Religion FINAL EXAM!!! Flashcards
What are the 7 sacraments
Baptism Eucharist Confirmation Anointing of the Sick Reconciliation Matrimony Holy Orders
Why did churst give us the sacraments
To enable us to share in his divine life and to assist us in reaching our heavenly home
What do the form and matter make up
They make up the substance of the sacrament
There was no need for the sacraments before what
Adam sinned
What are the 3 reasons God chose the sacraments
Man’s human nature
Man’s sinfulness
Man’s inclinations
Each sacrament confers grace on us as long as
The recipient places no obstacles in the way
Enables us to share in God’s life
Received in the sacraments
Sanctifying grace
Supernatural help from God to of good and avoid evil for the purpose of saving our souls
Received everyday to help avoid temptation
Actual grace
What 3 sacraments imprint an indelible mark on the soul which distinguishes the followers of Christ from others
Holy Orders
What 2 sacraments do not require and ordained minister
To confer the sacrament, what 4 things must the minster do
Intend the sacramental result
Use correct form
Use proper matter
Be free from mortal sin
What 2 sacraments do not require us to be free from mortal sin
Free and undeserved gifts from God that helps us to conform our lives to his will
Actual grace
Any thought, word, deed, or omission contrary to God’s eternal law
Actual sin
What does actual sin presume
Knowledge of wrong-doing
Awareness of malice in one’s conduct
Consent of the will
The words and signs that accompany a sacrament
The part of the sacrament with which or to which something is done on order to confer grace
An efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted by the church, by which divine life is dispensed to us through the work of the holy spirit
Indelible mark imprinted on the soul at baptism, confirmation, and/or holy orders that gives the person a greater share in the priesthood of Christ
Sacramental Character
The grace which heals our human nature wounded by sin by giving us a share in the divine life of the Trinity
It is a habitual, supernatural gift which continues the work of sanctifying us - of making us perfect, holy, and Christ like
Sanctifying grace
When did baptism in the church begin
At Pentecost when Jesus commanded his apostles to go out and baptize all nations in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit
What does the baptized person receive
Removal of original and actual sin Imprints indelible sign consecrating the person to Christian worship Entry into the church Confers sanctifying grace Adoption by god as his child Becomes a temple of the Holy Spirit Actual grace Theological virtues Moral virtues Entry into heaven after a life lived with Christ
What are the theological virtues
Charity (love)
What are the moral virtues
What are the 2 principal effects of baptism
Purification from sin
New birth in the holy spirit
Even after baptism, what consequences of sin remain
What kind of grace does baptism also confer
Actual grace which helps us to resist temptation to sin
What must be done to confer a valid baptism
In the name of the Trinity
With the intention of baptism
Use water
When do Catholics usually baptize
We baptize infants as soon as possible after birth (usually one month)
In order to begin receiving the priceless gifts of baptism
Who is the ordinary minister of baptism
Bishop, priest, or deacon
What kind of baptism is necessary for salvation for those who have had the gospel preached to them and understand
Baptism by Water
What kind of baptism occurs when a person has NOT had the opportunity to be baptized by water and suffers death for the sake of Jesus
Baptism by Blood
What kind of baptism refers to the salvation of those who believe in a supreme being and strive to serve his as best they are able
Baptism of Desire
The first of the 7 sacraments, the door which gives access to the other sacraments
Most often a person who presents a child at baptism (or anyone at confirmation) and professes faith in the child’s name
This person acts as a proxy if anything happens to the parents
An of final representative of the community of faith
How does confirmation pass on the grace of Pentecost
Laying on of hands by the bishop
Anointing with chrism oil
The words “Be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit”
What does the grace received in confirmation enable us to do
Spread and defend the teachings of Christ and the church
Then our mission is to to out and witness the faith to others
What was included in confirmation before Vatican II
A light slap on the cheek
To remind the recipient that the service of Christ is difficult and calls for soldier lines
Confirmation gives us the spiritual strength to speak up for Christ and to defend his teachings regarding what
