Religion 3RD NINE WEEKS EXAM Flashcards
Efficacious (effective) signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the church, by which divine life is dispensed to us
what Latin word is the word sacrament derived from and what does it mean
the initiation oath of solders into the roman army
Why did Christ give us the sacraments
to enable us to share his divine life and to assist us in reaching heavenly home
What are the seven sacraments in order
Baptism Eucharist Confirmation Anointing of the Sick Reconciliation Matrimony Holy Orders
What are the 3 divine calls associated with the sacraments
A call to personal holiness
A call to worship
A call to correct moral attitude
What is the key that opens the door to all other sacraments
The church
What are the only signs that cause what they signify
The ritual use of certain things (water, bread, wine, oil) in the liturgical action
What makes up the substance of the sacrament
What did God choose the sacraments after the Fall of Adam and Eve
He chose them as means for us to attain our salvation through sensible signs
What are three reasons God chose to give us the sacraments
Man’s human nature
Man’s sinfulness
Man’s inclinations
How is each minister acting, regardless of his own sinfulness
In Persona Christi (person of Christ)
Each sacraments confers grace on us as long as the recipient doesn’t what
Place any obstacles in the way
How does God give us a share in his own divine life
Through the sacraments
What kind of grace is received everyday
Actual grace
What 3 sacraments imprint an indelible mark on the soul which distinguishes the followers of Christ from others
Holy Orders
Who is the true minister of the sacraments
What 2 sacraments do not require an ordained minster
What must the minster do to confer the sacrament
Intend the sacramental result
Use correct form
Use proper matter
Be free from mortal sin
What happens if a priest with mortal sin confers the sacrament
The sacrament is still valid but he commits another sin
What 2 sacraments do not require the recipients to be free from mortal sin
What does receiving the sacraments regularly help us to do
Be Christ to others
Free and undeserved gifts from God that helps is to conform our lives to his will
Actual grace
Any thought, word, deed, or omission contrary to God’s eternal law
A genuine offense against God
Actual sin
What does sin presume
Knowledge of wrong-doing
Awareness of malice in one’s conduct
Consent of the will
Bishop, priest, or deacon who presides at a liturgical function
Human appetites or desires which remain disordered due to the temporal consequences or original sin, which remain even after baptism, and which produce an inclination to sin
The words and signs that accompany a sacrament
The pray of the sacrament with which or to which something is done in order to confer grace
Ex) water in baptism, bread and wine in the eucharist, chrism in confirmation
That quality or assemblage of qualities which makes a person what he is, as distinct from other persons
An efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted by the church, by which divine life is dispensed to us through the work of the Holy Spirit
Indelible mark imprinted on the soul at baptism, confirmation, and/or holy orders that gives the person a greater share in the priesthood of Christ
Sacramental character
Sacraments used to restore our bodies and souls in Christ’s work of healing and salvation
Sacraments of healing
What are the sacraments of healing
Anointing of the Sick
Lay the foundation of every Christian life in a way similar to natural life: born anew in baptism, strengthened in confirmation, given food of eternal life in the Eucharist
Sacraments of initiation
Sacraments directed toward the salvation of others, conferring a particular mission in the church and serving to build up the people of god
Sacraments at service of communion
The grace which heals out human nature wounded by sin by giving us a share in the divine life of the Trinity
It is a habitual, supernatural gift which continues the work of making us perfect, holy, and Christ-like
Sanctifying grace
When baptism calls each recipient to a lifelong holiness to accomplish a mission known to God, which will be worked out over a lifetime
One of the three divine calls of the sacraments
Call to personal holiness
A crucial aspect if this call is to worship God as his church indicates, in order to acquire the graces necessary to accomplish the call
One of the three divine calls of the sacraments
Call to worship
The moral teachings of the church instruct the baptized do the will of Christ concerning their moral choices
One of the three divine calls of the sacraments
Call to correct moral attitude
What is the inheritor and guarantor of our eternal life
The church
Why do we say that sacramental signs cause what they signify
A sacrament is a sign of a sacred act or thing
All other signs merely point to something else but do not cause anything
What was the sign of God’s covenant in the Old Testament
The act of circumcision
Why do we say that sacraments have a social value
