Religion Chapter eleven Flashcards
How does confirmation pass on the grace of Pentecost
- Laying on of hands by the bishop
- Anointing with chrism oil
- The words “be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit”
What is the sacrament of initiation that passes on the grace of Pentecost
What does the grace received in confirmation enable us to do
Spread and defend the teachings of Christ and the church
We then to out and witness our faith to others
Confirmation gives us the spiritual strength to speak up for Christ and to
Defend his teachings regarding abortion, contraception, divorce, and homosexuality
What does the word Christian mean
The letter to who makes a connection between baptism and confirmation among the first elements of Christian instruction
What oil is used during the ceremony of confirmation
When is it consecrated
Chrism oil
the Holy Thursday Mass every year in a Diocese
What does confirmation usually begin with
The Confirmandi renewing their baptismal promises and a profession of faith (recite the Creed)
What must be done for confirmation to be valid
The essential rite
What includes the rite
The Sign of Peace
What happens when adults are in need of the sacraments
They are baptized into the faith, immediately followed by 1st Eucharist and confirmation
Who can receive confirmation
Any baptized person
What age does someone have to be for confirmation
The age is determined by the bishop of the diocese
confirmation completes what sacrament
What must candidates for confirmation do
Be in a state of grace
Reached the age of reason
Make a profession of faith
State the intention to receive the sacrament
Accept their obligation to profess Christ in both the church and the world
Who does the church recommend serve the role as a sponsor during confirmation
One of the godparents
What does being in a state if grace mean
No mortal sin
What does reached the age of reason mean
You can make a decision for yourself
When was the Holy Spirit poured onto the apostles
When did confirmation begin
What happens during confirmation
Baptismal grace is increased and deepened
An indelible mark is imprinted on the soul (therefore it is done only once)
Person is rooted more deeply as a child of the father
Person is united more closely to Christ
Gifts of the Holy Spirit increase
What is the bible verse for this chapter
Isaiah 11:1-6
What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom Knowledge Understanding Counsel Fortitude Piety Fear of The Lord (Wonder and Awe)
What do the graces of confirmation prepare us to practice
The apostolate which is evangelizing those around us for Christ
What are we called to do to both Catholics and others
Witness our faith
Who is the usual minister if confirmation
The bishop of the diocese
When may a priest confer confirmation
The bishop gives his permission
Someone is near death
Adult confirmands
What strengthens us to do God’s will
The gifts of the Holy Spirit and the graces of confirmation
Describe the change in the members of the early church which occurred after they received the fullness of the grace of the Holy Spirit
They became brave individuals, unafraid to stand up for the new faith
They received gifts that strengthened the individuals and the church
How are these graces received today
It begins with baptism then is strengthened by the laying-on of hands, the anointing of oil, and the saying of the words “be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit”
Confirmation perfects the grace of what other sacrament
Through the action of which divine person
It perfects the grace of baptism through the actions of the Holy Spirit
What does confirmation give us the strength to do
We are strengthened to serve the church, in order that we may be enables to bring not only ourselves but others to God
We are able to spread and defend the teachings of Christ and the church
What are the 2 other sacraments to which confirmation is linked
Why are they joined together
Baptism and Eucharist
Because they remind us of the unity of Christian initiation
What words are said during the laying-on of hands in the rite of confirmation
“Be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.”
Why is the bishop the ordinary minster of confirmation?
It is a sign of the union between the individual members of the faithful and their particular bishop
The bishop can give the priest responsibility in extreme situations
Symbol of the Holy Spirit, whose anointing of Jesus as Messiah fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament.
Christ (in Hebrew, Messiah) means “anointed one.”
The sacramental sign of confirmation, Anointing of the sick, and holy orders
The activity of the Christian which fulfills the apostolic nature of that whole church by working to extend the reign of Christ to the entire world
Perfumed oil, consecrated by the bishop, which signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit; used for consecration in the sacrament if baptism, confirmation, and holy orders
Person preparing to receive the sacrament of confirmation
One of the sacraments of initiation; completes the grace of baptism by a special outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which seal or confirm the baptized in union with Christ and equips them for worship and apostolic life in the church
One if the four cardinal moral virtues which ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in doing the good; also one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
One’s acceptance by god as a child of god, a consoling mystery bringing one a spirit of sincerity and trust while filling is with love and wonder; see the parable of the Prodigal Son Luke 15:11-32
Divine Filiation
The 15th day at the end of the 7 weeks following Passover (or Easter)
At the first, the Holy Spirit was manifested, given, and communicated to the church, fulfilling the paschal mystery of Christ
An attraction, either from outside oneself or from within, to act contrary to right reason and the commandments of God
Jesus himself during his life on earth experienced this, put to the test, to manifest the opposition between himself and the devil