Section 16.1- Animals_Vertebrates_Mammals Flashcards
characterized as living organisms that move from place to place in their environment, mainly for the purpose of obtaining food
two main characteristics of animals
means can move their bodies from place to place
animals attached to one location but can move environment toward themselves for the purpose of trapping food
number of classified species of animals alive today
over one million
as biologists study the living creation, they observe than many living things possess the quality of
humans and most animals are constructed with a design called
symmetry that can be cut in half only in one plane to make each half look alike
bilateral symmetry
the symmetry which is the basic blueprint from which God made most animals
bilateral symmetry
symmetry possessed by a few animals such as a starfish
allows for an animal to be cut in half multiple ways and still have look-alike halves
radial symmetry
symmetry possessed by a few animals such as the amoeba
means without symmetry
animals with a backbone
animals without a backbone
vertebrates that make up only about _____________ of all animals
vertebrate characteristics
-spinal cord, brain, skull
-backbone or notochord endoskeleton– axial,
-usually 11 body systems
-bilateral symmetry
-head and trunk
internal framework or skeleton
animals with four appendages or limbs attached by special bones to the body at the hips and shoulders
the most familiar the most dominant group of vertebrates on the earth today
7 characteristics of mammals
- warm-blooded
- hair
- produce milk
- four-chambered heart
- two pair limbs and seven neck vertebrae
- born alive
- breathe with lungs
special structures in the skin of some mammals that are produced the same way as hair and are composed of keratin
one of God’s most marvelous provisions for mammals
production of milk
specialized epithelial cells that multiply when mammal is pregnant in order to produce milk
mammary glands
animals that regulates their own temperature by internal mechanisms
maintaining the same temperature
warm-blooded animals such as mammals are said to be
when some small mammals such as ground squirrels and woodchucks, bears, raccoons, and opossums lower their body temperature to fall within a degree of two of the freezing point, lowering their heartbeat
the blood pressure falls greatly after the
blood gets through the lungs
the difference between man and animals
man created in image of God
man has dominion over animals
man is moral
man will live forever in heaven
ways mammals are important in nature beyond their benefit directly to man:
- fertilize ground
- help balance population of other plants and animals
- most important source of raw materials
mammals reproduce after their kind by
the union of a sperm cells from a male with and egg cell from a female to form a new organisms
sexual reproduction
most mammals are considered ___________________ because their developing young receive nourishment from a placenta until birth
placental mammals
where fertilization takes place in a mammal
corresponds to a fallopian tube in humans
the fertilized egg divides to form a hollow sphere of cells called a
the blastula attaches itself to the wall of the
the embryo of a placental mammal is nourished by the
the embryo of a placental mammal is protected by the
amniotic fluid
once a blastula is recognizable as a young individual, the animal is called a
the entire period of growth from fertilization to birth is the
gestation period
because their young are born alive, placenta mammals are
examples of mammals that birth eggs
name for mammals that do not bear their live young
species that does not bear live young and spend the majority of their gestation outside of the womb