What does the word Christian mean
What makes a connection between Baptism and Confirmation among the first elements of Christian instruction
The Letter to the Hebrews
What is used in the ceremony of the sacrament of confirmation
When is it consecrated
Chrism Oil
The Holy Thursday Chrism Mass every year in a diocese
When is Confirmation normally celebrated
Separately from baptism beginning with the Confirmandi renewing their baptismal promises and a profession of faith (recite the creed)
What must be done for the sacrament to be valid
The essential rite
What concludes the Rite
Sign of Peace
Who does the church recommend serve the role as sponsor
One of the godparents
What are the effects of confirmation
Baptismal grace is increased and deepened
An indelible mark is imprinted on the soul
Person is rooted more deeply as a child of the father
Person is united more closely to Christ
Gifts of the Holy Spirit increase
What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom Understanding Counsel (right judgement) Fortitude Knowledge Piety Fear of The Lord (wonder and awe)
Symbol of the Holy Spirit, whose anointing of Jesus as messiah fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament
Christ (in Hebrew, Messiah) means “anointed one”
Sacramental sign of confirmation, anointing of the sick, and holy orders
Perfumed oil, consecrated by the bishop, which signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit
Used for consecration in the sacrament of baptism, confirmation, and holy orders
One of the sacraments of initiation
Completes the grace of baptism by a special outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit
The 50th day at the end of the 7 weeks following Passover (or Easter)
At the first, the Holy Spirit was manifested, given and communicated to the church, fulfilling the paschal mystery of the church
What is the source and summit of Christian life
The Eucharist
The Eucharist is truly what
What is the most important Jewish feast day
Jesus chose this time to give his body and blood to his disciples
When did Jesus institute the new Passover
At the Last Supper
Why did jesus institute the Eucharist
As a pledge of his love
As a way of remaining with us forever
As a memorial of his death and resurrection
To make us sharers in his Passover, through which man is spared God’s wrath
Why is the Eucharist at the center of catholicism
Because the sacrifice of Christ allows men to be saved
Who was the Old Testament priest who was the first to offer bread and wine to God foreshadowing the sacrifice of Christ
Melchizedech (Mel-keys-a-deck)
What happens when the priest says the words of consecration over the bread and wine
By the power of the Holy Spirit acting through Jesus, the bread and wine is changed into the body and blood of Christ
The recipient of the Eucharist must
Be a baptized catholic
Have attained the age of reason (usually 7 years old)
Have received 1st reconciliation prior to 1st reception of Eucharist
Fast from all food and drink (except water or medicine) for 1 hour prior
Have no mortal sin present on your soul
What is it a serious sin of to receive the Eucharist in the state of mortal sin
St. Paul warns us against this in 1 Corinthians 11:27-29
How does the Eucharist bless those who regularly receive it
Stabilizes and increases the intimate union with Christ Reinforces the unity of the church as the mystical body of Christ Removes venial sins Preserves from grave sin Diminishes sinful love of self Strengthens against temptation Decreases purgatorial debt Reduces the drives of concupiscence
Inclination to sin
Profaning sacred persons or sacred things
Who have been given the power to say the mass and consecrate the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ
Validly ordained bishops and priests
Where does the basic outline of the Eucharistic celebration go back
The writings of St. Justin Martyr in the year 155 with two basic divisions
What are the two basic divisions of the Eucharistic celebration
Liturgy of the Word
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Latin for “to bless”
The acknowledgement of God as God, Creator and Savior, The Lord and Master of everything that exists though worship and prayer
A prayer invoking God’s power and care upon some person, place, thing, or undertaking
This acknowledges God as the source of all blessing
The dedication of a thing or person to divine service by a prayer or blessing
The ritual, sacramental action of thanksgiving to god which constitutes the principal Christian liturgical celebration of communion in the paschal mystery of Christ
The scholastic term used to designate the unique change of the entire substance of the Eucharistic bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ
