mr smith-cardiovascular system Flashcards
what is the cardiovascular system
the bodys transport system
includes heart and blood vessels
delivers oxygen to working muscles
transports heat to skin so performer can cool down
what divides the heart into two parts
muscular wall called the septum
each part contains two chambers(atrium and ventricles)
characteristics of atriums
-thin muscular walls (only pushing blood to ventricles which does not require much force)
characteristics of ventricles
thicker muscular walls (need greater force in order to push blood out of heart
which side (left or right) of the body is larger and why
left side as needs to pump blood all around the body
right side only pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs which are close to the heart
blood vessels that return to the heart
vena cava-brings deoxygenated blood back to the right atrium
pulmonary vein-brings oxygenated blood to the left atrium
blood vessels that leave the heart
pulmonary artery-leaves right ventricle with deoxygenated blood to go to lungs
aorta-leaves left ventricle with oxygenated blood to rest of the body
valves of the heart
-4 main valves
-help assure blood flows in one direction
-open to allow blood flow
-close to reduce blood backflow
Cardiac conduction system
group of specialised cells that send electrical impulses to cardiac muscle
capacity of the heart to generate its own impulses
stages of the cardiac conduction system
-sends electrical signal in the SA node (sinoatrial node) also the pacemaker
-the electrical impulse then spreads through the heart
-the impulse spreads through walls of atria, causing them to contract and force blood into ventricles
-impulse then passes through the AV node (atrioventricular node) found in septum
-this delays transmission of cardiac impulse for approximately 0.1 seconds allowing atria to fully contract before ventricular systole begins
-electrical impulse then goes down to Bundle of HIS (located in septum)
-they move into smaller bundles called punkji fibres
-spread throughout ventricles causing them to contract
-ventricular systole takes place
what are the three receptors
what does the sympathetic nervous system do
stimulates heart to beat faster
what does the parasympathetic nervous system do
returns heart to resting level
what is the nervous system made up of
central nervous system ( consists of the brain and spinal cords)
peripheral nervous system(consists of nerve cells that transmit info to and from CNS)
what are the two systems(CNS and peripheral) coordinated by
Cardiac control centre
located in the medulla oblongata in brain
it is stimulated by 3 receptors (chemo, baro, proprio)
-detect chemical changes
-during exercise, detect change in C02
-c02 good at controlling heart rate
-more concentrated the co2 is, will stimulate sympathetic nervous system which increase heart rate
-detect changes in blood pressure
-they establish set point for blood pressure
-if there is increase or decrease from set point, send signal to medulla oblagata(CCC)
-increase in arterial pressure, increases stretch of baroreceptors, decrease in HR
-decrease in arterial pressure, reduces stretch of baroreceptors, increase in HR
-detect movement
-located in muscles and tendons
-they send impulse to medulla, sends impulse to sympathetic nervous system to SA to increase HR
hormonal control mechnanism
what is hormonal control
release of adrenaline during exercise
adrenaline stimulates SA node which increases speed and force of contraction
increasing cardiac output
results in more blood being pumped to working muscles so they receive more oxygen for energy needed
what is adrenaline
stress hormone released by the sympathetic nerves during exercise
what type of hormone is adrenaline
stress hormone
increase in angle between foot and tibia
decrease in angle between foot and tibia
movement of limbs away from midline of the body
movement of limbs towards midline of the body
shoulder adduction
agonist-lattissmus dorsi
antagonist-medial deltoid
shoulder abduction
agonist-medial deltoid
antagonist-latissimus dorsi
shoulder flexion
agonist-anterior deltoid
antagonist-latissimus dorsi
shoulder extension
agonist-latissimus dorsi
antagonist-anterior deltoid
shoulder horizontal abduction
agonist-latissimus dorsi
shoulder horizontal adduction
antagonist-latissimus dorsi
hip flexion
agonist-hip flexors
hip extension
antagonist-hip flexors
example of hip extension
drawing leg back in kicking ball
hip adduction
antagonist-TFL (tensor facia latae)
hip abduction
agonist-tensor facia latae
example of hip abduction
goalkeeper reaching to defend goal
star jump in gymnastics
horizontal abduction at hip
antagonist-tensor facia latae
agonist-gluteual minimus and medius
example of horizontal abduction at hip
trail leg as hurdler approaches the hurdle
horizontal adduction
agonist-gluetal mdeius
sagittal and transverse
only flexion and extension
frontal and sagittal
abduction and adduction
transverse and longitudinal
horizontal abduction
horizontal adduction
isotonic movement examples
stable/no movement
force generated by contracting but no change in length
isometric example
being balanced
e.g. plank
concentric contraction
when a muscle contracts to produce movement and shortens
eccentric contraction
muscle contracts to produce movement and lengthens
