Section 6 Adrenal Gland Flashcards
List the zone of the adrenal gland between the capsule and the adrenal medulla:
glomerulosa, fasciulata, and reticularis
in which layer of the adrenal gland are catecholamines produced?
adrenal medulla
in which layer of the adrenal gland are sex hormones produced?
Zona reticularis
in which layer of the adrenal gland are glucocorticoids produced?
Zona fasciculata
in which layer of the adrenal gland are aldosterone produced?
Zona glomerulosa
How many zones make up the adrenal cortex and name:
3; Zona glomerulosa, fasciulata, and reticularis
How is AI converted to AII?
by renin and ACE
The primary mineralocorticoid is:
What does AII stimulate?
aldosterone production
What secretes renin?
the JGA
Factors that increase renin secretion:
low pressure, low luminal sodium concentration, sympathetic nerve activity
What does high plasma K+ concentration stimulate?
aldosterone release
What structures do juxtaglomerular cells surround?
afferent and efferent arterioles and the macula densa of the distal tubule
Actions of aldosterone;
Na+ retention and K+ excretion
aldosterone + receptor affects on transcription and proteins synthesis:
new channels to add to luminal side of distal nephron, new pumps to add to interstitial fluid side facing blood supply, and proteins modulate existing channels and pumps
Net ion movement as a result of aldosterone:
K+ secreted into the lumen of distal nephron from the blood and Na secreted into the blood from the lumen
True or False? Aldosterone exerts its effects at the transcriptional level.
Cortisol can negatively-feedback to:
both ACTH (anterior pituitary gland) and CRH (hypothalamus)
what part of the adrenal gland is connected to mineralocorocoids, glucocorticoid, sex hormones (weak androgens)
cortex, endorcrine
True or False? The adrenal medulla releases epinephrine but not norepinephrine.
F. Releases both, some norepinephrine
What cells are neural derived cells?
chromafin cells, stain brown w/ chromium salts
Which part of the adrenal gland is like n extension of the chain ganglion?
the adrenal medulla
What types of tissue is most of the adrenal gland made of?
cortical tissue
List 2 catecholamines:
epinephrine and norepinephrine
Functions of outer zone of the adrenal cortex:
aldosterone, Na+ reabsorption, K+ loss
True or False? There is overlap between which layers produce which hormones.
Which zone makes up a larger part of the cortex?
zona fasiculata
What do the inner 2 zones release?
and sex hormones and glucocorticoids
Where are steroid stored?
They aren’t. They are made on demands. Activate enzymes that tun on the biosynthetic pathway for steroid production
Why is it difficult to store steroids?
cholesterol derived, lipophilic
What is a bottle neck enzyme?
stimulates pathway that leads to production and release of a hormone (check)
The only (steroid) storage hormone:
thyroid hormones (not really a steroid but is like one because of its lipophilicity
How many carbons are in steroids
27 Carbons, 4 rings, tail
What controls the adrenal cortex
anterior pituitary corticotrophs, controlled by the hypothalamus
What gets converted to testosterone and estrogen?
androstenedione (weak androgens)
Critical bottleneck step
conversion of chesterol to an intermediate in pathway
1st and major step being regulated to drive the formation of the desired hormone:
Cholesterol side chain cleavages
What controls the formation of aldosterone from cholesterol?
pituitary hormones, angiotensin, and others
Critical regulator that stimulates the enzyme in the pathway from cholesterol to aldosterone:
This is a protein-gestational hormone:
Intermediates in the pathway from cholesterol to aldosterone:
pregenolone, progesterone, 11-deoxycorticosterone, corticosterone
What converts corticosterone to aldosterone?
aldosterone synthase
True or False? There is no cross-reactivity of the steroid receptors for cortisol to bind to mineralocorticoids, or mineralocortocoids to glucocorticoids receptors, etc.
F. similarity in structure of all these receptors