A conversion of the heart toward God and away from sin
Interior penance
Why did God give us Penance
Baptism didn’t destroy our concupiscence
It is a spiritual healing to remove sin when we fall into it as often as we need it
Whom did Christ entrust the ministry of reconciliation to
The Church
Who is empowered to administer reconciliation
What are 6 points to a good confession
Examination of conscience Sorrow for sin Resolve to avoid sin in the future Confession of sins Act of contrition Do assigned peace
When we are sorry for our sins because of a love for God above all else
Perfect contrition
We are sorry for our sins because we fear hell or fear other penalties
Imperfect contrition
When should mortal sins be confessed
As soon as possible after committing
When should venial sins be confessed
They are not required to be confesed, but the church does recommend a monthly confession
The interior voice of god in all of us which moves a person to do good and avoid evil
What is right conscience formed from
The bible
The teachings of the church
Human reason
The first sin of adam
Original sin
Sin committed personally
Actual sin
Harms the spiritual relationship between god and man
Can lead to mortal sin
Venial sin
Serious sin that completely breaks the relationship between God and man
Mortal sin
What three conditions must exist for a mortal sin
Grave or serious matter
Full knowledge that it will separate you from god
Complete consent (you choose to do it anyway)
An act in which someone breaks a law of God or the Church intentionally by doing a forbidden act
Sin of commission
Refusing to do an act that us required such as Sunday mass
Sin of omission
The purification that is required of a soul before man can enter heaven either here or in purgatory for sins committed
Temporal punishment
What can release a man from temporal punishment
The remission granted by the church of the temporal punishment for a sin that has already been forgiven through confession
This sacrament helps to heal the ill person physically, or it gives grace to accept God’s will and die and die a good death
Anointing of the Sick
What are 2 reasons Christ healed people
To demonstrate that he was the messiah
Out of compassion for those who were suffering
Who administers Anointing of the Sick
Priest or bishop
What are the principal elements of anointing of the sick
Laying on of hands
Prayer said over the person
Anoint the forehead and hands with chrism oil (blessed olive oil)
What sacrament should be received before Anointing of the Sick
Latin for “traveling provisions” also “food for the journey”
What does Anointing of the Sick give the sick person
The grace to ensure that they accept what God has permitted and the power to resist the devil as they face passage from this world to the next
When should Anointing of the Sick be anointed
A life-threatening or grave disease
The person is about to undergo a serious surgery
The person is of advanced age
A fatal illness has become more serious
Can anointing of the sick be repeated
What must the person have been if unconscious or in a coma and needs to receive Anointing of the Sick
The church teaches that sickness and suffering are a result of what
Original sin and our fallen nature
By doing what can we imitate Jesus who accepted suffering for our salvation
Accosting suffering for the well-being of others and helping spread the grace of God
What is a requirement of our faith
Caring for the sick and suffering
The loving kindness, mercy, or forbearance shown to your neighbor, especially to the needy
A radical reorientation of the whole life away from sin and evil, and toward God
A central element of Christ’s preaching
A morbid condition characterized by the accumulation of watery fluid in the connective tissue of the body
The suffering and death of Jesus
Pertaining to the salvation of souks
Freedoms from attachment, enjoying the vision of a God, consummating our happiness
The Eucharist received by a dying person
What 2 reasons does the sacrament of matrimony join a man and woman in a covenant of life
The good of the spouses
Procreation and education of children
In 2 Corinthians, St. Paul speaks of couples who are what
This indicates what
Unequally yoked
That couples of mixed marriage should address certain challenges before the wedding
When/where does the celebration normally take place
What does the minster act as during matrimony
The church’s witness
What does the couple agree to in matrimony
A permanent, indissoluble union
Openness to having children and raising them in the Catholic faith
The role of the priest or the deacon in the marriage process includes
Guide the couple through the marriage preparation process
Serving as the official witness for the church
