Key Dermatological Terms Flashcards
An idiopathic inflammatory disease affecting and spreading to many organs thru the body, often presents with hilar lymphadenopathy and painful lesions on the anterior surface of the legs
Erythema nodosum
An idiopathic inflammatory disease affecting primarily the skin in the front of the legs below the knees causing very painful macules
Wegener’s granulomatosis
Autoimmune inflammatory disease of the blood vessels that has a distinct saddle nose appearance
Xanthelasma (hyperlipoproteinemia)
Sharp demarcated deposits of cholesterol underneath the skin, usually near the eyelids, usually not painful or problematic
Kawasaki’s disease
Inflammation of blood vessels often seen in children less than 5 years old, presents with a week of high fever, bilateral conjunctivitis, strawberry tongue, cervical lymphadenopathy and plaque-like rash on trunk and proximal extremities.
Rheumatic fever
A severe infection affecting multiple organ systems from improperly treated previous infections, appears with a painless rash often?
Acanthosis nigricans
Characterized by dark discoloration of body folds and creases seen in obese or diabetic patients
Slow growing tumor that initially presents with flushing and diarrhea onset
Cowden’s disease
Sees development of multiple noncancerous growths called hamartomas that are associated with development of breast and thyroid cancer
Dermatitis herpatiformis
A rare autoimmune rxn characterized by pruritic blisters on elbows, knees, buttocks, scalp that is associated with diseases such as celiac disease
Peutz Jegher’s syndrome
Genetic disorder causing benign hyperpigmented macules on lips and mucosa
Kaposi sarcoma
Cancerous growth of patches underneath skin, caused often 2ndary to untreated HIV infection
Infective endocarditis
From infection of the endocardium, can see janeway lesions (spots on palms and soles), oslers nodes (painful red lesions on hands and feet), and splinter hemorrhages (tiny blood spots under nails)
Meningococcemia (purpura fulmicans)
Infection caused by niesseria meningi causing systemic symptoms with skin rash that later becomes petechiae and ecchymoses
Erythema chronicum migrans
Lyme disease, bullseye rash present after being bitten by a tick carrying disease
Erythema multiforme
A diffuse rash in response to meds, disease, etc. that causes target lesion development
Steven johnson syndrome
An emergency reaction to medication or disease that causes red/purple purpura rash to spread systemically
Excess iron causing skin discoloration, diabetes, and left bundle branch blocks if untreated
Pruritic scaly rash that stings and is dry
A genetic condition that causes tumors to form on nervous tissue, skin can see pigmentation and freckling
Pityriasis rosacea
An unknown triggered rash that begins as a large oval patch before a fawn colored generalized rash appears, spontaneously resolves in 6 weeks, common and harmless
Acquired muscle myopathy causing inflammation, occurs after helliotrope rash (periorbital) occurance
Hardening and tightening of skin often seen in women 30-50, co-occurs with raynauds often
Atopic dermatitis
Flares of itchy red skin due to exposure that often co-occurs with asthma
Pressing of the skin with a glass slide to detect blanching and nonblanching lesions
Whorled appearance
Appearing wave like or stirred