example of concentric contraction
e.g. squats
example of eccentric contractions
e.g. squats
venous return
return of blood to right side of heart by vena cava
what percentage of blood is maintained in veins at rest
does venous return increase or decrease during exercise
increases as need more blood back to heart
means more blood will be then pumped back of heart stroke volume increases-starlings law
what are the venous return mechanisms
respiratory pump
skeltal msucle pump
pocket valves
the skeletal muscle pump
when muscles contract they also change shape
change in shape means muscles press on nearby veins causing pumping effect and squeeze blood back towards heart
respiratory pump
when muscles contract and relax during breathing in and breathing out
pressure chnages in chest and abdominal
changes in pressures compress nearby veins causing blood to be squeezed back to heart
pocket valves
prevent bood back flowing
once bllod passed through, they close to stop blood from flowing in any other direction
what is blood pooling
blood collecting in veins
what is the impact of blood pressure on venous return
systolic blood increases, also increases venous return
when systolic blood decreases, also decreases venous return
starlings law
if venous return increases
heart contracts with more force
increase ejection fraction
stroke volume
what happens to oxygen during exercise
3% dissolves into plasma
97% combines with haemoglobin
what is formed when oxygen and haemoglobin combine
cardiac conduction system
sends electrical impulse to cardiac muscle
causing it to contract
in through atria and out of ventricles
why is the heart myogenic
starts beat itself with electrical signal in SA node
what happens in the cardiac conduction system
electrical signal in SA node spreads through the heart
impulse spreads to walls of atria causing them to contract and force blood into ventricles
impulse then passes to AV node
AV node delays transmission of cardiac impulse by 0.1 seconds to enable atria to fully contract
electrical passes down to bundle of HIS
locates in septum
branches out and moves into smaller branches, punkji fibres
spreead throughout ventricles to cause them to contract
what are the 3 mechnisma that controol the rate at which cardiac impulses are fired from sa node
sympathetic nervous system
stimulates heart to beat faster
parasympathetic nervous system
returns heart to resting level
detect chemical changes
detect increase in C02
role of co2 is good at controlling heart rate
increased concentration in c02 stimulates sympathetic nervous system which makes heart beat faster
detect changes in blood pressure
establish set point for blood pressure
increase ij this set point or decrease in set point, sends signal to medualla of brain
increase in artial pressure, increase in stretch and results in decrease of HR
baroreceptors summed up
increase in arterial pressure, increase in stretch, decrease in HR
decrease in arterial pressure, decrease in stretch,increase in HR
detect changes in movement
located in mucles, joints and tendons
start, detect change in muscle movement
receptors then send signal to medulla
sends impulse to sympathetic nervouse system to SA node
increase HR
what type of hormone is adrenaline
stress hormone released by sympathetic nervous system
what is stroke volume
amount of blood pumped out of heart ventricles in each contraction
what does stroke volume depend on
venous return-volume of blood returning to heart via the veins
elasticity of cardiac muscles-
relatiosnship between stroke volume and venous return
as stroke volume increase, so does venous return
if more blood enters heart, more blood goes out
diastole phase
heart relaxes to fill with blood
starlings law
elasticity of cardiac muscle
more muscle stretches during diostole
greater force of contraction
increase in ejection fraction
idea of starlings law
what is ejection fraction
percenatge of blood pumped out of left ventricle per beat
what is heart rate
amount of times heart beat per minute
cardiac output
volume of blood pumped out of heart ventricles per minute
equal to stroke volume times HR
how do you calculate max HR
what is cardiac hypertrophy
where cardiac muscle beomes bigger and stronger
what is bradycardia
decrease in resting HR
cardiac output in response to exercise
increases as well as stroke volume and heart rate
but only to max intensity
then plateaus
stroke volume in response to exercise
increases till about 40-60% intensity then plateaus
ventricles do not have as much time to fill up with blood so cant pump as much out
when is conory heart diseased caused
occurs when conoary heart arteries are blocked or built up with fatty deposits-process called atheroscelerosis
what are the fatty deposits called
what do your conary arteries do
supply heart with oxygenated blood
what is the process of conrary arteries being blocked or narrowed by fatty deposits
what are things that can casue conary heart disease
high chlosterol levels
lack of exercise
what is angina
when blockage of conary arteries causes discomfort
what can cause a blood clot
if arthermona (fatty deposit) breaks up in conary artery
can cut of supply of oxygen to blood causing heart attack
blood pressure
force exerted by blood against blood vessel wall
two types of chloestrol
HDL-high denisty lipoproteins
