A-S, northeast: Vs no because of treaty^ and because already mixed with natives
How did Rollo the Viking come to possess the region of Normandy?
received continuous attacks from the Vikings during early reign, gave land to Rollo because knew him when fighting in Western Francia, junior commander at siege of Paris, treaty to protect rest of kingdom
What conditions did Rollo the Viking have to meet in order to became ruler in Normandy?
accept Christian baptism, be loyal to the king of the Western Franks, fight against any other Viking invaders who threatened his kingdom
Define the relationship between Rollo and Charles the Simple (the King).
Rollo was supposed to be a vassal king to Charles but even though he was in name, he really did whatever he wanted
Who ascended the German throne after King Henry?
Louis the Child
Whose rule ushered in a new Germanic kingdom, and was he a noble king?
Henry the Fowler, duke of Saxony, good- organized 5 duchies so that they governed under him and respected him for not taking away their power, Battle of Riade- drove out Magyars
Which King brought England under his sole control?
Who was the first king of England to be coronated by the church?
Who is Harold Bluetooth?
Danish King, claimed to be Christian, set up assassination of his nephew, Greycloak, and overtook Norse lands
Who is Harold Greycloak? Relation to Bluetooth?
Another son of Erik Bloodaxe and bro to Hakon the Good, ascended throne after he died, proclaimed himself a Christian, nephew of Bluetooth
How did Bluetooth come to be king over Norway?
Greycloak=unpopular, set up assassination with Hakon to kill nephew, claimed lands as his own
How is Sweyn Forkbeard related to Bluetooth?
Who killed Harald Bluetooth? Who became king when he died?
Sweyn killed father in naval battle for throne, ascended after death
How did Ethelred expel Sweyn from England? Was this a permanent solution?
Paid him 10,000 pounds, no b/c Sweyn thought England could pay their expenses if they kept coming back and attacking
Was Ethelred an effective and noble king?
- first years could not drive out Danes
- attempted alliance with Normans by marriage but even their reinforcements couldn’t stand up to Danes
- atrocity
What atrocity did he order on November 13, 1002? Did this act help to protect the English?
- ordered every Danish man, woman, and child to be murdered
- no, made Danes angrier and looking for revenge
Why do you suppose Ethelred ordered this attack? What blowback occurred because of this?
- trying to prove how fearful, effective, ruthless he can be
- angrier and seeking revenge, ten years of war until England is completely taken by Sweyn
How much territory did Sweyn Forkbeard conquer?
- North Atlantic lands across Baltic and north seas
- England
Describe the Rus as a people.
- uncivilized, disgusting
- wild, tattooed, lived in wooden shelter, believed in pagan gods
- 945, began to resemble civilization instead of tribes (capital, prince, government)
Describe the relationship between the Rus and the Byzantines.
- Igor, prince of Kiev of Rus, signed treaty similar to 911 one
- Byzantines supplied food for month if came and went peacefully
- Rus acted as paid mercenaries, fought their enemies
What event led to the Rus becoming Christian?
- battle at Arcadiopolis between Rus and Byzantines (Svyatoslav dies when Rus are crushed)
- Vladimir (prince heir) makes treaty with sons of John Tzimiskes who was emperor during the battle
- treaty: Rus stay at peace and fight for Byzantines, convert to Christianity, Vladimir marries emperors’ sister, Anna
What kingdom did Otto rule over?
Germanic Empire
What was the nature of the oath that Pope John XII made Otto take and what did Otto receive in return?
- Otto may not interfere w/ things under the jurisdiction of church or Romans without Pope’s consent, may not touch papal states, if obtained, give back immediately
- received title of Roman Emperor
Give a few examples of how closely united the church and state are in this Medieval world.
- landowners and farmers built churches on properties and elected priests but priests just wanted power so they would buy the positions (simony)
- Otto gained title of “Holy Roman Emperor” because instead of the church picking the pope, he picked
- Frankish priests threatened those who caused turmoil excommunication
How did the Peace and the Truce of God movement attempt to set the boundaries of the church against the turmoil of the State? What Abbey was instrumental?
- gave church power cause had ability to open/close gates of heaven
- turmoil=excommunication
- Abbey of Cluny = place of refuge because no one dared to attack the church because otherwise they face excommunication
How did Basil decide to rule as emperor and what personal tactics is did he employ?
rebellion of Phocas and Skleros put him on edge - always suspicious and stern. own bodyguard (Varangian Guard). advice from S says that he should grow to be more stern, press army and governors so no room to rebel
What war did he have to fight to the west of Byzantium?
Bulgarian War
What threat from the south was also engaging his attentions?
