Smoking Cessation Lecture Powerpoint Flashcards
Leading preventable cause of death
Primary drug in cigarettes that causes addiction, raises heart rate and blood pressure thru causing swelling of cells lining veins and arteries reducing blood flow, harmful to developing brains
Leading cancer resulting in death is ___, nearly 9-10 of them are caused by ____
lung cancer, smoking
Smoking increases atherosclerotic disease because it…
….initiates the initial inflammatory response that results in foam cell activity
Abdominal aortic aneurysm is associated with…
….smoking history of any kind
Nicotine on a mg/mg basis is ___x more potent as heroin and has similar withdrawal rates to it
Mesolimbic dopaminergic system
Motivational behavior/reward system of the brain that is directly stimulated from dopamine release reward pathway
Physiologic neurotransmitters released from smoking (6)
- Norepi
- B endorphin
- Acetylcholine
- serotonin
- glutamate
- vasopressin
Components in stopping smoking (4)
- Patient motivation
- Physician interest
- Medications
- Support systems
“The right moment” for smoking cessation
Idea that confronting smoking as a provider is most effective when a patient is suffering a significant medical event directly caused by their smooking
PA role in smoking cessation (5)
- Admit nicotine is an addiction
- provide info
- show interest
- train office personnel
- select the opportunity
The 5 A’s of smoking cessation
Ask Advise Assess Assist Arrange
Stages of change (4)
Precontemplation: not seriously considering quitting smoking (provide info)
Contemplation: seriously considering stopping smoking within 3-6 months (talk about if they want to what steps they take)
Preparation: Seriously considering stopping within next week to month (have to make a plan to do it)
Action: has recently stopped smoking within last 6 months (encourage to prevent relapse)
Average weight gain 1 year after quitting smoking
6 lbs
Planning a smoking quitting program (6)
- Establish degree of nicotine dependency (either serum cotinine level or fagerstrom test)
- Establish a quit date
- Create a support group
- Establish behavioral modification
- Discuss relapse and weight gain
- Nicotine replacement (typically sustained initially alongside buproprion)
Buproprion for smoking cessation
Anti depressant seen to significantly decrease withdrawal symptoms in a person quitting tobacco
Chantix (varenicline tartrate) for smoking cessation
Non nicotine pill that acts as a nicotine receptor partial agonist that causes nicotine to which smoking is absolutely contraindicated upon max dose being achieved (corresponding to quit date), causes severe side effects from residual or any other nicotine, can cause suicidal ideation or rage (cannot operate heavy machinery)
Low dependency nicotine addiction treatment
Nicotine replacement
High dependency nicotine addiction treatment
Bupropion + nicotine replacement
Advantages and disadvantages of nicotine gum
+more rapid
-heartburn or indigestion
-throat and mouth irritation
Advantages and disadvantages of nicotine patch
+best compliance
-skin irritation
-available over the counter
Advantages and disadvantages of nicotine nasal spray
+fast acting
- irritation
- low compliance
Advantages and disadvantages of nicotine inhaler
+simulates smooking
- low compliance
- less nicotine delivery