known as good chlosterol as lower risk of HR
LDL-low density lipoproteins
bad chlosetrol as increase risk of heart disease
what is a stroke
when blood supply to part of brain is cut off
cardiovascular drift
idea that at a steady, HR doesnt stay the same but slowly climbs
this is cardiovascular drift
progressive decrease in stroke volume and arterial blood pressure, but progressive increase in HR
what is the vascular system made up of
blood vessels that deliver oxygen and nutrients to body and take away waste products e.g carbon dioxide
what are the two types of circulation
what are the five different blood vessels in the vascular system that carry blood around body then transport it back to heart
charcateristics of veins
contain valves-prevent chnage in blood direction, close to keep blood flowing in one direction
thin walls
blood at low pressure
charcteristics of arteries
high blood pressure
smaller lumen
characteristics of capilleries
only wide enough to fit one blood cell through
one cell thick
venous return
return of blood to right side of heart via the vena cava
during exercise, venous return increases
what are the three venous return mechanisms
skeltal muscle pump
respiratory pump
pocket valves
skeletal muscle pump
when msucles contract and relax, chnage shape
muscles press on nearby veins
causing pumping effect
squeeze blood towards heart
respiratory pump
muscles contract and relax during breathing in and breathing out
pressure chnages in chest and abdominals causing compression against nearby veins
assist blood back to heart
pocket valves
assure blood flows in one direction and doesn’t change direction
open and close to let blood flow and prevent blood backflow
when do the mechanisms need to be working
during exercise as too much oxygen to meet demand and suring active cool down
prvent blood pooling
what is blood pooling
collection of blood in veins
what happens to oxygen during exercise where does it go
3% dissolves into plasma
97% combines with haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin
what does oxygen and haemoglobin make
what happens to oxygen at tissues
oxygen is released from oxyhameoglobin reffered to as oxyhameoglobin dissociation
what is shunting
redistribution of blood to working muscles
why should we eat at least 1 hour before exercise
as full gut will mean blood is directed to the stomach rather then the working muscles
control of blood flow
detected by chemorecpetors which detect co2 levels
stimulate medualla
redistribute blood flow through vasoconstriction and vasodilation
what is vasoconstriction
narrowing of blood vessels to reduce blood flow into capilleries
what is vasodilation
widening of blood vessels to increase blood flow in capillaries
what happens to oxygen during vasodilation and vasoconstriction
more oxygen needed at working msucles
vasodilation wll occur at needed muscles
vasodilation will occur to muscles not being used intestines and liver
stroke volume
volume of blood leaving heart per beat
cardiac output
volume of blood leaving heart per minute
calculated by stroke volume times heart rate
expiratory reserve volume
volume of air expired after normal breath
residual volume
volume of air that remains in lungs even after expiratory reserve volume
minute ventilation
volume of air breathed in or out of lungs per minute
tidal volume times breathing frequency
sub max
supply of 02 can meet demand
02 deficit repaid
steady state
supply of 02 can not meet demand
HR continues to increase
until lactate threshold is reached
for anaerobic exercise
charactersics of atria
smaller then venetricles
onl have to push blood down to the ventricles
doesnt require much force so thin muscular walls
charcterstics of ventricles
thicker msuclar walls as have to contract and push blood all of the way out of the heart
requires more force so thicker walls
which side is bigger of the heart
left side is bigger as needs to pump blood all around body
right side smaller as only pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs
blood vessels of heart
vena cava-brings deoxygenated blood back to right atrium
pulmonery vein-brings oxygenated blood back to left atrium
pulmoney artery-takes deoxygenated blood from rigth ventricle back to the lungs
aarota-takes oxygenated blood from left ventricle back to rest of the body
valves of the heart
assures blood flows in only one direction
open to allow blood flow
close to prevent blood backflow
tricuspid valce located between rigth atrium and right ventricle
bicuspid located between left ventricle and left atrium
semi lunar valves found in between all valves
cardiac conduction system
sa node
av node
bundle of his
punkji fibres
cardiac conduction system
send electrical impulses to cardiac muscle causing it to contract
myogenic as heart beats itself
sa node
signal spread through heart (wave of excitation)
spread through walls of atria for them to contract and force blood to the ventricles
av node
impulse passes through av node
delays transmission of cardiac impulse for approxiamely 0.1 secs to allow atria to fully atract before ventricular systole begins
bundle of his
passed down fibres which form the bundle of his
branches out into two bundle bunches
moves into smaller bundles called punkji fibres
punjki fibres
spread signal to ventricles to allow them to fully contract
