Skull Osteology Flashcards
cribriform plate
olfactory nerve bundles (CN I)
optic canal
Optic Nerve (CN II) Ophthalmic artery
superior orbital fissure
- Oculomotor Nerve (CN III)
- Trochlear N (CN IV)
- Trigeminal N, ophthalmic branch (CN V,1) : lacrimal, frontal, nasociliary branches
- Abducens N (CN VI)
- Superior ophthalmic vein
foramen rotundum
Trigeminal N., Maxillary branch (CN V,2)
foramen ovale
- Trigeminal N., Mandibular branch (CN V,3)
- Accessory meningeal artery
- lesser petrosal n (occasionally)
foramen spinosum
- middle meningeal a/v
- meningeal branch of mandibular n (CN V,3)
foramen lacerum
greater petrosal nerve crosses this space
carotid canal
- internal carotid artery
- internal carotid nerve plexus
internal acoustic meatus
- Facial N (CN VII)
- Vestibulocochlear N (CN V VIII)
- labyrinthine a
jugular foramen
- inferior petrosal venous sinus
- Glossopharyngeal N (CN IX)
- Vagus N (CN X)
- Accessory N (CN XI)
- sigmoid venous sinus
- posterior meningeal artery
hypoglossal canal
- Hypoglossal N (CN XII)
foramen magnum
- medulla oblongata
- meninges
- vertebral arteries
- meningeal branches of vertebral arteries
- spinal roots of accessory nerves
what bones make up the orbit?
- orbital plate of frontal bone
- greater wing of sphenoid
- lesser wing of sphenoid
- orbital plate of ethmoid bone
- lacrimal bone
- orbital plate of maxilla
- orbital plate of zygomatic bone
sutures of the palate (and the bones forming them)
Medial palatine suture: btwn 2 palatine processes of maxilla
Transverse palatine suture: btwn horizontal plate of palatine bone and palatine process of maxilla
- on top of head
- where sagittal suture meets coronal suture
- posterolateral
- temporal, parietal, occipital meet
- lateral
- meeting of frontal, parietal, temporal, GW sphenoid
- very thin, blood vessels flow underneath –> epidural hematoma if trauma here
persistent metopic suture
frontal suture persists into adulthood
fontanelle bone
bone forms in fontanelle
sutural/wormian bones
puzzle piece-like bones formed in sutures
external occipital protuberance
nuchal line
external occipital crest
below inion
paranasal sinuses
developed POST-NATALLY
growth of maxillary sinus can cause
Maxillary sinus grows towards teeth:
- impinge nerve roots
- infection spreads from sinus to teeth (or other direction)
Middle ear infection.
Spread due to air cells in mastoid process.
- vertigo (CN VIII)
- hearing loss (CN VIII)
- facial paralysis (CN VII)
arachnoid granulations
Structures CSF flows through.
Imprint on calvaria.
diploic veins
Normal structures that may look like fractures on xray.
Usually 4 on each side.
Drain diploe sandwich of calvaria. Connect to nearest venous sinus.
foramen cecum
tiny foramen anterior to cribriform plate
clinoid processes
sphenoid bone
parts of the sella turcica
- anterior clinoid processes (sphenoid)
- tuberculum sellae
- sella turcica (over sphenoid sinus)
- dorsum sellae
- posterior clinoid processes
branches of trigeminal nerve (CN V)
1) ophthalmic division
- superior orbital fissure
- supraorbital foramen
2) maxillary division
- foramen rotundum
- infraorbital groove
- infraorbital foramen
3) manibular
- foramen ovale
hardest bone in the body
petrous part of temporal bone
-contains inner ear
arcuate eminence
Curved outline from anterior semicircular canal.
Petrous part of temporal bone
3 pathways after entering internal acoustic meatus
1) facial canal
- exit via groove for greater petrosal n
- parasympathetic
2) Petrotympanic fissure
- to mandibular fossa
- parasympathetic
3) Stylomastoid foramen
- motor (CN VII: facial)
dural venous sinuses
drain into jugular foramen
tympanic canaliculus
where the parasympathetic nerves traveling with CN IX re-enters the skull after exiting from jugular foramen
pterygopalatine fossa is the gateway to
- nose
- orbit
- palate
- cranial base
- pharynx
can take pulse from facial artery where?
antegonial notch