- Fatimid caliphate spread borders through the east
- moved capital to Cairo in Egypt
- Egypt, Red Sea, Syria
How did the war against Bulgaria end and who came out victories? What nickname did Basil earn and why?
- Basil strengthening his army and ignoring any distractions from his final invasion on the borders of Bulgaria
- paid off, demolished Bulgarians
- Basil sent 100 captives who are blinded to Samuel
Who is King Ethelred? Why is he noteworthy?
- Anglo-Saxon king who took refuge in Norway until Canute left the country
- retook throne but died when Canute came back
Who is Edward the Confessor?
king of England and was also a silent and hateful man
What is the basis for all pagan gods?
sense of morality and trying to be god
- need good and bad gods
- put things in gods based on what they want
- if they want war, then they make a bloodthirsty god of war
How is Satan seen in any idol? What are the characteristics of Lucifer revealed in Scripture?
drawing people away from God to indulge in sin (self-worship), he deceives, destroys, tempts, accuses, death
Were Edward and Godwin non good terms? How were they related?
- no, fought over power and authority
- Godwin = Edward’s father-in-law when he marries Edith
How did Harold Godwinson’s complications at sea lead to the Norman invasion two years later?
Edward the Confessor dies
Harold’s ship wrecked on the shores of Normandy after a storm with no money, ship, or men. He asked the duke, William, but after the encounter, William wanted to invade England
After Edward the confessor dies, who do the witan choose as king of England?
Harold Godwinson
How does this choice give William the excuse that he wanted to invade England?
Godwinson said he would support William’s drive to the throne if there came a chance
Be able to summarize the events of 1066 including all significant rulers.
September 8th- the soldiers dispersed from the south where they had been waiting for invaders
-Hardrada (Norwegian) and Tostig (English - Godwinson’s bro) launched toward England
-William of Normandy loses patience and launches toward England but storm causes loss of ships and lives
Stamford Bridge- Vikings (H and T) vs. England (Godwinson), summon all soldiers and march asap to York where they had conquered a small piece of land, vikings = no armor, English win
Hastings- news that William has finally landed in the south, summon tired army to march 180 miles south, no negotiations, 2 days of fighting, Normans win, Godwinson dies, William the First (king of England)
What tension reached a flashpoint in Henry lV? Describe Pope Gregory Vll’s view of the nature of church/state relations, and his view of the Papacy.
his dispute with the Pope, Pope Gregory wanted no reliance on the state. He wanted to appoint his own officials (bishops), set his own church rules, and call his own church councils. He also wanted the state to bow to him.
What were the circumstances that caused Pope Gregory and King Henry to fall out?
Pope Gregory and King Henry lV fell out because both of them sought power over the other. They sent several threatening letters to each other which ultimately led to Gregory forbidding everyone to serve the king. This created another rebellion which would’ve led to cil war had Henry not repented.
How did the Pope’s declaration put Henry in a position to choose between civil war and repentance? Explain how a civil war would have been inevitable had he not repented.
Because of the Pope’s final threat, many people rose in rebellion against the king. Previously, Henry had enough supporters to put out the rebellion, but not this time. Henry, seeing that he would lose the civil war without his usual number of supporters, chose to repent to Pope Gregory Vll.
What ally did the Byzantine king Alexius look for?
He needed help from Henry lV of Germany because the stronger Norman army was attacking Byzantium. They were also surrounded by other enemy forces like the Turks.
How did the other church leaders respond to Henry lV’s excommunication?
The German and Italian bishops could see this act was completely political, so they declared it unlawful even thought many of them had supported Gregory in his last campaign against Henry. They planned to remove him from the papacy and elect Wibert, the Italian archbishop, instead.
Which Pope summoned the First Crusade? What was his argument?
Pope Urban ll ordered the First Crusade. HIs argument was that while they were aiding Byzantium in fighting against the Turks, they could also take Jerusalem back into Christian hands so as not to offend God when He comes back.
What did the Pope promised to any martyrs of the crusades?
The Pope promised “immediate remission of sins”.
From what countries and kingdoms did the first crusaders originate?
Germany, Frankish Empire, Normandy, Tyre, and Toulouse
Why did the first attacks against the Turks fail?
mixture of unorganized aristocrats who only wanted power and had no leader
Why did the First Crusade stall at the city of Antioch? Where is Antioch?
Antioch was the strongest city in Syria near the Orontes River. The Crusaders were weary and needed resources. They didn’t have supplies. They could get resupplied by the rivers in Antioch.
Was the First Crusade successful? What territories did the crusaders conquer?
Yes. Antioch, Edessa, Jerusalem.
How is the history of the Medieval world really the history of the relationship between the church and the state?