Drugs for Insomnia Lecture PDF Flashcards
Insomnia definition
Defined as inability to fall or maintains sleep, majority do not have predisposing psychaitric disease but untreated may be risk factor for development of psych problems, can be due to medical conditions, anxiety, or other factors
Indication for hypnotic drug uses
Reserved for patients whose insomnia cannot be managed by nondrug means
Sleep cycle
- NREM Stage 1 to 4 characterized by growing deeper taking 60-90 min
- Stage 1 aware of surroundings but relaxed
- Stage 2 unaware of surroundings but easily awakened
- Stage 3-4 slow wave sleep important for physical rest and restoration
- REM for 20 minutes, characterized by dreaming and mental restoration, is a state of deep sleep
- Return to NREM
Drugs for insomnia are indicated only for short term use because of…
…drug dependent insomnia with rebound insomnia occurring upon discontinuing
Barbituates mech of action
- Nonspecific suppression of CNS through binding to GABA receptor complexes at the reticular formation and cerebral cortex causing sedation with no ceiling to amount of CNS depression can produce resulting in death when overdosage
- suppresses REM sleep and increases stage 2 sleep resulting in rebound effect upon discontinuation
- Tolerance develops to sedative hypnotic effects but not to toxic effects making likelihood of overdose dangerous
Barbituate therapeutic uses (3)
- Distant 2nd choice to benzodiazepines for relieving insomnia
- low dose for seizure suppression
- induction of anesthesia
Barbituate ADR’s (4)
- Respiratory depression
- abuse and overdose
- fetal harm
- hangover effect with residual effects following day
Triad of acute barbituate overdosage
- Respiratory depression
- pinpoint pupils
- coma
Benzodiazepines function and popular examples (3)
Drug of choice for anziety and insomnia
-Diazepam (valium), lorazepam (ativan), and alprazolam (xanax)
Benzodiazepines mech of action
-Decrease functional activity of specific areas of the brain and spinal cord by potentiating activity of inhibitory neurotransmitters in the CNS affecting primarily the limbic system (emotion), reticular formation (sleep and wakefulness), cerebral cortex (stop convulsions and seizures), and spinal cord (decrease skeletal muscle tone in injury)
Benzodiazepines therapeutic uses (4)
- Anxiety drug of choice (short term typically while antidepressant is long term)
- insomnia drug of choice
- seizure disorders (diazepam is DOC for status epilepticus)
- Induction of anesthesia
Benzodiazepines ADR’s (2)
- CNS depression
- rare respiratory depression if combined with other drugs
- physical dependence
Flumazenil (romazicon) function
Competitive benzodiazepine receptor antagonist approved for treatment of benzodiazepine overdosage and for reversing effects of benzos following general anesthesia
Flurazepam (dalmane) function
Long acting benzodiazepine for treatment of insomnia, has long half life resulting in hangover effect
Temazepam (restoril) function
Short acting hypnotic administered 1-2 hours before bedtime
Triazolam (halcion) function
Short acting benzodiazepine that does not usually produce hangover effect and has very short duration of action but can be associated with rebound insomnia, concerns over psychotic type behaviors
Zopidem drug class, function
- Benzodiazepine receptor agonists function
- Act rapidly to decrease sleep latency, relatively safe with low potential for tolerance, abuse, or dependence, called the nonbenzo benzo as it acts through a different mechanism but helps treat insomnia
Zalepon (sonata) function
same chemical class as zolpidem that is short acting and fast onset only lasting 4 hours for those who take in middle of night if cannot sleep
Ramelton (rozerem) drug class, function, and mech of action
- Melatonin receptor agonist
- rapid onset short duration for inducing sleep in patients
- highly selective for melatonin receptors that upon their activation inhibit cAMP activation
Suvorexant (belsomra) drug class, mech of action, function
- Orexin receptor antagonoist
- orexin neurons are active during wakefulness and silent during sleep, loss of signaling associated with narcolepsy, blocking peptides allows for deep sleep
- Treatment for sleep onset or maintenance insomnia
2 antihistamines currently approved as sleep aids OTC
- diphenhydramine in advil and tylenol pm
- doxylamine
Buspar (buspirone) function
A non benzoanxiolytic used for the short term treatment of generalized anxiety as alternative because it does not cause sedation, has no abuse potential, and although takes weeks to peak effects has proven equally effective for short term GAD treatment
How to withdraw a patient from barbituates?