what control the rate of the cardiac conduction system
control rate at which cardiac impulses can be fired
what doez the neural control mechansim consist of
sympathetic nervous system-stimulates heart to beat faster
parasympathetic nervous system-returns heart to resting level
what is the nervous system made up of
central nervous sytem-brain and spinal cord
peripheral nervous system-nerve cells that transmit info to and from CNS
sense chemical changes
during exercise,detect increase in carbon dioxude
carbon dioxide imporant in controlling HR
increase in concetration of co2 will have effect of stmulating sympathetic nervous system, heart will beat faster
detect changes in blood pressure
establish set point
any increase or decrease from set point
they signal medulla in brain
increase in arterial pressure causes increase in stretch of baroreceptors, results in decrease in HR
nerve endings located in muscles
provide info about movement and body position
exercise, detect increase in msucle movement
send impulse to medulla
sends signal through sympathetic nervous system to SA node to increase HR
when parasympathetic system stimulates SA node, HR decreases
hormonal control
release stress hormone adrenaline
stimulates SA node (pacemaker
increasse in speed and force of contraction
inceases cardiac output
adrenalise-stress hormone released by sympathetic nerve and cardiac nerve during exercise
what is strove volume
volume of blood pumped out of ventricles per contraction
what are the two factors that SV depedn on
venous return
elasticiity of cardiac fibre
how does sv affact venous return
venous return-amount of blood returning back to heart via the veins
if venous return increases, Sv also increases
as more blood returns to the heart, more blood is then pumped out
elasticity of cardiac fibres
concerned with degree of stretch of cardiac tissue durig diastolic phase of cardiac cycle
more cardiac fibre can stretch, greater the force of contraction
starlings law
increased venous return-greater diastolling filling of heart-cardiac muscle stretched-more force of contraction-increased ejection fraction
ejection fraction
percentage of blood pumped out of left ventricle per beat
how does cardiac tissue affect sv
greater the contralicerty of cardiac tissue, greater the force of contraction
increasse in SV
impact of exercise on HR
number of times heart beat per minute
cardiac output
volume of blood pumped out of heart ventricles per minute
SV times HR=cardiac output
heart rate in response to exercise
HR increases but is depedednt on intesnsity of exercise
higher intensity, higher HR
maximum HR calcualtion
why does trained perfomrer have greater heart rate range
resting HR is lower
max heart rate increases
hints to remember sub max and max graphs
sub max-strraigth top
for jogging
demand of oxygen is met
for sprints
cardiac hypertrophy
where cardiac muscle becomes bigger and stronger
happens when regualr aerobic training takes place
3 main things to think
reduction in H
cardiac output in response to exercise
during exercise, huge increase in CQ due to increase in HR and increase in SV
Increase as intensity increases but only till max intensity is reached, the plateaus
at rest, cariadc output stays the same
MAX cardiac output changes
Sv in response to exercise
SV increases as intensity increases
only case up to 40-60% effort
once hit this point, SV plateaus
ventricles do not have as long to fill up with blood
why does heart disease take place
conoary arteries supply heart muscle with oxygenated blood
become blocked or narrowed by build up of fatty deposits
proccess is called atherosclerosis
what are the fatty deposits called
what can cause artheroscerlosis
lack of exercise
high levels of chloestrol
what happens when conorary arteries become narrow
cannot deliver as much oxgen to heart
pain occurs
what is the pain called from atherscerlosis
what causes a blood clot
piece of fatty acid breaks off in conorary artery. results in blockage forming
cut off supply of oxygenated blood to ehart muscle
result in heart attack
what is the impact of increased blood pressure
puts strain on arteries
left untreated, increase risk of heart attacj
regular exercise can reduce blood pressue
what are the two types of cholestrol
HDL-bad cholestrol
links to increased risk of heart disease
LDL-good cholestrol
lowers risk of heart disease
blood supply to brain is cut off
heart disease
blood supply to heart muscle cut off
cardiovascualr drift
steady state when HR should stay the same but instead slowly rises
progressive decrease in SV and blood pressure with increase in HR
when we sweat, portion of this fluid is from plasma volume
decrease in plasma volume, reduces sv and venous return
Hr increases to maintain CQ to create more energy to cool body down
venous return
return of blood back to heart via the veins
venous return mechanisms
skeltal muscle pump
respiratory pump
pocket valves
sally reads purposelly
skeltal muscle pump
when msucles contract and relax, xhnage shape
this chnage in shape means muscles ress on nearby veins
causing pumping effect
squeeze blood towards heart
repiratory pump
when ksucles contract breathing in and out, pressure chnages
pressure change casues nearby veins to compress
asssists blood returns back to heart
pocket valves
prevent blood backflow
assure blood flows in one diraction