Religion Chapter fourteen Flashcards
The loving kindness, mercy, or forbearance shown to your neighbor, especially to the needy
One of the seven sacraments, also known as the sacrament of dying, administered by a priest to a baptized person who is in danger of death because of illness or old age, through prayer and the anointing of the body with the oil of the sick
Anointing of the Sick
A radical reorientation of the whole life away from sin and evil, and toward God; a central element of Christ’s preaching, of the Church’s ministry of evangelization, and of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
A morbid condition characterized by the accumulation of watery fluid in the connective tissue of the body
The suffering and death of Jesus
Pertaining to the salvation of souls: freedom from attachment, enjoying the vision of God, consummating our happiness; union with God and our own flourishing; all of this is joined to Christ’s saving passion
The Eucharist received by a dying person
What does Anointing of the Sick give
Health of soul, and sometimes body, by prayer and anointing with oil
For the Jewish people of the Old Testament, what was the relationship between illness and healing
They understood illness was linked to sin and found that conversion led to healing
What is the cause of human suffering
Man’s fallen nature
How can illness harm a person’s soul
How can it help
It can cause him to become focused on his own suffering and become self-centered
It can lead to greater maturity in what he does not understand
What are 2 reason Christ healed people
Demonstrate that he was the messiah
Out of compassion for those who were suffering
Who instituted anointing of the sick
Who instituted anointing of the sick
Who administers anointing of the sick
Who administers anointing of the sick
What are the principal elements of anointing of the sick
Laying-in of hands
Prayer said over the person requesting the special grace
The anointing of the forehead and hands with olive oil - called the oil of the sick - which has been blessed by a bishop
What two sacraments are usually done with anointing of the sick
Penance & Eucharist
They are preparing us for the moment of passing over from this life to the next
Should this sacrament be administered only in the moments before death
No. It is fitting to receive this sacrament just prior to a serious operation and as soon as there is danger of death from sickness or old age
What are the graces of anointing of the sick
Union of person to the passion of Christ for his own good and the good of the church
Strength, peace, and courage to endure in a Christian manner the sufferings of illness or old age
Forgiveness of sins and of penalty for sin if the person is sorry for his sins and unable to receive the sacrament of penance
Restoration of sanctifying grace if sorrow for mortal sin is present
Restoration of health if it is good for the salvation of the person’s soul
Reparation for passage to eternal life
Reduction or removal of all temporal punishment due to sin when the ill person is properly disposed
Are sickness and suffering evils
Yes; caused by original sin
How can we make our suffering fruitful
We can unite it to the pain of Jesus and make it Salvific
What happens when we imitate the crucified Christ and accept suffering for the good of others
We can offer up suffering as a prayer and for conversion of souls
What are the problems of life that people usually find
Why did Jesus come to be with us
He came to be with us as we suffer and to teach us hoe to respond to suffering
What are some instances of Jesus healing people
Simon’s mother in law (Mark 1:30-31)
Man with dropsy (Luke 14:1-6)
Woman with hemorrhage (Mark 5:24-34)
Why can’t a deacon give the sacrament to someone
It should be celebrates first by sacrament of penance
Latin for “traveling provisions” also “food for the journey”
When do you anoint the sacrament
A life-threatening or grace disease
The person is about to undergo a serious surgery
The person is of advanced age
A fatal illness has become more serious
Can the sacrament be repeated
What does the reciepent have to be if they are unconscious or in a coma and aware of penalty of sin
Is caring for the sick and suffering a requirement of our faith
Yes although it is difficult sometimes
Who reminded the sick people whom he was administering the sacrament of anointing of the sick “… We must believe that The Lord loves us, embraces us, never abandons us (especially in our most difficult moments..”
Archbishop Joseph Bernardin who was dying with pancreatic cancer in 1996
Why has the anointing of the sick been given to us by Jesus
To enable us to embrace the spirit, to see us safely through the doorway into the next life, and to enter the presence of the father for all eternity