Macrocytic Anemia Lecture Powerpoint Flashcards
Walt when we didn't have power lol
Macrocytic anemias are typically what type of anemias?
….B12 and folate deficiency anemias
B12 and folate deficiency is mostly seen in….
….elderly patients who consume excessive alcohol causing atrophic gastritis
B12 requires ___ to be maximally absorbed in the ____
intrinsic factor, terminal ileum
Presence of MCV level >100 femoliters
A large source of iron and B vitamins
Red meat
Hypersegmented neutrophil definition and what causes it?
A neutrophil with more than 5 nuclear segments or lobes, often seen in B12 or folate deficiencies
Medications that interfere with DNA synthesis causing macrocytic anemia
- phenobarbital
- oral conraceptives
- chemotherapeutic agents
Hypothyroidism/alcoholism/ can cause…
…Megaloblastic anemia
3 false alarms for macrocytic anemia
1) cold agglutinins
2) hyperglycemia
3) leukocytosis
Target cells presence indicates…
….Liver disease
Patient with iron deficiency anemia is placed on ferrous sulfate. How do you tell if therapy is working within the 1st week as opposed to waiting for cell turnover after 120 days?
-Check reticulocyte count
Pernicious anemia
An autoimmune form of megaloblastic anemia in which antibodies against intrinsic factor are developed preventing DNA production
The schilling test
Old test method used to evaluate patient with suspected pernicious anemia via radiolabeled B12 no longer used
3 new work arounds for B12 absorption independent of intrinsic factor and which is the best?
1) nasal spray
2) subcutaneous injection (preferred)
3) B12 high dosing can override the need for intrinsic factor and allow absorption
Swollen or sore tongue can be a sign of….
…B12 deficiency
B12 deficiency causes ___ symptoms, and the ___ is affected first affecting ___ and ____. If it takes too long to begin treatment, it can cause….
neurological, posterior column, proprioception and vibratory sensation
Irreversible damage
Plummer vinson syndrome definition
Presence of esophageal webs due to iron deficient anemia
Folate deficiency vs B12 deficiency timeline
Months, almost a year
Methotrexate can cause ___ deficiency
Folic acid
Folate deficiency does not cause…
Neurological symptoms