Chapter 13- Natural History and Scientific Investigation Flashcards
where did God command man to subdue the earth?
Genesis 1:28
the reasons for subduing the earth
glory to God
good of humanity
when did God curse the earth and alter man’s association with its creatures
after the fall of man because of sin
as civilization continued to develop, men moved further ______________ the truth of God’s creation
had a distinct advantage of all ancient people in their study of the natural world
why did the Hebrews have an advantage in the study of ancient world
because they had the Scriptures
most famous early Hebrew naturalist
borrowed the wisdom of the ancients and built upon it
the early Greek naturalist that advocated an explanation for the origin of life based solely on natural principles
the idea that living things can arise from nonliving things
spontaneous generation
the teaching that all living things developed from a common ancestor
early Greek philosopher who put together a system known as doctrine of ideas
viewed the physical world as not genuinely real and therefore changeable and relative
taught that we learn by remembering knowledge gained through countless cycles of reincarnation
school Plato founded
Plato’s most famous disciple who rejected much of Plato’s system and developed his own doctrine of intellect
according to Aristotle’s doctrine of intellect, the highest form of reality is
intellectual speculation
despite the Greek misunderstandings of the universe, their studies led them to a demonstration of the
unity and consistency of nature
were excellent COMPILERS of knowledge and made many original advances in natural science
wrote Natural History
Pliny the Elder
a Greek physician whose work became the absolute authority in human anatomy for over a thousand years
the Bible -__________ a science text
is NOT
four reason the truths of Scripture are important for study of nature
- man and all nature are creation of rational, loving, orderly God
- God is the creator of matter, but He is not matter Himself; more to universe than matter and energy
- Man has dominion
- Man gains understanding as he subdues the earth
the primary scientific authority in the Middle Ages
philosophers such as PLato, Aristotle, Pliny
the Greek sect of Christianity was commonly known as the
SECTION 13.2 _Modern Science
Section 13.2
the hallmark of the Protestant movement which made people very interested in the natural world that the God of Scriptures had created
the return to the authority of the Scriptures
modern science was built on
biblical principles
Protestant pastor and schoolmaster who wrote Herbarum
Otto Brunfels
wrote The Natural History of PLants around the same time Brunfels worked
Leonhard Fuchs
the SWISS NATURALIST who was probably the best-educated naturalit of his day;
Konrad Gesner
Gesner’s primary work was a five volume work called
Historriae Animalim
the year that marked the milestone in the history of biology
1543 was important because that was the year
Adreas Vesalius presented to the world his book on the structure of the human body
Vesalius’s book is commonly called
The Father of Anatomy
English physician and great physiologist who was known for his classic work on the CIRCULATION OF BLOOD through the body
William Harcy
the idea that the universe consists of nothing but matter and energy and had no spiritual or supernatural aspects
was created to repudiate the unbelieving ideas of materialistic philosophers who said that man could arrive at all knowledge through science
Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge
institute founded in Paris and was supported largely by Huguenots and by Jansenists (Calvinist French Catholics)
French Acadamy of Sciences
the most outstanding Jansenist was the great mathematician and scientist
Blaise Pascal
the most energizing thing to the study of biology was the development of the
the concept of using glass for magnification can be traced back to medieval English monk
Roger Bacon
first man to devote an entire book exclusively to microscopic observations
Robert Hooke
Hooke’s book Micrographia described his work with
cells of cork
the Dutch naturalist that was the first person to devote his whole life to studies with the microscope
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
one of the most fundamental principles in biology
said that
1. all living things are composed of living units called cells and of cell products
2. all cells come from preexisting cells
cell theory
Father of Chemistry
Father of Physics
was known for his microscopic work with protozoa and his publishments at the Royal Society
van Leeuwenhoek
SECTION 13.3- Biology and Scientific Investigation
Section 13.3
the Scriptures provide us with
- true account of origin of all things
- interpretive framework by which to view life and the world
two biblical presuppositions that science would be impossible without
- there is a cause for every effect or event in creation
- there is something real to be discovered and understood about creation
special process scientists use to solve scientific problems
scientific method
the scientific method is a form of
reasoning from specific events in nature to their general causes
inductive reasoning
three main activities of the scientific method are
steps of scientific method
- State the problem
- Think of possible solutions (hypotheses)
- Test the hypotheses
- Reach conclusion
- Keep open mind
- Test conclusion with additional experiments
tentative solutions to a sceintific problem
T/F: Hypotheses are the answer to the problem
what biologists use which are experiments in which all factors are identical except the one being tested
controlled experiments
one factor being tested is called the
group of substance that is tested upon
experimental group
group of substance that is not experimented on
control group
every good experiment must have a ________________ to prove that the variable produced the results of the experiment
control group
the repeating of experimental work
when a hypothesis has passed the test of many well-designed experiments and has the support of other scientists, it is referred to as
if theory stands the test of time and is verified by experiment after experiment, it may eventually be referred to as
scientific law
the goal of science is to determine _______________ and to use them for ______________ and ________________
determine God’s laws of nature
use for man’s benefit and God’s glory
scientific facts
one of the first scientists to present evidence against spontaneous generation
(used jars of meat and different coverings)
Francesco Redi
conducted experiments that marked the end of spontaneous generation as a scientific possibility
Louis Pasteur
Pasteur’s experiments showed that not even the
simplest organisms can develop from nonliving matter
said that living things can come only from other living things
law of biogenesis
the idea that science can find answers for all the problems in life
is not a valid instrument with which to measure that which is spiritual
scientific method
true science is limited to what is
observable and repeatable in the natural world
biology is limited to
- finding God’s design in the physical part of the living creation
- applying that knowledge to help man dominate the earth