They enable us to live in community with charity towards all while binding every member of the the community to one another to the extent that each cooperated with them
What are the effects of sanctifying grace recorded in baptism
In enables us to share in God’s life, to become temples of the Trinity, adopted sons and friends of god, and heirs to heaven, able to preform acts that will merit us eternal life in heaven
From whom did we revive original sin
Adam and Eve
What are 3 effects of sacramental signs
Configure us to Christ
Distinguishes us perpetually from those who do not have the sign
Disposes us to cooperate with grace
What is the memory verse for chapter 10
Matthew 28:19
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit
What is the sacrament of initiation that joins a person to Christ’s Church
What does Baptism confer that is needed to get to heaven
Sanctifying grace
What does baptism cleanse the recipient of
All sin
What are some instances where water held significance in salvation history
Genesis Noah & the Flood Israelites & the Red Sea Jews crossing Jordan River into the Promised Land Jesus' own baptism in the Jordan River
When did baptism in the church begin
What does baptism make possible
A life with God
What does a baptized person receive
Removal of original and actual sin (if present)
Imprints indelible sign consecrating the person to Christian worship
Entry into the church - the mystical body of Christ
Confers sanctifying grace - a share in God’s own life
Adoption by God as his child
Becomes a temple of the Holy Spirit to worship God as he desires
Actual grace - assistance from God to resist sin
Theological virtues
Moral virtues
Entry into heaven after a life lived with Christ
What are the theological virtues
Charity (love)
What are the moral virtues
What are the 2 principle effects of baptism
Purification from sin
New birth in the Holy Spirit
What are the consequences of sin that remain even after baptism
What must one do to confer a valid baptism
In the name of the Trinity
With the intention of baptism
Use water
What does the baptismal rite consist of
Celebrant males sign of the cross on the person’s head-belongs to Christ
Why does the church baptize infants as soon as possible after birth (usually one month)
In order to begin receiving the priceless gifts of baptism
How many sponsors does baptism require
2 OR 1 sponsor and 1 Christian witness
What does a sponsor promise to do
Ensure that the newly baptized lives the faith in case of the parents’ death
The parents’ failure to nurture the faith
What requirements must a sponsor reach
Baptized catholic
Have received the sacraments of initiation
15 years of age or older
Live the faith seriously (practicing catholic)
Baptized non-catholic Christian who attests to the occurrence of the baptism
They are not expected to ensure the faith of the newly baptized
Christian witness
Who is the ordinary minster of baptism
Anyone can baptize in an emergency as long as
Their intent is to baptize
They pour water
They baptize in the name of the Trinity
How many times can baptism be administered and why
Because it leaves a permanent mark
We are called to hold the leaders of the church in what
What is the first of the three sacraments of initiation
What does baptism grant us
The needed grace to enter heaven
The first of the seven sacraments, and the door which gives us access to the other sacraments
First and chief sacrament if forgiveness of sins because it unites us with Christ
What kind of sin does baptism remove and to whom
Personal and original
Those who suffer death for the sake of the faith without having received baptism are baptized by their death for and with Christ
Baptism of blood
For those who believe in a supreme being and strive to serve as best they are able, who die before their baptism, their explicit desire to receive it, together with repentance for their sins, and charity, assured them the salvation that they were not able to receive through the sacrament
Baptism of desire
A person preparing to receive the sacrament of baptism
The formation of persons in preparation for the Christian initiation; aims at bringing their conversation and their faith to maturity within the ecclesial community
The unity in Christ of all the redeemed, those on earth and those who have died; it has also been interpreted to refer unity in the holy things (communio sanctorum), especially the unity of faith and charity through the Eucharist
Communion of saints
Another name for the sacrament of baptism because in baptism, those who receive this chatechetical instruction are enlightened in their understanding; the person baptized has been “enlightened”, he becomes a “son of light”, and he becomes “light”
The public and authoritative act of the church to protect or liberate a person or object from the power of the devil in the name of Christ
Ex) demonic possession
To give up something to which a person has a claim
Everyone must renounce sin and those creatures that are proximate occasions to sin
This includes Satan at baptism
Diverse liturgical traditions in which the one catholic and apostolic faith has come to be expressed and celebrate in various cultures and lands
