Somatic Symptom & Related Disorders Lecture Powerpoint Flashcards
__% of patients in primary care demonstrate some degree of somatization
Somatoform disorders definition
Physical symptoms suggesting a medical condition yet the symptoms are not fully explained by the medical condition, substance abuse, or other mental disorder that is severe enough to cause distress or impaired social, occupational, or other functioning despite not being intentionally produced
Somatic symptom disorders etiology (3)
- idiopathic
- interpretation of symptoms as social communication
- Genetic component
Somatic symptom disorder diagnostic criteria
- Age <30
- 4 pain symptoms from 4 different sites including 2 GI (other than pain), 1 sexual, and 1 pseudoneurological NONE of which are explained by physical or lab findings
Somatic symptom disorder clinical presentation (4)
- Nausea
- Menstrual disorders
- suicide threats
- manipulative behavior
Factitious syndrome definition
Patients adopting physical symptoms for unconscious internal gain (patient desires to take on role of being sick)
Malingering syndrome definition
Purposeful feigning of physical symptoms for external gain (financial or legal benefit)
Somatic symptom disorders prognosis
- Chronic and debilitating
- Episodic/cyclic symptoms
- Worsened by increased stress
Somatic symptom disorder treatment (2)
- Psychotherapy/mindfulness therapy
- Single health care provider following them over time with regular appointments
Somatic symptom disorder mental status exam shortcomings (2)
- Insight is limited in that nonmedical causes of symptoms are not considered
- judgement is impaired
Conversion disorder/functional neurological symptom disorder definition
Characterized by presence of one or more neurologic symptoms (blindness, paralysis) that cannot be explained by known medical condition and psychological factors are known to be associated with the initiation of the disorder
2 theorized etiologies of conversion disorder/functional neurological symptom disorder
- Psychoanalytic (repression of unconscious intrapsychic conflict and conversion of anxiety into a physical symptom)
- Biologic (hypometabolism in dominant hemisphere of brain and hyper in nondominant)
conversion disorder/functional neurological symptom disorder diagnostic criteria
- Symptoms affect voluntary motor or sensory function
- Inability to explain symptoms on basis of any neurologic disease
- Excludes symptoms of pain and sexual dysfunction
conversion disorder/functional neurological symptom disorder clinical presentation (4)
- Paralysis or blindness
- Inconsistent anesthesia and paresthesia
- ataxia (wild staggering gait)
- reflexes intact, no fasciculations, no atrophy
conversion disorder/functional neurological symptom disorder treatment (2)
- Usually spontaneously resolves, longer it persists worse prognosis
- Resolution facilitated by insight behavior therapy
Illness Anxiety Disorder (hypochondriasis) definition
Preoccupation with the fear of contracting, or the belief of having, a serious disease that results from unrealistic or inaccurate interpretations of physical symptoms
Illness Anxiety Disorder (hypochondriasis) etiology
- Social learning theory
- variant of anxiety
- lower tolerance for physical discomfort
Illness Anxiety Disorder (hypochondriasis) diagnostic criteria
- Must hold preoccupation for at least 6 months
- does not have delusion but significant enough to cause emotional distress or impair ability to function
Illness Anxiety Disorder (hypochondriasis) clinical presentation (2)
- Conviction of having yet undetected disease despite neg lab results and assurance
- accompanied by anxiety or depression
Illness Anxiety Disorder (hypochondriasis) treatment (3)
- Improves over time (episodic)
- Group therapy
- Single provider
Pain disorder definition
Symptoms of pain associated with emotional distress and funcitonal impairment where pain is predominant focus of clinical attention not fully accounted for by medical conditions
Pain disorder etiology
-Psychodynamic, interpersonal, or biologic factors
Pain disorder diagnostic criteria
-Acute or chronic (6 month period) of pain causing emotional distress or functional impairment
Pain disorder treatment (2)
- Behavioral therapy
- NO long term analgesics