Section 19.3- The Cartilaginous Fish Flashcards
two classes of fish that have skeletons made of cartilage rather than bone
cartilaginous fish
all sharks, rays, and chimaeras have
cartilaginous skeleton
the skin of sharks, rays, and chimaeras is covered with toothlike scales known as
generally the most feared of the creatures that roam the oceans
sharks can be easily distinguished from most other fish by their
asymmetrical caudal fins
one of the most maneuverable sharks
hammerhead sharks
other features that make a shark different from bony fish include a
skeleton of cartilage
lack of swim bladder
complex reproductive system
a notable exception that uses its stomach as a swim bladder and retains enough air in it to keep itself buoyant for hours at a time
sand tiger shark
shark that lacks a swim bladder but has a very large liver that contains an oil that is lighter than water, helping to make the animal buoyant
whale shark
runs along a shark’s body from snout to tail and is very sensitive to vibrations
can detect vibrations from animals in the water for great distances
lateral line
the shark also brings into play one of the keenest senses of ______________ in the animal kingdom
the most feared of the maneaters is the
great white shark
sharks also have excellent ______________
unusual fish that broad, flat bodies and generaly a long, whiplike tail
rays or batoids
the two largest sharks that are plankton-eaters
basking shark
whale shark
the most dangerous ray
a true ray that abounds in all the world’s seas and oceans
are responsible for more injuries to people than all other types of fish combined
the most fearsome-looking ray that is nonaggressive and rarely attacks nything larger than a shrimp
giant manta or devilfish
true ray reproduce by ______________ fertilization and bear _____________________
live young
nonvenomous rays wit long noses
the only rays that are oviparous
medium-sized fish with huge eyes and a long slender pointed tail
short-nosed chimaeras are commonly known as
the flexible snouts of the plow-nosed chimaeras give them the common name of
elephant fish
live in both salt water and fresh water
cartilaginous fish at home only in the ocean
two cartilaginous fish that have no jaws
the only cartilaginous fish that have opercula