Permanent mark given to the soul at the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and holy orders, designating one as a follower of Christ
Most often a person who presents a child at baptism (or anyone at confirmation) and professes faith in the child’s name; this person acts as a proxy if anything happens to the parents; an official representative of the community of faith
The form used in the sacrament of baptism : “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Spn, and of the Holy Spirit”
Trinitarian formula
What are the 3 effects of baptism
Entry into paradise after a life loved with Christ
Entry into Christ’s mystical body the church
You become a temple of the Holy Spirit capable of worshipping god as he desires
What must be done and said for a sacramental baptism to take place
Water is poured over the recipient 3 timed or they are submerged
The administer must say “I baptize you in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit”
Who commanded that the church baptize
Can someone who has not received the sacrament of baptism get into heaven
No because baptism is necessary for salvation
How does baptism join people together? What is this union called
A baptized person is made a me,ever if the church established by Christ
It’s called the mystical body of Christ
How does the sacrament of confirmation pass on the grace of Pentecost
Laying on of hands by the bishop
Anointing with chrism oil
The words “be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit”
What does the grace received in confirmation enable us to do
Spread and defend the teachings of Christ and the church
What is a confirmed Catholic’s mission
Go out and witness their faith to others
What does confirmation give us the spiritual strength to do
Speak up for Christ and to defend his teachings regarding abortion, contraception, divorce, and homosexuality
What does the word Christian mean
What does the letter to the Hebrews make a connection between
Baptism and confirmation among the first lee tens of Christian instruction
What is the oil used in the ceremony of confirmation called
Chrism oil
When is chrism oil consecrated
The Holy Thursday chrism mass every year in a diocese
What does confirmation normally begin with
The confirmandi renewing their baptismal promises and a profession of faith
What is the profession of faith used in confirmation
The Creed
What must be done for confirmation to be valid
The essential rite
What concludes the rite of confirmation
The sign of peace
What happens when adults are in need of the sacraments
They are 1st baptized into the faith immediately followed by 1st Eucharist and confirmation
Who can receive confirmation
Any baptized person
What sacrament completes baptism
Who determines the age at which people can receive confirmation
The bishop of the diocese
What requirements must candidates for confirmation fulfill
Be in a state of grace
Reached the age of reason
Make a profession of faith
State their intention to receive the sacrament
Accept their obligation to profess Christ in both the church and the world
Who does the church recommend serve the role as sponsor for confirmation
One of the godparents
Confirmation is the full outpouring of what
The Holy Spirit as was given to he apostles at Pentecost
When did confirmation begin
Why is confirmation done only once
It imprints an indelible mark on the soul
What are the effects of confirmation
Baptismal grace is increased and deepened
An indelible mark is imprinted on the soul
Person is rooted more deeply as a child of the father
Person is united more closely to Christ
Gifts of the Holy Spirit increase
Person’s bond with the church is perfected
Graces conferred enable you to defend the faith by word and deed
Person is enables to confess Christ boldly and never be ashamed if the cross
What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom Understanding Counsel Fortitude Knowledge Piety Fear of The Lord (wonder and awe)
What do the graces of confirmation prepare us to practice
The apostolate - which is evangelizing those around us for christ
Who is the usual minister of confirmation
The bishop of the diocese
When may a priest confer confirmation
The bishop gives his permission
Someone is near death
Adult confirmands
Symbol of the Holy Spirit, whose anointing of Jesus as Messiah fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament
What does Christ (in Hebrew, Messiah) mean
Anointed one
What sacraments are anointing the sacramental sign of
Anointing of the Sick
Holy Orders
The activity of the Christian which fulfills the apostolic nature of that whole church by working to extend the reign of Christ to the entire world
Person preparing to receive the sacrament of confirmation
One of the sacraments of initiation; completes the grace of baptism by a special outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which seal or confirm the baptized in union with Christ and equips then for worship and apostolic life in the church
One of the four cardinal moral virtues which ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in doing the good; also one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
