Section 18.3-- Turtles, Crocodilians, and Tuatara Flashcards
a reptile with a shell nd toothless jaw
the upper shell of a turtle that is fused to the turtle’s ribs and thoracic vertebrae
the turtle’s lower shell which is fused to the clavicles
the dorsal carapace and the belly plastron are joined along the sides of the body by a bony
the shell has an inner layer of bone, which is divided into sections called
the tough, horny outer layer of the shell that is divided into sections arranged in a symmetrical pattern
although turtles are toothless and thus cannot grind their food, they can chop their food with their
sharp and powerful jaws
although all turtles have _____________, their ribcage cannot expand and contract for breathing as in other reptiles
a turtle’s __________________________ are on the sides of its head
tympanic membranes (eardrums)
the transparent membrane which moves sideways across the eye and helps turtles to see more clearly underwater
nictitating membrane
the largest group of turtles
freshwater turtles are classified into either
hard-shelled or soft-shelled
type of freshwater turtle that has a flat, hardened carapace made of large keratin scales
examples of hard-shelled freshwater turtles
snapping turtles
painted turtles
the heaviest freshwater turtle
alligator snapping turtle
examples of semiterrestrial (can swim but spend a lot of time on land) turtles
box turtle
red-eared slider
type of freshwater turtle that has a round, flat carapace covered with flexible leathery skin
the largest living turtles
marine turtle
differs from other sea turtles in that it is covered with leathery skin instead of scales
reserved for land turtles with feet and claws suitable for terrestrial life , large sturdy limbs
one of the world’s largest living land turtles and the longest-living animal
Galapagos tortoise
large, thick-skinned, long-tailed aquatic reptiles
the largest living reptiles
both the ________________ and the ________ have broad triangular-shaped snouts and concealed lower teeth
have narrower snouts and some protruding lower teeth
the fish-eating ______________ of southern Asia have extremely long, narrow snouts containing large numbers of teeth
gharials (gavials)
all crocodilians have this
clean and moistens their eyes without blocking out the light
nictitating membrane
method crocodilians reproduce
the two species of Sphenodon, the only genus in a family and order of tis own
live off the coast of New Zealand
tuatara (means spiny back)
situated on top of a tuatara’s brain, with a hole in the skull just above it
a third eye that has no eye muscles but functions to sense radiation
parietal eye
the most famous of all extinct creatures are the ______________
a large group of extinct creatures that resemble reptiles in some ways
the largest dinosaurs were the __________________
large herbivorous animals characterized by long necks and tails and columnlike legs
the most famous sauropod
many creationists believe that the behemoth was
some of the most fearsome dinosaurs belonged to a group called the ___________________
bipedal dinosaurs characterized by powerful lower legs used for walking and smaller arms used for grasping
the most famous theropod and one of the largest land carnivores that has ever lived
Tyrannosaurus rex
a third well-known group of dinosaurs were the
the most famous ceratopsian
elephant-sized herbivore built like a rhino
characterized by massive skull topped with horns above the eyes and a third horn on its nose
classified as dinosaur though not really
most famous is pterodactyls
well-known dinosaur-like sea creature