Chapter 12 Flashcards
probably the most common of all diseases
viral diseases
a molecule of genetic material enclosed in a geometric protein structure called a capsid
new viruses are manufactured an assembled by
infected cells
a typical virus is essentially
a capsule of genetic material for new viruses
scientists who study viruses
single-celled organisms that are responsible for several well-known diseases
examples of protozoa diseases
amoebic dysentary
African sleeping sickness
diseases caused by fungi
mycotic diseases
examples of mycotic diseases
Athlete’s foot
diseases caused by invading parasitic worms
helminthic diseases
examples of helminthic diseases
illness that is carried by water droplets
droplet infection
examples of droplet infection
a person who display no symptoms of a disease but harbors the pathogens in his body and can pass them on to infect others
an animal that transmits infection
famous case of a carrier
Typhoid Mary
diseases spread almost always by sexual relations, especially those outside of marriage
STDs (sexually transmitted diseases)
another name for STDs
venereal diseases
best protection from STDs
when pathogens enter the body of a human and grow there, that human has an
pathogens require a period of development before their presence produces signs or symptoms of disease called
incubation period
when diseases spread rapidly and extensively among a population
one of the simplest and most effective ways to stop the spread of a disease is
frequent handwashing
the first physician to realize that handwashing prevented the spread of diseases among patients in hospitals
Ignaz Semmelweis
ways to prevent the spread of disease
- hand washing
- avoid unnecessary contact
- avoid contamination or disinfect
- avoid or eliminate vectors
- vaccines
a substance that stimulates your body to develop an acquired immunity to a disease
British doctor who established the use of antiseptics
chemicals that kill bacteria and help prevent infections
doctor that came up with the rabies vaccine
two main parts of virus
SECTION 12.3- Protection against Disease
the most important part of the immune system in the
special cells programmed to search out and destroy any organism or substance that they do not recognize as part of the body
white blood cells
a complex network of fluid-filled vessels and chambers that helps TRANSPORT white blood cells throughout the body and aids the white blood cells in CLEANSING internal body fluids of pathogens
lymphatic system
assists immune system by serving as a barrier to keep bacteria and viruses from entering the body
other things that aid the immune system
respiratory passages
the individual cells in the immune system that do the work of protecting your body against invaders
white blood cells or leukocytes
God has designed the body with several types of white blood cells
white blood cells that roam through your tissue and body cavities, engulfing and disposing of any bacteria, viruses, and cellular debris they encounter
the white blood cells communicate over short distances by
docking and exchanging information
over long distances, white blood cells communicate using chemical signals called
chemical messenger released by white blood cells when invading microorganisms or foreign substances are detected in the body
causes blood vessels to dilate and become more permeable
swelling caused by histamine allowing blood fluids to enter the surrounding tissues
when body cells become infected with a virus, the infected celled produce a chemical messenger which limits the spread of the virus called
one of the most important weapons that your immune system uses to fight pathogens
Y-shaped proteins that act like molecular homing missiles
antibodies defend against pathogens in two main ways:
- inactivating the pathogens until then can be destroyed
- marking them for destruction by other defense mechanisms
because each type of antibody binds to only a single type of pathogen, antibodies and the lymphocytes involved in their production are considered the body’s
specific defenses
the body’s cells are surrounded by
tissue fluid
tissue fluid originates in the
plasma of the blood
the tissue fluid acts as a battlefield in the fight against
invading microorganisms
works as a drainage and sanitation system for tissue fluid
lymphatic system
originate in the tissues and collect excess fluid with its cellular debris and microbes and carry it through a closed system of lymph vessels
lymph capillaries
the lymph system is a _____________ transportation system and does not circulate like the blood
the lymph vessels drain the tissue fluid called
the lymph system relies on _____________ to propel it
body movements
after lymph vessels collect lymph from several lymph capillaries, they converge into larger lymph vessels, which empty into one or two large
lymph ducts
special enlargements of lymphatic tissue
lymph nodes
the compartments near the rim of the lymph node are used by resting
B cells
the compartments father from the rim of the lymph node are used by resting
T cells
lymph nodes serve as
bases and staging areas for white blood cells
accumulations of lymph nodes in the throat that protect that entrance to the body
when filtering bacteria, the tonsils often become infected, resulting in
lymph node groups located in the intestinal wall of the ileum
Peyer’s patches
the body’s largest lymph organ
resembles a normal lymph node except that it has chambers containing blood capillaries
one of the most inconspicuous lymphatic organs which is located between the lungs
the center where immature cells are matured and trained after being produced by the none marrow
most bacteria and viruses ____________ penetrate the tightly knitted cells of the skin
the three barriers to infection
- skin
- mucous membranes, mucous
- hydrochloric acid
enzymes contained in tears and perspiration that kill bacteria by destroying their cell walls
the best known of the friendly bacteria are located in the
things in skin that protect from bacteria
tightly knitted cells
harmless bacteria hinder growth of harmful bacteria
sebum contains substances that hinder bacteria growth
reside in the digestive system and interfere the growth of most invading pathogens
friendly bacteria
an elevated body temperature
another effective weapon against many bacteria and some viruses
advantages of a fever
- body’s cellular activities sped up to help body fight disease
- hinders growth of pathogens that grow more slowly at higher temperatures
fevers are beneficial unless they last
too long or become too high
regardless of age, if temperature is above _____________ doctor needs to be in volved
lymphocytes that guard against the particular pathogen of a disease for the rest of your life
memory cells
a condition of resistance to a pathogen due to the body’s familiarity and immediate response
two types of immunity
immunity that results from circulating antibodies or memory cells
acquired cells
two kinds of acquired immunity
active acquired
passive acquired
developed through an immune response to a pathogen; may be caused by being infected with the pathogen or by receiving a vaccine for the pathogen
active acquired immunity
develops when someone receives an infusion of antibodies from someone else
can be artificially caused by an injection with a mixture containing antibodies (these injections are temporary)
passive acquired immunity
results from factors other than the presence of antibodies and memory cells
includes body’s nonspecific defenses that do not involve antibodies or lymphocytes
innate immunity
factors of innate immunity
- hereditary
- health of the immune system
- diet
- exercise
a type of innate immunity that occurs because many pathogens infect only particular types of organisms
specie immunity
certain conditions can cause a person’s immunity system to break down, causing an
immune deficiency
factors of immune deficiency
- excessive exposure to radiation or certain chemicals
- cancer treatments
- genetic defects
examples of congenital immune deficiency diseases
by far the most prevalent immune deficiency disease is
causes AIDS
HIV is a
a type of RNA virus that makes DNA copies of its genetic material and inserts these copies into a host cell’s DNA
HIV is transmitted by
direct contact with body fluids of an infected person
can slow that development of AIDS and reduce the transmission of HIV but cannot cure the disease completely
antiretroviral drugs
dramatically reduces the risk of acquiring HIV
waiting until marriage to have sex
remaining faithful to spouse
taking care of your body by avoiding drug abuse
physicians use two general defenses to protect against infectious diseases
immune therapy
the main tools of immune therapy
the process of exposing the body’s immune system to a weakened form of a pathogen in order to produce memory cells and antibodies against it
immune therapy using vaccines
blood extracts that contain antibodies to provide passive immunity against
can refer to any procedure in which chemical compounds are used to treat a disease
the most familiar chemicals used in chemotherapy
substances produced by bacteria molds, and certain other organisms that are affective in stopping the growth of microorganisms
discovered penicillin
Alexander Fleming
the best way to fight disease is
take measures to prevent them
factors in good health
- attitude
- fear of Lord
- foods we eat