Religion Chapter ten part2 Flashcards
Form (words) used in the sacrament of Baptism invoking God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Trinitarian Formula
A permanent mark on the soul that accompanies these sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders.
Another name for the sacrament of Baptism because it provides spiritual and intellectual insight to those who have received catechetical instruction while preparing for its reception.
The theological virtues that are a gift from the Blessed Trinity to a newly baptized person. These are among many gifts from God through the Sacrament of Baptism.
Faith, Hope, Charity
The people being formed in preparation for reception of the Sacrament of Baptism
Suffering death for the faith without having already received the Sacrament of Baptism. People who undergo this receive the full benefits and all of the effects of the Sacrament of Baptism.
Baptism of Blood
A ceremony or liturgical tradition used to teach the faith, administer the sacraments, and worship God.
When an un-baptized person has perfect contrition for sins committed and at least implicit intention of fulfilling God’s will for his salvation, he is said to undergo this
Baptism of Desire
An action of the church to protect or liberate a person or object from the powers of the devil—such as in the case of possession—in the name of Christ
The first of the seven sacraments and of the Sacraments of Initiation. It is the first and chief sacrament of forgiveness of sins (both original and personal sin), uniting the souk with Christ
The spiritual union existing among members of the Church in the Mystical Body of Christ, whether in Heaven, in purgatory, or on earth.
Communion of Saints
From the Greek “to instruct,” this refers to a person preparing to receive the Sacrament of Baptism
The action of giving up something attractive. Every Christian must do this in regard to sin and the near occasion of sin. In the Sacrament of Baptism, this is specifically directed against the devil, the world, and the flesh.
An official representative and helper to one being baptized; this person professes the faith if the recipient is an infant.
________ sin and ______ sin (if any) is cleansed from a soul with the administering of the Sacrament of Baptism.
Either immersion in or the pouring of _____ is a valid form of the Sacrament of Baptism; each were practiced in the early church.
___________ grace and ______ grace are received by a baptized person through the Sacrament of Baptism.
The Holy Spirit descended on the day of _________, and since then the church has taken the Sacrament of Baptism to all ends of the earth.
Concupiscence or human weaknesses, suffering, illness, and death are properties of human nature as a consequence of Original Sin that the Sacrament of _______ cannot remove from the soul.
In an emergency, the Sacrament of Baptism can be administered by anyone who intends to baptize, so long as two conditions are met: the __________________ must be recited and _____ must be used.
Trinitarian formula
In the case of _______ who have died without having received the Sacrament of Baptism, the Church invites us to trust in God’s mercy and pray for their salvation.
Baptism by _____, ______, and _____ are all types of the Sacrament of Baptism.
Blood, desire, water
When an adult is baptized, the sacrament not only cleanses his soul of sin but also remits all ___________ due to sin.
When a person receives the Sacrament of Baptism, he is made a member of the ______ established by Christ and led by the Apostles and their successors.
Two effects of the Sacrament of Baptism are ____________ from sin and a new birth in the ___________.
Holy Spirit
What are a godparent’s (sponsor’s) responsibilities during and after the administration of the Sacrament of Baptism?
They must care spiritually for the person they sponsor, through both prayer and encouragement. Should the parents fail to live up to their responsibilities, sponsors are expected to do all that is possible to protect the child.
What three excerpts from Isaiah 55: 1-3 foreshadow the Sacrament of Baptism?
- everyone who thirsts, come to the waters
- hear that your soul may live
- I will make with you an everlasting covenant
Did Jesus need to be baptized? Why or why not?
No, he was already permitted to Heaven without sin and only did it out of humility
How did St. Francis Xavier make use of the Sacrament of Baptism in his great missionary work?
He baptized hundreds of thousands of people and used it to convert them.
What is the symbolism in, “Anointing with Holy Chrism on the crown of the head after Baptism”?
The newly baptized person is anointed with sacred Chrism, blessed by the bishop, to indicate anointing of the spirit
What does the white garment you wear during Baptism represent?