What does “free” mean
Not being under constraint
Not impeded by any natural or church law
Who are the 3 parties in a marriage
What can add strength to the marriage and can only be practices between husband and wife because it involves the total person
Conjugal love
The first place chicken will receive instruction in the life of God
The family
What is best in cases of physical abuse or drug or alcohol addiction
That the couple separated temporarily until counseling can be obtained
What are 6 sins against marriage
Contraception Adultery Divorce Polygamy Trail marriage Concubinage
Marital infedility, or intimate relations between two partners, at least one of whom is married to another party
The love of a married couple
Ultimate love coming not only from the senses, but primarily from the spirit and is such one that desire children
Conjugal love
A marriage in which the spouses have engaged together in the conjugal act that is apt for the generation of offspring
Consummated marriage
The use of mechanical, chemical, medial, or physical procedures to prevent contraception from taking place
Legal agreement enforceable by law
Indissoluble union held together by God’s grace
A dissolution of the marriage bond recognized by the civil authority but not by the church
The church cannot separate what God has joined together
An ancient expression for the family, recognizing the parents as the first heralds of the faith to their children
Domestic church
Incapable of being erased, destroyed, or removed
When a man and a woman, of their own free will in an irrevocable covenant, mutually give and accept each other
Matrimonial consent
Describes a marriage between a catholic and a non-catholic Christian
Mixed marriage
The creation of new life through the marriage act in cooperation with God’s design and in response to their vocation
A covenant or partnership of life between a man and a woman which is ordered to the well-being of the spouses
The practice of having more than one wife at the same time
The sacrament that Jesus gave the church to pass on the ministries of deacon, priest, and bishop until the end of time
Holy Orders
Was was the command from Jesus to celebrate the Eucharist
“Do this in remembrance of me.” Luke 22:19
Why was the sacrament of holy orders set up by Christ
To provide ministers of service to his people
They ordain priests, deacons, and bishops
They are successors of the apostles
They are members of the college of bishops that has the pope at its head
They lead the local churches which make up a diocese
They assist and obey the orders of the Bishop
Often care for communities of the faithful, and administer all the sacraments including confirmation
Minsters of the gospel but cannot consecrate the Eucharist or hear confession
They are ordained to perform acts of service and charity
Who is the minster of holy orders
A validly ordained bishop who can trace his authority back to the Apostles in an unbroken line of succession
A bishop who is head of a province (more than one diocese)
What is the highest act of the office of priest
Saying Mass
What can deacons do
Assist in the celebration of the sacraments Distribute holy communion Bless marriages Proclaim the gospel Preside over funerals and baptism
What can’t a deacon do
Hear confessions
Consecrate the Eucharist
Get married after being ordained a deacon (if they are married heifer they’re ordained it’s okay)
What is the form of holy orders
What is the matter
Consecration prayer
Laying on of hands and blessing with chrism oil
To receive the sacrament of holy orders, a person must be
Baptized male of excellent character
Have an interior and exterior call
Have necessary knowledge of the nature of holy orders
Be the proper age - 24 years
Commit to lifelong celibacy
Study theology and be otherwise trained for the proper office
Why do Bishops receive the fullness of orders
They are in the line of succession of the apostles
Why can’t holy order people get married
It allows the priest to dedicate his mind, his heart, and his time entirety and directly to the service of God and his fellow man
Who are co-workers with the bishop
Who are minsters of tasks of service
A bishop that the pope appoints as a consultant
The ones that are less than 80years old are responsible for electing the pope
All bishops in communion with the pope
Episcopal church
The rite of the sacrament of holy orders by which the bishop, through the imposition of hands and the prayer of consecration, confers the order of bishop, priest, or deacon to exercise a sacred power which comes from Christ on behalf of the church
One of the 3 degrees of try sacraments of holy orders
The other 2 degrees are the diaconate (deacons) and the episcopate (bishops)
Presbyterate (priesthood)