One’s acceptance by God as a child of God, a consoling mystery bringing one a spirit of sincerity and trust while filling us with love and wonder; see the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
Divine Filiation
The 50th day at the end of the 7 weeks following Passover (or Easter)
At the first one, the Holy Spirit was manifested, given and communicated to the church, fulfilling the paschal mystery of the church
An attraction, either from outside oneself or from within, to act contrary to right reason and the commandments of God. Jesus himself during his life on earth was tempted, put to the test, to manifest the opposition between himself and the devil
Describe the change in the members of the early church which occurred after they received the fullness of the grace of the Holy Spirit
They became brave individuals, unafraid to stand up for the new faith
They receives gifts that strengthened the individuals and the church
How are these graces of confirmation received today
It begins with baptism then is strengthened by the laying-on of hands, the anointing of oil, and the saying of the words “be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit”
Confirmation perfects the grace of Baptism through the action of which divine person
Holy Spirit
What does confirmation give us the strength to do
To serve the church, in order that we may be enables to bring not only ourselves but others to god
To spread and defend the teachings of Christ and the church
What are the other 2 sacraments to which the sacrament of confirmation is linked
Baptism and Eucharist
Because they remind us of the unity of Christian initiation
What word are said during the laying-on of hands in the rite of confirmation
“Be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit”
Why is the bishop the ordinary minister if confirmation
It is a sign of the union between the individual members of the faithful and their particular bishop
The bishop can give the priest responsibility in extreme situations
The acknowledgement of God as God, Creator and Savior, The Lord and Master of everything that exists through worship and prayer
A prayer invoking God’s power and care upon some person, place, thing, or undertaking
The prayer acknowledges God as the source of all blessing
the reception of the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist; more generally, our fellowship and union with Jesus and other baptized Christians in the church, which has its source and summit in the celebration of the Eucharist
The dedication of a thing or person to divine service by a prayer or blessing
The ritual, sacramental action of thanksgiving to god which constitutes the principal Christian liturgical celebration of and communion in the paschal mystery of Christ; traditionally known as the holy Sacrifice of the mass
The real, true, and substantial existence of both Christ’s divinity and humanity in the humanity in the Holy Eucharist, under the appearance of mere bread and wine
Sacramental presence
Conscious burning desire to receive Holy Communion when unable to do so physically
Spiritual communion
The receptacle in the church in which the consecrated Eucharist is reserved for communion for the sick and dying
The scholastic term used to designate the unique change of the entire substance of the Eucharist bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ
How can it be known that Christ was not speaking symbolically or metaphorically when he taught the crowd to eat his flesh and drink his blood if they wanted eternal life?
When they started to doubt him, he still continued and provoked them even when they started to leave also
He said flesh and blood over and over again
He said “feed on me”
Even though they all left except for the 12, he did not stop the, because he knew they couldn’t accept the belief
How can it be known that Christ was not speaking symbolically or metaphorically when he taught the crowd to eat his flesh and drink his blood if they wanted eternal life?
When they started to doubt him, he still continued and provoked them even when they started to leave also
He said flesh and blood over and over again
He said “feed on me”
Even though they all left except for the 12, he did not stop the, because he knew they couldn’t accept the belief
What did some of his disciples do?
They left and only the 12 apostles stayed.
What did some of his disciples do?
They left and only the 12 apostles stayed.
How did this passage change or convict you in your own faith life? Explain.
I think what Jesus said is true that he is present. Jesus was not a liar and even though I don’t believe some things, I do believe in this. I didn’t really think much about him actually being present in the Eucharist but this passage really opened my eyes.
How did this passage change or convict you in your own faith life? Explain.
I think what Jesus said is true that he is present. Jesus was not a liar and even though I don’t believe some things, I do believe in this. I didn’t really think much about him actually being present in the Eucharist but this passage really opened my eyes.