They have risen with Christ
What is the memory verse?
Matthew 28:19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit….
the Sacrament of Initiation that joins a person to Christ’s Church.
Sacrament of Baptism cleanses the recipient of all ______ and confers _________ Grace that is needed to get to heaven.
Name 4 instances that water has held significance in salvation history.
Genesis, Noah & the Flood, Israelites & the Red Sea, Jews crossing Jordan River into the Promised Land, Jesus’ own baptism in the Jordan River.
When Jesus commanded his Apostles to go out and baptize all nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Baptism makes possible a life with ______.
List 10 things you receive at Baptism.
- Removal of original and actual sin, (if present)
- Imprints indelible sign consecrating the person to Christian worship
- Entry into the Church- the Mystical Body of Christ
- Confers Sanctifying Grace – a share in God’s own life
- Adoption by God as his child
- Becomes a temple of the Holy Spirit to worship God as He desires
- Actual Grace – assistance from God to resist sin
- Theological virtues of faith, hope and charity (love)
- Moral virtues of prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude
- Entry into heaven after a life lived in Christ.
What are the two principal effects of Baptism?
- Purification from sin
2. New birth in the Holy Spirit
What consequences of win remain even after Baptism?
suffering, illness, and death
Baptism also confers ____________ which helps us to resist temptation to sin.
Actual Grace
How can we show people who don’t Christ who he is?
By praying, acting, and speaking as Christ would in every situation
What three actions must happen in order to Baptism someone?
- Trinitarian Fornula
- the intention of baptism
- Uses Water Confers a valid baptism
The Baptism Rite consists of 4 things…
- Celebrant makes sign of the cross on the person’s head-belongs to Christ.
- Scripture is read-entry into the life of faith.
- Exorcism-liberation from sin-anoints with blessed oil.
- Candidate (sponsor for infants) recites baptismal promises (renunciation of Satan & POF.)
_________ is used to immerse the candidate or pour over the head (both are traceable to the early church,) three times
The newly baptized person is anointed with blessed _____ (Holy Spirit,) and given a ________ garment indicating he has been clothed & ______ with Christ.
What does the lighting of the Easter Paschal candle represent?
reminder that we are to be the light of the world.
It is Catholic tradition to baptize _______ as soon as possible after birth (usually one month) in order to begin receiving the priceless gifts of baptism
Adults who wish to be baptized are called __________ and must undergo a period of conversion and faith of the candidate to maturity.
Baptism requires how many sponsors?
baptized NON-Catholic Christian who attests to the occurrence of the baptism. (He is not expected to ensure the faith of the newly baptized.)
Christian Witness (not same as sponsor)
What things do a sponsor promise to?
ensure that the newly baptized lives the faith in case of the parents’ death, or the parents’ failure to nurture the faith.
What is required of a sponsor?
- be a baptized Catholic
- have received the Sacraments of Initiation
- 15 years of age or older
- live the faith seriously (practicing Catholic)
The ordinary ministers of baptism are usually…
bishop, priest, or deacon
Anyone can baptize as long as…
a) their intent is to baptize,
b) they pour water,
c) recite the Trinitarian Formula
Baptism by ______ is necessary for Salvation
__________ occurs when a person has NOT had the opportunity to be baptized by water and suffers death for the sake of his faith in Jesus. This was common in the early Church when they were killed for Christ before they could be baptized.
Baptism by blood
__________ refers to the salvation of those who believe in a supreme being and strive to serve him as best they are able. (God knows the heart.) This includes children who died without baptism.
Baptism of desire
The Baptized are made members of the ________, and we are called to submit ourselves to ________ and to the commands of the Church.
We are called to hold leaders of the Church in _______ and _________.
respect and affection
God has called us into existence to share in His ______ and to ______ one another.
Baptism seals us with the first of the three sacraments of _______ which grants us the needed grace to enter ________. It permanently marks us to live a life that reflects _______ in the living God.