paper 2-injury prevention Flashcards
acute injuries
injuries that occur suddenly during exercise or competition
pain felt straight away
chronic injury
occurs after playing sport or exercise for a long time
over-use injuries
ongoing injuries
signs of an acute injury
sudden pain
severe pain
bone or joint visibly out of place
types of acute injuries
a break or crack in bone
what are the two types of fractures
simple/closed fracture-break of bone that doesn’t penetrate through skin or damage any surrounding tissue
complex/open fracture-when skin and tissue has been damaged
what are all the types of fractures
spiral fracture
a winding break
comminuted fracture
bone breaks into 3 or more pieces
longitudinal fracture
break that occurs along length of bone
occur in children
where bone deforms but doesnt break
occurs in children
partial break one side but deosnt break completely
bones in younger children softer and more elastic so can bend
ends of bones are forced out of position
often occur from contact with another player
often can see bone visibly out of place
muscle fibres stretched too far and tear
takes place if intensity too high
occur where ligaments stretched too far and tear
chronic injuries
dull ache when you rest
Achilles tendonitis
over use injury that causes pain and inflammation of tendon
stress fracture
over use injury where area becomes tender and swollen
tennis elbow
over-use injury
msucles and tendons become inflammed
tiny tears occur at outside of elbow
often occurs in tennis
what is the medical term for tennis elbow
lateral epicondysitis
injury prevention methods
protective equipment
warm up
taping and bracing
can be used before symptoms occur
protective equipment examples in sport
football-shin pads
rugby-srum cap and gumshield
hockey-leg guard, shin guard
warm up
shoudl be perfromed before any training session
reduces injury by increasing elasticity of muscle tissue
increases muscle temp
body temp
oxygen delivery to working muscles
blood flow
3 stages of a warm up
stage 1-cardiovascualr activity e.g jogging
gently increases heart rate
increases cardiac output
increases vascular shunt to more blood flow to working muscles
together, increase amount of oxygen going to working muscles
stage 2-flexibility/stretching
4 types of stretches
third stage-movement patters e.g practising shooting or dribbiling
what are the 4 types of stretching
ballistic-stretching with swinging or bouncing movements
passive-stretching with help of external force e.g. partner
active-focusing on one joint pushing it beyond its resistance
static-stretching with no movement
taping and bracing
gives extra support to damaged muscle
what do injury rehabilitation methods do
reduce recovery time
proprioreceptive training
uses hopping, jumping and balance exercises to restore lost proprioception and teach body to control the position of an injured joint subconsciously
e.g balance borad, standing on wobble board helps strngthen injuried joint
strength training
uses resistance
resitance may be free weights or restitance machines
use of therabands
free weights-e.g dumbbells, have to also be controlled when liftted and muscles have to stabilise the weight too
machine weights
good for earlier stages of recovery as machines have a lot of the control
improve strength, starting from high and slowly increasing strength
body weight
using body for resistance e.g plank
improves core strength
reduces injury
made of latex
light reistnace bands used for rehabilitaion and can improve and get gretaer resinace bands as injury improves
hyperbaric chambers
chamber is pressurised
100% pure oxygen
pressure increases how much oxygen can be breathed in
more oxygen can be diffused in injured area
excess oxygen dissolves into blood plasma where it can reduce swelling
takes place in warm water
used to improve blood circulation
relieves pain and relaxes muscles
heated to approximaelt 35-37 degrees
buyoncny of water helps support body weight
exercising against resisted water, helps strengthen injured area
prevent or relieves soft tissue injuries
benefits of massages
removes lactic acid
relieves tension and pressure
improves blood flow to soft tissue so more 02 can pass through and help repair any damage
foam rollers-improve mobility and release tightness and tension in muscles
cold therapy
after intense exercise
targets minor pains and aches
using ice causes vasocnstriction, reducing blood flow and redcuing any bleeding or swelling
reduces in sweeling helps with more movement
ice baths
get into ice bath for 5-10 mins
cold water causes blood vessels to tighten
blood that leaves aslo takes away lactic acid that was built up from activity
purpose is to flusch lactic acid from muscles reducing soreness
msuch quicker version of ice baths
go in chamber for 3 minutes
and body returns back to normal
importance of sleep and nutruiton on recovery
heavy training programme means need long good quality sleeps
what is the deepest stage of sleep
NON-REM SLEEP-no rapid eye movement
brain waves are their slowest and blood flow dirceted away from brain and towards muscles to restore energy
if sleep too short, time for repair is cut too short
muscle glycogen stores decrease
need to be replenishes after exercise